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And for the record, I'm not a huge fan of rap and hip/hop in its current form. I've always been more of a rock and roll guy myself. But fact is, most of these young men are black and a certain culture and art will appeal to them. Nothing wrong with catering to that and looking more fresh in the eyes of the kids.

If the University and UNC's basketball culture isn't appealing to them(opportunity to get a great education, great staff that honestly cares about it's players, great tradition, great facilities, etc...), then I say let them go elsewhere. They're perfectly free to listen to any form of music that appeals to them(beauty is in the eye of the beholder in all art forms), but to think we have to cater to a certain music/culture in order to attract recruits is absurd to me, especially when the majority of the fans at LNWR don't care for that music. LNWR should be primarily about the fans, not about selling recruits on using our school to serve their mandatory one year stint in college. That's what they sell at UK and d00k. No thank you.

I know many of you young people don't agree but you'll have a different perspective when you're my age. You'll have a better appreciation for tradition. So we'll agree to disagree.
UNC is in a tough spot for top 15 / OAD or aspiring NBA prospects. I'm old enough (31) to remember UNC pushing "place of the pros" through the 90's and having some early OAD's. Jordan / Worthy...UNC has always embraced the professional angle. You even pulled a guarantee recruit, Brendan Wright, out from under Tubby because he felt UNC was better for his NBA goals. It wasn't until it appeared UNC was off the radar for most OAD's and NBA prospects became the devil to some. And I think some of the problem starts there. I would think the last thing Carolina needs is the appearance of a negative pitch toward early entrees. The money is too great for some of these guys to pass up. Even K sold out to the idea because you can't beat the system, you have to adapt to it. Hating Cal because he was revolutionary in this model is unnecessary.

It seems like UNC lost momentum for OAD's when top prospects returned to school, in some cases for 4 years. When Duke started pushing for OAD's and landed prime UNC targets like Barnes, it's made it rough in the image department. And being a UK die hard I can tell ya, image is everything to OAD NBA prospects. They evaluate every single inch. We lost several recruits after the platoons simply based on negative pitches. The looming "will he platoon again" question in the recruiting circles. Nailed us hard.

That's not to say UNC won't compete for titles with the returnee model. It's just going to probably happen in cycles instead of yearly or maybe every couple of years.

I think If Roy had gone more "players coach" and carried on that thought process in 07 it wouldn't be as hard. But not all coaches want the headache of recycling rosters yearly.

Honestly, this quoted post does not in any way address our recruiting issues.

"When Duke started pushing for OAD's and landed prime UNC targets like Barnes, it's made it rough in the image department." ??? You do realize that barnes actually played for UNC and would have been one & done had it not been for the NBA lock out? I mean, poster does realize that right, because he sure seems not to?

Poster seems to want to spin things in a way that says UNC does not want any of the top players in the country because they may be one & done. Simply not true, fact is UNC set the bar for early entry to the NBA, we had players getting to the NBA long before Ky had them, because they were ready to enter and play in the NBA, not because they were hyped as NBA players just gong thru the motions of a 1 season college mandatory season. Roy offers one & done players every recruiting cycle, he does not tell them that he wil not help them become the best player they can be under his watch, he does not tell them they can not be one & done if he is their coach but he does not tell them he wil not allow them to come back for more than one season either.

Yeah, ky and duke as well as Zona & Kansas have been killing it in the talent dept for the last few years. The cycle has swung your way and due to several different factors it has swung against us for now. Funny thing about cycles, they swing away from you but they as well swing back toward you. IT does look as if the cycle is beginning to swing back in our direction, the 2019 class now looks really good for us and actually the 2018 class is shaping up nicely if we can add a wing and a 4/5 guy and we look to be in good shape for both.

As a college fan, I love the continuity of UNC, I love watching a kid develop from a raw talent to a mature and really good player. Roy has does more with less than Ky has, we have had the marginal NBA talent and developed them in to guys that got to the NBA and were much better players than before they got to us. Marcus, JMM, and even Hansbourgh were great college players but reality was they were never NBA star level talents. Rather than run a pass thru system Roy runs a developmental system, players play when they are ready to contribute, they don't play just because they are freshmen.

