Worst Song Ever

Anybody have a couple of dull jumbo pencils I can jam into my ears until they meet in the middle?

Man, I hate that song so I'll second this one. I love 'Zombie' though.

My stepson has been walking around the house lately singing some song about praying the way a country boy prays, playing with red dirt and hunting and fishing every day. Something like that. If I ever hear this song I bet it will be worthy of a mention.
Man, I hate that song so I'll second this one. I love 'Zombie' though.

My stepson has been walking around the house lately singing some song about praying the way a country boy prays, playing with red dirt and hunting and fishing every day. Something like that. If I ever hear this song I bet it will be worthy of a mention.

My dad used to sing a song about a woman being mistaken for pregnant cause she was full of butter beans
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I love "take on me". I sing along too although it prob sounds like a cat in a blender

Yeah, 'Take on Me' is good stuff. I like a ton of cheesy stuff from the 80s and 90s though.

My dad used to sing a song about a woman being mistaken for pregnant cause she was full of butter beans

That sounds like something my boy would like. He is all in on country music and I can't stand hardly any of it.
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This song is ironical... the band sucked, too. It's shameful how an influential band like the Jefferson Airplane turned into this embarrassment.
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Don't forget Dreams. Turrrrible.
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Tied to the whipping post

I got so freaking sick of that song. I'll wreck my car scrambling for the radio dial to spare my ears one more single note of that mind numbing never ending rambling diatribe. The song that NEVER ENDS!!! What is it like 8 min long?
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