Yet another fatal case of police brutality

I would absolutely not go back. I am a firm believer in the value of communication, on both micro and macro levels. Like anything it comes with responsibility and can be misused. But ultimately as human beings if we cannot find a way to coexist (using that word just for y'all) we will all be worse off. And the only way for that to happen is to communicate - to both express ourselves intelligently and to listen and appreciate the experiences and opinions of others.

The communication technology is just a tool; like any tool it can be used wisely and it can also be misused. But the potential for good outweighs the drawbacks in my opinion.

Time for the gun control activists to migrate over to the FB / Twitter Control crowd then. We need stricter laws in place to regulate who is able to open an account on these platforms. ;)
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Time for the gun control activists to migrate over to the FB / Twitter Control crowd then. We need stricter laws in place to regulate who is able to open an account on these platforms. ;)
Just for the sake of argument, it is impossible to have a social media account that's completely anonymous or can't be traced back to you. Maybe that would be a good standard for firearms?
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I would absolutely not go back. I am a firm believer in the value of communication, on both micro and macro levels. Like anything it comes with responsibility and can be misused. But ultimately as human beings if we cannot find a way to coexist (using that word just for y'all) we will all be worse off. And the only way for that to happen is to communicate - to both express ourselves intelligently and to listen and appreciate the experiences and opinions of others.

The communication technology is just a tool; like any tool it can be used wisely and it can also be misused. But the potential for good outweighs the drawbacks in my opinion.

If what you say is true, then why were things so much more harmonious 20 years ago?
Where were you then? Because I doubt you'll find too many people that would say the 90s weren't infinitely better with regards to racial harmony.
The ubiquitous phone/cameras and instant global sharing are what's new. The rest is the same old sh*t it's always been.
Just because it was less visible doesn't mean it wasn't there.
If what you say is true, then why were things so much more harmonious 20 years ago?

I'm sort of playing devil's advocate here. 20 years ago the technology that exposes these kinds of incidents today did not exist. A hardcore lefty would say that things were never that harmonious and now the deep fractions are being brought to light.
Just because it was less visible doesn't mean it wasn't there.
We are just exposed to EVERY event now, almost as soon as it happens. We never had that 25 years ago. I'm actually thankful for that. But, I'm sure that it was happening, in a relative sense, just like today. Imagine the situation in the 1920's in Rosewood, Florida. And, who-knows-how-many situations in the South in the 60's during civil rights.
I'm sort of playing devil's advocate here. 20 years ago the technology that exposes these kinds of incidents today did not exist. A hardcore lefty would say that things were never that harmonious and now the deep fractions are being brought to light.

But that's the point I was getting at. I agree. Maybe these things were happening all along. But it didn't impact everyone because everyone wasn't exposed to it. So the black guy in NC wasn't mad at the white cop in NC because the black guy in Oklahoma was killed by the white cop in Oklahoma. Problems were local. But social media has made everything known to everyone and it actually encourages an opinion or involvement in things that are of little concern to you individually.

I was in high school, college and out of college in the 90s. And through all of those venues, I never saw racial unrest anywhere near the level it is now. No. Where. Close. Things were good. Black and white people got along much better then than they do now. In addition to social media and the lack of journalistic integrity in traditional media, the Obama admin bears a ton of responsibility for the way they have chosen to deal with these issues. I've said it before, he is the tone setter. And he has done nothing to quiet the storm. He has fanned the flames at every opportunity. That dude sucks.
I do agree, Obama has fanned the flames. His biggest mistake was trying to appeal to his black voting base by saying shit like "If I had a son he'd look like Trayvon" instead of remaining impartial.
But that's the point I was getting at. I agree. Maybe these things were happening all along. But it didn't impact everyone because everyone wasn't exposed to it. So the black guy in NC wasn't mad at the white cop in NC because the black guy in Oklahoma was killed by the white cop in Oklahoma. Problems were local. But social media has made everything known to everyone and it actually encourages an opinion or involvement in things that are of little concern to you individually.

I was in high school, college and out of college in the 90s. And through all of those venues, I never saw racial unrest anywhere near the level it is now. No. Where. Close. Things were good. Black and white people got along much better then than they do now. In addition to social media and the lack of journalistic integrity in traditional media, the Obama admin bears a ton of responsibility for the way they have chosen to deal with these issues. I've said it before, he is the tone setter. And he has done nothing to quiet the storm. He has fanned the flames at every opportunity. That dude sucks.

