Yet another fatal case of police brutality

It's amazing how quickly people are willing to jump to conclusions - on both sides.

You've got one group completely ready to believe that this guy was completely innocent and was killed entirely due to race.

And the other side already assuming this guy was a thug and was shot because he reached for his gun, despite being pinned on the ground face down and having already been tazed.

This is why we can't have nice things.
And for the record, you do not reach for your weapon for any other reason than to pull it, and you do not ever pull your weapon unless you are 100% ready to use it with deadly force. You do not EVER pull a weapon to scare someone, that gets you dead, quick fast and in a hurry. If you can not live with that rule DO NOT CARRY A WEAPON!

Truer words have never been spoken.
It's amazing how quickly people are willing to jump to conclusions - on both sides.

You've got one group completely ready to believe that this guy was completely innocent and was killed entirely due to race.

And the other side already assuming this guy was a thug and was shot because he reached for his gun, despite being pinned on the ground face down and having already been tazed.

This is why we can't have nice things.

Yes, until all the facts are out in the open, we won't know which is correct, or if it's something in between. Unfortunately, we'll probably never have all the facts out in the open.
I can't really tell what's going on in the video. They had like two men on him, and he was completely subdued (or almost subdued) and the cop just unloads 4 or 5 rounds in his head when he's down?
There's a video with an alternative view so you can judge for yourself. I refuse to post it here because it is perhaps the most graphic thing I've ever seen. Just go to WARNING: Once you see it, you cannot un-see it.
To be clear I think in general this is more of an issue of authority than race. But it's well documented that police treat white people with guns differently than they treat black people with guns. Here's one example of a little social experiment that clearly shows that. There are countless other examples if you want to start googling. I'm definitely not just cherry picking one video

I've said this before I've said it again. More people need to study social psychology. Literally every single human being subconsciously breaks people down into groups, including by race in an attempt to asses threats. We evolved in tribes. If someone looked differently than you they we're almost certainly an enemy. The only way to correct for this is to know that you have that bias and adjust for it. That's not just with regards to racism, its any kind of bias. But most people don't like learning that every thought they've ever had was based in bias.

Social psychology should be mandatory at the high school level. Civics too.
I've said this before I've said it again. More people need to study social psychology. Literally every single human being subconsciously breaks people down into groups, including by race in an attempt to asses threats. We evolved in tribes. If someone looked differently than you they we're almost certainly an enemy. The only way to correct for this is to know that you have that bias and adjust for it. That's not just with regards to racism, its any kind of bias. But most people don't like learning that every thought they've ever had was based in bias.

Social psychology should be mandatory at the high school level. Civics too.

I won't concede your point necessarily on having an innate bias but even if I did, why must I "adjust" for it?
If I were superstitious, I would say you assholes jinxed me. I haven't been pulled over since I was in college 10 years ago...but I get pulled tonight for rolling through a stop sign.

Thanks, Dbags. (kidding, sort of).

(got a warning, so it's all good)
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There's a video with an alternative view so you can judge for yourself. I refuse to post it here because it is perhaps the most graphic thing I've ever seen. Just go to WARNING: Once you see it, you cannot un-see it.

I watched it and I still don't see how the cops felt threatened enough to do that. They were on top of him. I guess I don't understand why they felt it was necessary to put the gun TO his chest and just unload. That was pretty bad though. You could see life leaving his body. Sad.
There's a video with an alternative view so you can judge for yourself. I refuse to post it here because it is perhaps the most graphic thing I've ever seen. Just go to WARNING: Once you see it, you cannot un-see it.

I'm surprised he wasn't dead instantly. That was fugged-up, man.
I won't concede your point necessarily on having an innate bias but even if I did, why must I "adjust" for it?

Concede whatever you like. Its science. That isn't my political belief. And nobody said you "must" adjust for it. If you want to think and behave like an impulsive ape that's on you.
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My apologies for going against the grain here, but something doesn't add up, to me. If someone I loved just got shot - by anyone - I would not calmly reach for my phone and begin recording. I understand if a witness does, but this lady, to me, seems to be acting a little bit. And at the beginning of this video, the officer sounds like he's a bit frantic (which would call into question his ability to be an officer IMO, but something happened to get him that rattled).