How many years in a row now has Ky been no less than 2nd in recruiting, how many years in a row now has Ky been pre-season top 3? Pretty much every season since kal brought his deal to Ky and yet with all that talent advantage only 1 natty to show for it? By contrast Uconn womens program has the same advantage every recruiting cycle and they are not just natty winners pretty much every season but just again set a brand new win streak mark that is over 90 now. Seems to me that Ky squanders their recruiting advantage, can not parlay playing in the weakest major D-1 conference for basketball and annual either #1 or #2 in recruiting, and being pre-season top 3 at least, can not parlay that in to more than that single natty is squandering that advantage. We call that doing less with more...
I think most reasonable fans want a combination of the two. I have no interest in becoming a OAD factory because it's so hot or miss. But I wouldn't mind occasionally being a real player for someone like Zion with the ability to add a frosh Zion to say a senior Kenny Williams, a junior B-Rob/Seventh, and a soph Jalek.

Yep, with all those OAD's, UK and d00k have won a total of two titles with them. Underachieving indeed.
I think most reasonable fans want a combination of the two. I have no interest in becoming a OAD factory because it's so hot or miss. But I wouldn't mind occasionally being a real player for someone like Zion with the ability to add a frosh Zion to say a senior Kenny Williams, a junior B-Rob/Seventh, and a soph Jalek.
Oh, I agree. I can live with the occasional OAD at UNC, but I certainly don't want our program to become a revolving door like UK/d00k. I realize many of the top players have no interst in attending college and are looking to get to the pros ASAP. They do their mandated 9 months and then move on. I get it. But for the most part, I don't want those kids at UNC. If that means we settle for recruits that aren't in the top 20, so be it.
I think most reasonable fans want a combination of the two. I have no interest in becoming a OAD factory because it's so hot or miss. But I wouldn't mind occasionally being a real player for someone like Zion with the ability to add a frosh Zion to say a senior Kenny Williams, a junior B-Rob/Seventh, and a soph Jalek.

There is not a single UNC fan that would not love us to snag a one & doner, not a single UNC fans would be anything short of ecstatic for us to get Zion or Bagley.

What I think most UNC fans do not want is for us to have to rebuild our program every single season because we load up with 3 or 4 one & done guys. The poster can say what he wants (the Ky fan) but the real truth is even Ky fans are beginning to question if what they are doing fits what they want to see. It is all well and good to see your former players doing well in the NBA but the bottom line for fans of the college game is the results of your college season.

Yep, right now, Ky fans question if their results would be better if more of their players actually returned for more college seasons rather than watching them play their best ball as a pro. Just imagine Ky with a front line today of Towns and Lyles and Bam coming off their bench? How about that back court of Monk and Fox and Murry? But Ky fans can only imagine that, they have no choice but to imagine it because it can never happen for them now.
The money generated by college athletics is corrupting our institutions of learning. Universities are adicted to the funny money they receive every year from basketball and football. As a result more and more corners are cut in order to ensure that this money continues to pour in. Athletes are admitted with SAT scores several hundred points lower than those required for regular admission, in order for them to be eligible and feed the money machine. So can we really blame OAD's for going for the gold ASAP? I don't.

The tail(sports money) is wagging the dog(universities). IMO, it's time it stopped. And I know that will be an unpopular opinion on a sports message board. But something has to give and it shouldn't be the integrity of our institutions of learning.
i look at this less as a specific advantage in recruiting for Cal and more of a statement that Drake is a d!ck rider for the most popular basketball players out there. Dude is like a basketball player groupie!!

I'd love to see him try and battle guys like Rakim, Nas, KRS-1, Pac ,etc and get embarrassed!!
I think there's no doubt Drake is a dick rider, but it's a mutually beneficial relationship. Kentucky gets a popular rapper as one of its mascots, and Drake looks cool by following a program that is producing NBA talent at an unprecedented level.
There is not a single UNC fan that would not love us to snag a one & doner, not a single UNC fans would be anything short of ecstatic for us to get Zion or Bagley.

What I think most UNC fans do not want is for us to have to rebuild our program every single season because we load up with 3 or 4 one & done guys. The poster can say what he wants (the Ky fan) but the real truth is even Ky fans are beginning to question if what they are doing fits what they want to see. It is all well and good to see your former players doing well in the NBA but the bottom line for fans of the college game is the results of your college season.

Yep, right now, Ky fans question if their results would be better if more of their players actually returned for more college seasons rather than watching them play their best ball as a pro. Just imagine Ky with a front line today of Towns and Lyles and Bam coming off their bench? How about that back court of Monk and Fox and Murry? But Ky fans can only imagine that, they have no choice but to imagine it because it can never happen for them now.