Exactly. 100%
Doesn't it make sense to try to understand both sides of this, too, rather than simply reacting to social media outrage? See link:

I don't think the 2016 report is out yet, but from what I can tell, consistently every year, the highest number of police officer fatalities occur during traffic stops. Wouldn't that lead one to understand why they would be so quick to action if they feel someone is reaching for a weapon? Asking from a devil's advocate angle.

Apparently asking if you're being detained is "talking shit" to the officer. That is the proper language and way to address a LEO about your situation. It's none of her business where he is headed.

I rarely think the "C" word is applicable to a female, but in this case......
That wench is power mad and out of control. She has no business wearing a uniform.
You know sometimes someone may have to be aggressive, BUT that old saying you get more bees with honey than with vinegar, well there is some truth in that. I don't understand the hateful, aggressive attitudes right off the bat like this woman (and a lot of cops lately) has and I tend to think in a lot of cases, if you approach things in a bit milder manner you will get different results and IF the person/suspect is aggressive from the get go THEN do what you got to do. These two cases in the last two days could have had quite a different outcome had the cops tried being the honey instead of the vinegar from the start. You get what you give and that is VERY true in every aspect of life.
Well if it's innate as you contend, then that's the way god or mother earth or whoever the f*ck you attribute creation to wanted it. Why must anyone "adjust" to it? Why can't we realize that yes, there are innate biases and learn to deal with it. In other words, I don't give a shit about your bias. Why do you care about mine?

Why are you so hung up on creation? We weren't created, we evolved. Nature doesn't "want" anything, the fact that you apply such simplistic human emotions to physics and biology shows exactly why you will never understand them.

We are the only animals (as far as we know) that have the gift of consciousness. That gives us the ability to divorce ourselves from our primal instincts and subconscious biases. The better question is why wouldn't you want to overcome that innate bias and become a more objective and therefore enlightened individual?
Why are you so hung up on creation? We weren't created, we evolved. Nature doesn't "want" anything, the fact that you apply such simplistic human emotions to physics and biology shows exactly why you will never understand them.

We are the only animals (as far as we know) that have the gift of consciousness. That gives us the ability to divorce ourselves from our primal instincts and subconscious biases. The better question is why wouldn't you want to overcome that innate bias and become a more objective and therefore enlightened individual?

I have a question for you. We now have 3 cops killed in Dallas and 7 more wounded. I know you're critical of law enforcement, I am of the opinion that when cops show excessive force beyond necessity, they should be held accountable.

But for Christ's sake, is this the answer people are looking for? Is this what you want? Is this what BLM wants? 2 black men killed and then later on we have 3 officers, who had nothing to do with either incident, dead.

What the **** is wrong with people???
I have a question for you. We now have 3 cops killed in Dallas and 7 more wounded. I know you're critical of law enforcement, I am of the opinion that when cops show excessive force beyond necessity, they should be held accountable.

But for Christ's sake, is this the answer people are looking for? Is this what you want? Is this what BLM wants? 2 black men killed and then later on we have 3 officers, who had nothing to do with either incident, dead.

What the **** is wrong with people???

Dude. Stop breaking things down into my team vs your team. No I don't condone murdering police officers. That is obviously disgusting. But you know what else is disgusting? The fact that you are attempting to associate that with the BLM movement, or with the people who want to see reform in the justice system so that police are actually held accountable for their actions.

Does it surprise me that this happened? Not in the slightest. And it will continue to get worse until some kind of actual reform actually happens. People aren't rioting because a man was shot. They're rioting because they already know that the exact same thing is going to happen that happens every other time. The cops will walk. They'll get their jobs back and go right back to their pathetic lives.
I'll also say this. To someone used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Its easy to say that we should just stop talking about this race stuff and just get along when you're on the winning team.
I'll also say this. To someone used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Its easy to say that we should just stop talking about this race stuff and just get along when you're on the winning team.
Did you just break it down into teams?

I believe we're individuals and we have an obligation to ourselves and others to realize that what we do to another, we do to ourselves. Fixating on the ethnicity is dragging one foot to walk. While I am aware that something like White Privilege does exist, and I benefit from it, I can't stop being white, nor can I stop someone who is black from being black. I'm not ashamed of my skin color, and I don't feel superior(or inferior) to people with a different skin color. I try my very best to treat individuals as I encounter them, and not as part of any kind of group. If the ultimate objective is for all of us to stop "seeing each other" in terms of our color/tribe/club, then I feel compelled to try and move my focus away from those variables as best I can.
Did you just break it down into teams?