I would just caution folks to get the full story here, not just the aftermath. CNN currently has this plastered on their front page, which IMO is the EXACT problem. They rile up the masses on these things and make it worse before vetting the whole story.

No offense to anyone, JMHO.
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My apologies for going against the grain here, but something doesn't add up, to me. If someone I loved just got shot - by anyone - I would not calmly reach for my phone and begin recording. I understand if a witness does, but this lady, to me, seems to be acting a little bit. And at the beginning of this video, the officer sounds like he's a bit frantic (which would call into question his ability to be an officer IMO, but something happened to get him that rattled).

I would just caution folks to get the full story here, not just the aftermath. CNN currently has this plastered on their front page, which IMO is the EXACT problem. They rile up to the masses on these things and make it worse before vetting the whole story.

No offense to anyone, JMHO.

I was wondering the same thing. How could that woman be so calm "reporting" live on Facebook what happened. I am not denying that anything happened as she said it but I was asking myself if some people are just so conditioned to this that they have become unemotional now? It was so bizarre. AND to find out her daughter was in the back seat. I would have been freaking out wanting to get my child out of there in case the cop felt the need to shoot again and missed or something. That whole thing is very, very strange! If the man died the way it has been reported, it sounds like the cop overreacted BUT we don't know that either. He could have been threatening the cop. Although people that knew the guy said he was a really good guy, so it sounds like it's going to be another huge mess. I fear that this summer we will have riots everywhere over these things.
There very well could be riots, and on that side, I really can't blame them. Mobs have always been fickle -- back to the beginning of time. It's human nature. My problem is that we now have media outlets and social media platforms that completely blow things out of proportion unnecessarily. And spare me on this one, but CNN knows what they are doing. They are opportunists when it comes to their underlying agenda -- they couldn't give two sh*ts about this guy being shot...this is a story that conveniently diverts attention away from what is going on with Hillary right now.

But on topic here, this very well could end up being yet another case of police brutality...I would simply caution finding out the WHOLE story before simply overreacting prematurely.
Concede whatever you like. Its science. That isn't my political belief. And nobody said you "must" adjust for it. If you want to think and behave like an impulsive ape that's on you.

Well if it's innate as you contend, then that's the way god or mother earth or whoever the f*ck you attribute creation to wanted it. Why must anyone "adjust" to it? Why can't we realize that yes, there are innate biases and learn to deal with it. In other words, I don't give a shit about your bias. Why do you care about mine?
It just happened again in Minnesota. I am afraid this is going to explode into something that just can no longer be ignored. Things are not making sense to me as to why this happens over and over.

See this is what a lot of us were trying to say in regards to radical Islam. Are all cops bad people, are all Muslims bad people? No. Are some cops bad people and some Muslims bad people? Yes. Should you be careful around both of them based on statistics and evidence such as this video and the videos of the bombings in the airport? Yes.
See this is what a lot of us were trying to say in regards to radical Islam. Are all cops bad people, are all Muslims bad people? No. Are some cops bad people and some Muslims bad people? Yes. Should you be careful around both of them based on statistics and evidence such as this video and the videos of the bombings in the airport? Yes.

I never said all cops are bad or crooked. I know some who are great people and I also know some who are complete douches. I just think with this being something we are either seeing more of or are becoming aware of now on a broader scale because of access to social media and people recording everything on their phones, that perhaps some retraining should be considered because quite a few of these recent cases just don't "seem" to have needed to result in death IMO
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See this is what a lot of us were trying to say in regards to radical Islam. Are all cops bad people, are all Muslims bad people? No. Are some cops bad people and some Muslims bad people? Yes. Should you be careful around both of them based on statistics and evidence such as this video and the videos of the bombings in the airport? Yes.
That's an interesting parallel. Good job.
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This is going to boil over. The Louisiana situation is a bit murky, but the Minnesota one seems to be more clear cut. If the man in question was simply reaching for his wallet, then why did he have to be killed?