I hear you Dave, but you're forgetting that Kentucky's purpose is exactly that. One and done. And maybe they would have won multiple championships had guys like Davis and KAT stayed longer, but Calipari isn't selling that. It's a self propelling thing. The more NBA stars come from Kentucky, the more recruits go there, the more leave after a year and get the money they want. It may not be yielding UCLA dynasty results, but it's still getting Cal top 10 teams year after year. 2012-13 was the only year I can think of that they finished unranked.
I hear you Dave, but you're forgetting that Kentucky's purpose is exactly that. One and done. And maybe they would have won multiple championships had guys like Davis and KAT stayed longer, but Calipari isn't selling that. It's a self propelling thing. The more NBA stars come from Kentucky, the more recruits go there, the more leave after a year and get the money they want. It may not be yielding UCLA dynasty results, but it's still getting Cal top 10 teams year after year. 2012-13 was the only year I can think of that they finished unranked.
Granted, what you say is true. But would you want him running our program like that?
I personally don't care. Just win; if that means more OADs then great let them all in. If it means fewer OADs then fine shun them. Our goal should be to win as many games as possible under the rules.

The top kids rightly recognize that the smartest choice for them is to get to the NBA as fast as possible. Good on them. Any coach with their best interests at heart should be supportive of that vision. I can tell you if I had $3 million waiting on me I'd drop out of UNC today. The idea that Malik Monk should be waiting 2-3 years for that paycheck is absurd. And i would absolutely take him on our team this year.
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I couldn't be less aligned with the "any way we can win" folks. I'm not trying to belittle them, but the reason I love Carolina basketball starts with DES and what he stood for. I don't think that sort of family can happen if OAD is a centerpiece of your program. When and if UNC goes the direction of running like any other program it will mean much less to me.
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Changing parts of our system =/= Selling out. And most people realize something obviously needs to be changed.

You can't complain about "calshady" tactics while he continues to steal all of our top targets, then be stubborn enough to not change a thing.
Changing parts of our system =/= Selling out. And most people realize something obviously needs to be changed.

You can't complain about "calshady" tactics while he continues to steal all of our top targets, then be stubborn enough to not change a thing.

Exactly. It's time to adapt. And when the NCAA cloud fully lifts, we need to commit to it.
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If it yielded quality results, why not? Our lack of big time recruiting is going to start showing in the next few years

To what extent?? Are we talking louisville level slide or notre dame level? No disrespect to either but they dont recruit on our level talent wise year in and year out but are always solid teams. So i cannot imagine a slide (if we actually have one at all) that falls too far out of our lofty expectations.
Slide mean top 5 to top 25 type team? Perhaps but that can happen to anyone if kids don't perform.
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To what extent?? Are we talking louisville level slide or notre dame level? No disrespect to either but they dont recruit on our level talent wise year in and year out but are always solid teams. So i cannot imagine a slide (if we actually have one at all) that falls too far out of our lofty expectations.
Slide mean top 5 to top 25 type team? Perhaps but that can happen to anyone if kids don't perform.

Roy needs the talent in order to win just like anyone else. If you don't get it, your rivals out perform you and it further propels the cycle.

I don't know what Pitino does at Louisville or how Bennett keeps it together at Virginia. But recruiting matters. Have we forgotten how loaded we were even 5 years ago? Let's take a look shall we.

Harrison Barnes- #1 in 2010
John Henson- #5 in 2009
Tyler Zeller- Top 20 in 2008
Dexter Strickland- Top 30 in 2009
Leslie McDonald- Top 40 in 2009
Reggie Bullock- #18 in 2010
Kendall Marshall- Top 25 in 2010
James McAdoo- #6 in 2011
P.J. Hariston- #13 in 2011

Look at all those studs. A team that would have reached the championship game in 2011-12 were it not for injuries. What I'm saying is, recruiting matters and image matters. We've lost some of that prestige, and now Roy is offering people that are mid-level guys he wouldn't even sniff at normally.

Is Roy a hell of a coach? Hell, yeah. But coaches also need the right pieces. He's struggling to get them. We can't expect the same level of winning without the best players. No two ways about it.
Don't stop there. Give us the rankings of players for last year and this year where we were in the championship and have a good chance at the final four this year. I am sure it has gone down and we are still at the same place.

Listen, I want the best players just like everyone else. I also believe that Roy does pretty darn good when he doesn't get them. I hope that recruiting turns and we get in favor again with top recruits. To that end, I think that UNC should be making a big deal about 800 wins and how rare it is. We need as many injections of positive media as we can get.