I believe we're individuals and we have an obligation to ourselves and others to realize that what we do to another, we do to ourselves. Fixating on the ethnicity is dragging one foot to walk. While I am aware that something like White Privilege does exist, and I benefit from it, I can't stop being white, nor can I stop someone who is black from being black. I'm not ashamed of my skin color, and I don't feel superior(or inferior) to people with a different skin color. I try my very best to treat individuals as I encounter them, and not as part of any kind of group. If the ultimate objective is for all of us to stop "seeing each other" in terms of our color/tribe/club, then I feel compelled to try and move my focus away from those variables as best I can.

Whether or not I as an individual break it down into teams is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. And it would be more than a bit hypocritical if I denied my own subconscious bias at this point dont ya think?... Regardless, society absolutely does break things down into teams. My point was just that a lot of people obviously think the status quo is perfectly acceptable, that we've somehow moved beyond racial inequality completely, and therefore pointing out an injustice or some type of inequality is just reduced to "fanning the flames" in their minds.

Nobody is saying you should be ashamed of being white. I'm certainly not ashamed of being white. But it isn't really something anybody should be proud of either is it?... It's not like you had anything to do with it. We were just born that way. Yes the ultimate objective should be to move away from identifying others based on their race, but that can only happen when everyone understands the way the human brain works, so that they can compensate. Without that knowledge you end up ignorant of you own prejudice, constantly convincing yourself that you're in no way a racist while simultaneously internalizing your racial bias. Seriously, studies show that students who take social psychology come out of the course with lower levels of bias in general, they're less sexist, less racist, less homophobic... you name it. And its because it teaches you the way that your own brain works.
Whether or not I as an individual break it down into teams is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. And it would be more than a bit hypocritical if I denied my own subconscious bias at this point dont ya think?... Regardless, society absolutely does break things down into teams. My point was just that a lot of people obviously think the status quo is perfectly acceptable, that we've somehow moved beyond racial inequality completely, and therefore pointing out an injustice or some type of inequality is just reduced to "fanning the flames" in their minds.

Nobody is saying you should be ashamed of being white. I'm certainly not ashamed of being white. But it isn't really something anybody should be proud of either is it?... It's not like you had anything to do with it. We were just born that way. Yes the ultimate objective should be to move away from identifying others based on their race, but that can only happen when everyone understands the way the human brain works, so that they can compensate. Without that knowledge you end up ignorant of you own prejudice, constantly convincing yourself that you're in no way a racist while simultaneously internalizing your racial bias. Seriously, studies show that students who take social psychology come out of the course with lower levels of bias in general, they're less sexist, less racist, less homophobic... you name it. And its because it teaches you the way that your own brain works.

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization. Plain and simple.

The mentality can be equivocal at times, yes. Same can be said for the radical Trump supporters and KKK, some Christian groups, the crips and the bloods, skin heads, any white supremacy group, Liberals who want to blow up abortion clinics, right wing conservatives who LOVE war and want to kill everyone around the world because they are too scared and believe in "git them before they git us".... the same mentality as islamic terrorists.... again, some act on it, some do not.
The mentality can be equivocal at times, yes. Same can be said for the radical Trump supporters and KKK, some Christian groups, the crips and the bloods, skin heads, any white supremacy group, Liberals who want to blow up abortion clinics, right wing conservatives who LOVE war and want to kill everyone around the world because they are too scared and believe in "git them before they git us".... the same mentality as islamic terrorists.... again, some act on it, some do not.

Before you go making unsubstantiated claims, please tell us what terroristic acts Trump supporters have committed.
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I'll also say this. To someone used to privilege, equality feels like oppression. Its easy to say that we should just stop talking about this race stuff and just get along when you're on the winning team.

What in the name of God are you talking about? You're the one breaking this down into "teams" you used the ****ing word.

Equality does not mean I have to bring myself down in order to raise a precious minority up. I treat people as individuals, I try to do my best to be pragmatic and fair when it comes to issues like this. But this privilege thing is just another product of identity politics, which I despise.

We need accountability and better training for police officers, we also need to realize that they put their lives on the line every day. What we don't need, are these modern day thugs from black lives matter making this worse.
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Before you go making unsubstantiated claims, please tell us what terroristic acts Trump supporters have committed.