This is my own personal point of view, this is less about race than it is about cops acting responsibly and without being over zealous. Now many will disagree with me. Those who are black may have a different POV than my own. Their experiences are different and I agree that neither of these men deserved to be shot and killed.

What I will say, is that there is a clear, distinct pattern when these police shootings occur. And the media only care when it's a white cop shooting a black man. That's it. This is despite the fact that black on black crime is much higher and more serious, especially in places like Chicago and Baltimore. This is despite the fact that more unarmed white people per year are killed by police.

This is the reason to me why this issue needs to be non racial. Because it doesn't just happen to black people, it happens to citizens of every race. And the double standard of reporting is glaring here. People should be concerned and upset about cops using excessive force, but not just when it happens to African-Americans. How are black lives supposed to matter when they don't even matter to each other?
In response to the Minnesota incident, it will be interesting to find out how the folks in the car posed a huge threat to the police. They had a child in the car. The driver was the woman, who seems to have the ability to almost completely detach from what just happened so she can be a sort of on-the-scene reporter. And... they were stopped for a busted tail light. I dunno anything about the male passenger who was killed, except he was a black male with a weapon, and apparently had a permit for the weapon. It sorta bothers me that this happened not too far from my brother's family's home (St. Michael and Rogers, just northwest of Minneapolis). I don't think I've ever seen more than a half-dozen black people in all the times I have been up there. As Chris Rock used to joke "They ain't no black people in Minnesota except Prince and Kirby Puckett!" And, those two are both gone now.
To comment further on the Minnesota scene...

You know what jumps out at me the most? (No, Strum... what jumps out at you?) I'll tell ya; the woman and her video! I'm not trying to get off-track from the tragedy, but it reveals a very strange evolution in human reaction instincts. I try to imagine that happening to me, or something even remotely similar, and I don't even THINK about "where is my phone to record this?" at all. It must be a generational/age thing. These smartphones are the sign of the Apocalypse.
The video thing with this woman in Minn is really raising a ton of red flags, for me. There is no way a person just has their loved one shot right beside them...and their mental thinking leads them to grab the camera. I just can't wrap my head around that. There's more to the story here.
I also agree with the sentiment on here that people are jumping to conclusions far too quickly. Whether you think this was justified or that it was cold blooded murder, we just don't have everything yet.

My instincts at the moment, however, tell me that shooting this man while he was restrained on the ground was not needed and completely unnecessary.
To comment further on the Minnesota scene...

You know what jumps out at me the most? (No, Strum... what jumps out at you?) I'll tell ya; the woman and her video! I'm not trying to get off-track from the tragedy, but it reveals a very strange evolution in human reaction instincts. I try to imagine that happening to me, or something even remotely similar, and I don't even THINK about "where is my phone to record this?" at all. It must be a generational/age thing. These smartphones are the sign of the Apocalypse.

Yeah, I found that to be way too bizarre to say the least. I would have been screaming my head off if my boyfriend was laying there bleeding from being shot and appeared to be dying and my child is in the back seat. She was just way too calm about it and more concerned with recording herself. I am not really sure what to make of that though. It is telling though, I am sure, of something that has shifted in society in a big way, not necessarily a "good" thing either.
What's shifting is the racial divide. It's getting worse. It's probably worse than it was 10 years ago. The country is still very segregated, the difference is, is that it's by choice and not by law.

It's a combination of academic left wing identity politics, the conservative/right backlash, and horrific police incidents. But people are talking past each other and it's counter productive.

And what people don't realize, is that this issue is more complicated than it seems. Nothing is ever so black and white, at least not like it was in the 1950s and 60s.
To comment further on the Minnesota scene...

You know what jumps out at me the most? (No, Strum... what jumps out at you?) I'll tell ya; the woman and her video! I'm not trying to get off-track from the tragedy, but it reveals a very strange evolution in human reaction instincts. I try to imagine that happening to me, or something even remotely similar, and I don't even THINK about "where is my phone to record this?" at all. It must be a generational/age thing. These smartphones are the sign of the Apocalypse.