I also believe that Roy has a darn good eye for what will work with his strategy. He is dipping lower than all of us would like I'm sure but I can't see him putting a noncompetitive team on the floor. Might be different (more guard orientated) but still competitive.
Honestly, this quoted post does not in any way address our recruiting issues.

"When Duke started pushing for OAD's and landed prime UNC targets like Barnes, it's made it rough in the image department." ??? You do realize that barnes actually played for UNC and would have been one & done had it not been for the NBA lock out? I mean, poster does realize that right, because he sure seems not to?

Poster seems to want to spin things in a way that says UNC does not want any of the top players in the country because they may be one & done. Simply not true, fact is UNC set the bar for early entry to the NBA, we had players getting to the NBA long before Ky had them, because they were ready to enter and play in the NBA, not because they were hyped as NBA players just gong thru the motions of a 1 season college mandatory season. Roy offers one & done players every recruiting cycle, he does not tell them that he wil not help them become the best player they can be under his watch, he does not tell them they can not be one & done if he is their coach but he does not tell them he wil not allow them to come back for more than one season either.

Yeah, ky and duke as well as Zona & Kansas have been killing it in the talent dept for the last few years. The cycle has swung your way and due to several different factors it has swung against us for now. Funny thing about cycles, they swing away from you but they as well swing back toward you. IT does look as if the cycle is beginning to swing back in our direction, the 2019 class now looks really good for us and actually the 2018 class is shaping up nicely if we can add a wing and a 4/5 guy and we look to be in good shape for both.

As a college fan, I love the continuity of UNC, I love watching a kid develop from a raw talent to a mature and really good player. Roy has does more with less than Ky has, we have had the marginal NBA talent and developed them in to guys that got to the NBA and were much better players than before they got to us. Marcus, JMM, and even Hansbourgh were great college players but reality was they were never NBA star level talents. Rather than run a pass thru system Roy runs a developmental system, players play when they are ready to contribute, they don't play just because they are freshmen.

How many years in a row now has Ky been no less than 2nd in recruiting, how many years in a row now has Ky been pre-season top 3? Pretty much every season since kal brought his deal to Ky and yet with all that talent advantage only 1 natty to show for it? By contrast Uconn womens program has the same advantage every recruiting cycle and they are not just natty winners pretty much every season but just again set a brand new win streak mark that is over 90 now. Seems to me that Ky squanders their recruiting advantage, can not parlay playing in the weakest major D-1 conference for basketball and annual either #1 or #2 in recruiting, and being pre-season top 3 at least, can not parlay that in to more than that single natty is squandering that advantage. We call that doing less with more...

Had great news yesterday And was hammered all knight. Barnes at Duke lol. My bad.
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Honestly, this quoted post does not in any way address our recruiting issues.

"When Duke started pushing for OAD's and landed prime UNC targets like Barnes, it's made it rough in the image department." ??? You do realize that barnes actually played for UNC and would have been one & done had it not been for the NBA lock out? I mean, poster does realize that right, because he sure seems not to?

Poster seems to want to spin things in a way that says UNC does not want any of the top players in the country because they may be one & done. Simply not true, fact is UNC set the bar for early entry to the NBA, we had players getting to the NBA long before Ky had them, because they were ready to enter and play in the NBA, not because they were hyped as NBA players just gong thru the motions of a 1 season college mandatory season. Roy offers one & done players every recruiting cycle, he does not tell them that he wil not help them become the best player they can be under his watch, he does not tell them they can not be one & done if he is their coach but he does not tell them he wil not allow them to come back for more than one season either.

Yeah, ky and duke as well as Zona & Kansas have been killing it in the talent dept for the last few years. The cycle has swung your way and due to several different factors it has swung against us for now. Funny thing about cycles, they swing away from you but they as well swing back toward you. IT does look as if the cycle is beginning to swing back in our direction, the 2019 class now looks really good for us and actually the 2018 class is shaping up nicely if we can add a wing and a 4/5 guy and we look to be in good shape for both.

As a college fan, I love the continuity of UNC, I love watching a kid develop from a raw talent to a mature and really good player. Roy has does more with less than Ky has, we have had the marginal NBA talent and developed them in to guys that got to the NBA and were much better players than before they got to us. Marcus, JMM, and even Hansbourgh were great college players but reality was they were never NBA star level talents. Rather than run a pass thru system Roy runs a developmental system, players play when they are ready to contribute, they don't play just because they are freshmen.