First of all, I was referring to the MINDSET, the mentality behind them, but to be more specific, the violence at his rallies from his supporters AND those against him. When a someone comes in protesting and they go out of their way to sucker punch them as they are being escorted out in NC---- is that a peaceful way to resolve the issue of someone coming in "your playground" and disrupting things or is that doing the same essentially the same thing? You get what you give, period. If you want peace, you give peace. If you want people to be pissy and fight, you certainly will want to be pissy and fight too.

In my opinion, anyone that has condoned violence, wishes violence on another or thinks if they could just do something to someone themselves (if they just had the balls to do it without getting "in trouble") is of that same mentality. They do not know peace, and in most cases do not want to know anything peaceful. They usually want everyone to think just like they do and anyone who doesn't is crap and "wrong." Terrorists think that way, and too many idiots right here do too. This "claim" is simply MY opinion. I have no doubt you disagree with it. I have already figured you out anyway smh:rolleyes:.
UNCboy so quick to start a thread about Police possibly killing innocent black folks without reason, yet no thread start on innocent cops being killed in Dallas.

What a loser.

YOU start it, loser! I am pretty sure you have no idea what the problem really is anyway. We have a very, very serious problem in this country and if you are watching FOX news you are being told it is one side's fault and if you watch another media outlet you are told the opposite.... the problem is not sides here, it's all people reacting in the WRONG way. They are getting back what everyone is giving.... violence/hate = violence/hate PERIOD. No one seems to understand that on either "side."
I really find it interesting that the two prior officer involved shootings this week "appeared" to be, at best, not clearly warranted. I realize we do not have the entire story yet but from the videos we have been shown, it does appear that the cops could have handled things differently in both cases. Neither appeared to be a real threat to them, yet the cops shot them.

Now we have this lunatic going on a cop killing spree with the INTENT to kill COPS and they end up trying to negotiate with this one, instead of immediately shooting to kill him when he is an obvious threat to them! Why is that???? The dude ends up dying by his own bomb, even if the cops set it off or not. I just don't get why there wasn't immediate shooting of this guy when they had him in line of fire, why try and talk to him? They did not give the other two guys two seconds to respond to why they were attempting to detain them.
I don't have the time to write all of my thoughts here and it would be TL;DR anyway, but this really boils down to the tone at the top. We have a primarily-uneducated society with the social media tools at their finger tips to reach millions just like them. We, as a country, make decisions largely based on emotion rather than logic. And, we have a president who feeds into the wrong side of those emotions every time we have another tragic event like this. This president has weakened our ability to protect our country and citizens abroad and is showing the inability to lead our people on our own soil as well. This is precisely why I have, for my entire adult life, maintained that I do not care one iota how well someone is able to speak at a convention, rally, debate, or anything else that simply requires the ability to sound articulate. I would MUCH rather someone who sounds like a bumbling idiot but is able to get shit done. I felt this way with GWB and am strongly leaning this way with our choice this time. We need results, not promises.

And FWIW, some here know part of my own background b/c I've shared it, but I've been subjected to MANY walks of life across many nationalities and while I will never pretend to understand fully what it feels like to walk "in" their shoes, I have witnessed first-hand while walking "beside" them. This stuff hurts everybody. But we do not need a few rogue individuals jumping off the deep end, and our "leaders" then fanning the flames further.

I actually recorded this on my DVR the other day and watched some of it. I had to stop though. This whole thing is starting to get to me. My daughter called me in tears this morning over the whole mess and I have no idea what to tell her.

I know that when I was younger, I got caught with a joint by cops and they told me to just hand it over and go home. That does not happen to others though.... Zach Hammond ended up dead over marijuana essentially...... I need a break from this. This world is crazy!
I don't have the time to write all of my thoughts here and it would be TL;DR anyway, but this really boils down to the tone at the top. We have a primarily-uneducated society with the social media tools at their finger tips to reach millions just like them. We, as a country, make decisions largely based on emotion rather than logic. And, we have a president who feeds into the wrong side of those emotions every time we have another tragic event like this. This president has weakened our ability to protect our country and citizens abroad and is showing the inability to lead our people on our own soil as well. .

So true. He did exactly what he told us he'd do - fundamentally change America. And I hate that. He could be impeached tomorrow and it wouldn't matter. He's already succeeded. So in his eyes, he's won. And I'm fearful that the damage is irreparable. The culture has been created. I simply don't think we can ever fix that. But we can stop it from getting worse.

This is precisely why I have, for my entire adult life, maintained that I do not care one iota how well someone is able to speak at a convention, rally, debate, or anything else that simply requires the ability to sound articulate. I would MUCH rather someone who sounds like a bumbling idiot but is able to get shit done.


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