I completely agree...which might be another sign of the Apocalypse.
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Left wing academia, tea party conservative backlash, and the fact that there is a problem with police using excessive force in situations where they do not need to.

And the media blowing everything out of proportion (both sides of the isle). And social media providing the true idiots of our world to have a "voice" and gather more idiots.
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And the media blowing everything out of proportion (both sides of the isle). And social media providing the true idiots of our world to have a "voice" and gather more idiots.

Even better point. Media, and proper reporting in general, has regressed. Social media, as you stated, just lends itself to idiots who before had no outlet to voice their stupidity. Social media is a cesspool when it comes to information because any schmuck with a semi functional brain can post a meme or a video and claim "this is true" and others will follow.
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Even better point. Media, and proper reporting in general, has regressed. Social media, as you stated, just lends itself to idiots who before had no outlet to voice their stupidity. Social media is a cesspool when it comes to information because any schmuck with a semi functional brain can post a meme or a video and claim "this is true" and others will follow.

Exactly. I firmly believe this is a major reason we are regressing as a society. There's a reason the notion of "Keep it in-house" surrounds the most successful organizations. Problems are easier to deal with and fix when they are isolated solely to the ones involved.
Left wing academia, tea party conservative backlash, and the fact that there is a problem with police using excessive force in situations where they do not need to.

I'll agree. I don't know if the responsibility lies equally with all those but I'll give each group some.

And the media blowing everything out of proportion (both sides of the isle). And social media providing the true idiots of our world to have a "voice" and gather more idiots.

I agree wholeheartedly.

The ubiquitous phone/cameras and instant global sharing are what's new. The rest is the same old sh*t it's always been.

Agree again. But that brings an interesting question to the table. Would you personally go for the red pill and choose to be informed on all of this (biased takes and all) or do you go for the blue pill and go back to the days when you say this shit was happening yet it wasn't so noticeable because of the lack of news sources?

Personally, I'd take the ignorance is bliss route.
Exactly. I firmly believe this is a major reason we are regressing as a society. There's a reason the notion of "Keep it in-house" surrounds the most successful organizations. Problems are easier to deal with and fix when they are isolated solely to the ones involved.

Great point.
Exactly. I firmly believe this is a major reason we are regressing as a society. There's a reason the notion of "Keep it in-house" surrounds the most successful organizations. Problems are easier to deal with and fix when they are isolated solely to the ones involved.

I once saw a meme that showed a satellite image of the United States from space, in which the land was green and lush. The bottom date showed the year 1979.

The second satellite image showed the U.S. in 2014, only the land looked gray and lifeless. The caption read something like: The United States then and now, we are destroying our wild life, THIS IS NOT SUSTAINABLE.

And all the retards were going crazy over it until someone had the intelligence to point out the gray satellite image was simply what the U.S. looks like in winter from a spacecraft.

The point of this story? Believe almost nothing you read on Facebook, twitter, or instagram. Chances are, it's wrong.
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Apparently asking if you're being detained is "talking shit" to the officer. That is the proper language and way to address a LEO about your situation. It's none of her business where he is headed.
Agree again. But that brings an interesting question to the table. Would you personally go for the red pill and choose to be informed on all of this (biased takes and all) or do you go for the blue pill and go back to the days when you say this shit was happening yet it wasn't so noticeable because of the lack of news sources?

Personally, I'd take the ignorance is bliss route.
I would absolutely not go back. I am a firm believer in the value of communication, on both micro and macro levels. Like anything it comes with responsibility and can be misused. But ultimately as human beings if we cannot find a way to coexist (using that word just for y'all) we will all be worse off. And the only way for that to happen is to communicate - to both express ourselves intelligently and to listen and appreciate the experiences and opinions of others.

The communication technology is just a tool; like any tool it can be used wisely and it can also be misused. But the potential for good outweighs the drawbacks in my opinion.
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