How many years in a row now has Ky been no less than 2nd in recruiting, how many years in a row now has Ky been pre-season top 3? Pretty much every season since kal brought his deal to Ky and yet with all that talent advantage only 1 natty to show for it? By contrast Uconn womens program has the same advantage every recruiting cycle and they are not just natty winners pretty much every season but just again set a brand new win streak mark that is over 90 now. Seems to me that Ky squanders their recruiting advantage, can not parlay playing in the weakest major D-1 conference for basketball and annual either #1 or #2 in recruiting, and being pre-season top 3 at least, can not parlay that in to more than that single natty is squandering that advantage. We call that doing less with more...

We've heard it before. I just want to win and have the vest advantage to win. Since Cal in 09/10 we've been to 4 final fours, two titles games, and won a title. His head to head record with Roy, K, Pitino, and self combined is superb. All this other stuff is fine and all, but the accomplishments are what they are. Underachieving, overachieving, whatever. We're achieving. As far as college vs. NBA style recruits, whatever works for whatever coach we have is fine.

Right now, I'm looking at another decade with Cal. I'll take it, and the players that come with it.
Don't stop there. Give us the rankings of players for last year and this year where we were in the championship and have a good chance at the final four this year. I am sure it has gone down and we are still at the same place.

Listen, I want the best players just like everyone else. I also believe that Roy does pretty darn good when he doesn't get them. I hope that recruiting turns and we get in favor again with top recruits. To that end, I think that UNC should be making a big deal about 800 wins and how rare it is. We need as many injections of positive media as we can get.

I also believe that Roy has a darn good eye for what will work with his strategy. He is dipping lower than all of us would like I'm sure but I can't see him putting a noncompetitive team on the floor. Might be different (more guard orientated) but still competitive.
Page 22
Bryce 34
Hicks 18
Meeks 59
Jjack 8
Berry 17
Theo 10

Espn ranks. Found some pretty good names ranked low. Blossomgame 95. Perrantes 93. Josh hart 92. Nigel hayes 82. Interesting stuff looking back knowing how some of them turned out. We will be fine, enjoy this year, we r loaded with depth and talent.
If it yielded quality results, why not? Our lack of big time recruiting is going to start showing in the next few years
Let's be perfectly clear, if Cal had been our coach and our results had been identical to those he's had at UK, you would be happy with that?

I'd bet that the vast majority of fans who waould like to see us adopt UK's strategy are young members of the instant gratification generation.
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Thanks Rexer. Those numbers are lower or better rated players than I thought they would be.

Hope we can land Knox. We need someone to help change the momentum a little bit. If Jackson keeps this up, it should bode well for having Knox come along next year. Then again, I thought we would get PJ or Jarred with the playing time waiting for someone.

Would be crazy if Bamba committed.
I think there's no doubt Drake is a dick rider, but it's a mutually beneficial relationship. Kentucky gets a popular rapper as one of its mascots, and Drake looks cool by following a program that is producing NBA talent at an unprecedented level.
Agree 100%. I find absolutely hilarious that Calipari tries to pass off his relationship with Drake as a friendship. That friendship is nothing more than a business relationship.
Thanks Rexer. Those numbers are lower or better rated players than I thought they would be.

Hope we can land Knox. We need someone to help change the momentum a little bit. If Jackson keeps this up, it should bode well for having Knox come along next year. Then again, I thought we would get PJ or Jarred with the playing time waiting for someone.

Would be crazy if Bamba committed.

We've been off Bamba's list for a while.

Let's be perfectly clear, if Cal had been our coach and our results had been identical to those he's had at UK, you would be happy with that?

I'd bet that the vast majority of fans who waould like to see us adopt UK's strategy are young members of the instant gratification generation.

It has nothing to do with me being part of a younger generation, Archer don't be that condescending.

And I probably would be happy with that. Not because I don't want Roy or I'm not happy with the job he's done. But how could anyone not be impressed with what Calipari has done? 4 Final fours, a natty, 5 sweet sixteens, and he's produced some the biggest NBA stars right now in the league.

Now one can make the argument these kids were already ready to go regardless of what college they went to. But fact is, they fall under the Kentucky brand now. The school can claim them as theirs, just like we claim Jordan, Worthy, Stackhouse and Vince Carter. It pays dividends. And though they essentially reload with a different roster every year, it hardly stops them from winning consistently.

Where they are truly dangerous, are when they have a mix of freshman, sophomores and juniors like in 2011-12 and 2014-15. But you can't look at UK and not call what they do successful. It's paid off.
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I couldn't be less aligned with the "any way we can win" folks. I'm not trying to belittle them, but the reason I love Carolina basketball starts with DES and what he stood for. I don't think that sort of family can happen if OAD is a centerpiece of your program. When and if UNC goes the direction of running like any other program it will mean much less to me.

But it can. Kentucky has a great family atmosphere and always has. I think claiming a OAD can't be family because he decided it's in his best interest to take the 4 million dollar payout early is sad.

Louisville uses this same logic. Since they can't get them, belittle them and their service to the programs. It's not a good road to take if you're interested in the best.

Dean Smith was a players coach much like Cal is. He relished the idea of pros coming to UNC. He even embraced the idea of them leaving early when it was unheard of. There are similarities between he and Cal, although different.
The reason I mention age is because people's perceptions/opinions are largely a function of their age/experience. I don't think there's any debate about that. Younger people tend to want instant gratification, with little regard for patience, paying your dues, or the concept of tradition. I'm more of a traditionalist and prefer Roy's traditional approach, as I'm willing to bet most of our older fans do. I'm also sure younger fans probably prefer Cal's OADU approach.

Just because something is legal doesn't mean I want to adopt that practice, especially when it's all in the name of winning ball games. That's perspective, something younger people tend to develope as they get older. I don't expect you to see my point of view right now.
The reason I mention age is because people's perceptions/opinions are largely functions of their age/experience. I don't think there's any debate about that. Younger people tend to want instant gratification, with little regard for patience, paying your dues, or the concept of tradition. I'm more of a traditionalist and prefer Roy's traditional approach, as I'm willing to bet most of our older fans do. I'm also sure younger fans probably prefer Cal's OADU approach.

Just because something is legal doesn't mean I want to adopt that practice, especially when it's all in the name of winning ball games. That's perspective, something younger people tend to develope as they get older. I don't expect you to see my point of view right now.

There's truth to this Archer. I'm 31, my dad is 68. He has never fully embraced the OAD. He cited a lot of the "family" and experience factors through the last 7 years. It's been harder for him to adjust being a UK die hard.

Being younger and growing up through the Pitino years at UK, I was born into players leaving early. Mercer, Mashburn, Walker etc. Then living through the Tubby years and few NBA studs, I was dying for star NBA recognition for recruiting and title chasing. Anthony Davis can stay as short a time as he likes as far as I'm concerned.

I just love them all and uk supports them all. If you need to stay and get your degree, that's fine. If you're ready to go, guaranteed millions, go. But UK under cal prides itself for THEIR interest, not ours. And it creates an amazing family atmosphere. Our OAD athletes return to school, follow the program, and come back during summers to use our facilities. Demarcus cousins loves UK more than a lot of 4 year players.

I don't think it must be all one way or the other. But to get the foot in the door of some of these high caliber recruits, you can't hold them back, and they just play.
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There aren't really coaches out there that are opposed to taking multiple OADs. Most of them just can't get them, including Roy. Has nothing to do with tradition. Roy would love to have Bamba, PJ, and Knox instead of Platek, Huffman, and Manley. So there's no need to act like our team deliberately turns down OADS. They have been turning down Roy. And I doubt Dean Smith would be any different in terms of wanting to pursue OADs. Great coaches adapt to changing environments.

I won't speak for anyone else, but if you knew anything about me you would not call me all about "instant gratification". You couldn't be farther off. I want UNC to win, same as any sports fan should want for their team. If Michael Jordan were to be coming of age now he'd absolutely be a OAD, and he'd probably be a Kentucky Wildcat. Are you okay with that?
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There aren't really coaches out there that are opposed to taking multiple OADs. Most of them just can't get them, including Roy. Has nothing to do with tradition. Roy would love to have Bamba, PJ, and Knox instead of Platek, Huffman, and Manley. So there's no need to act like our team deliberately turns down OADS. They have been turning down Roy. And I doubt Dean Smith would be any different in terms of wanting to pursue OADs. Great coaches adapt to changing environments.

I won't speak for anyone else, but if you knew anything about me you would not call me all about "instant gratification". You couldn't be farther off. I want UNC to win, same as any sports fan should want for their team. If Michael Jordan were to be coming of age now he'd absolutely be a OAD, and he'd probably be a Kentucky Wildcat. Are you okay with that?

Spot on.
There aren't really coaches out there that are opposed to taking multiple OADs. Most of them just can't get them, including Roy. Has nothing to do with tradition. Roy would love to have Bamba, PJ, and Knox instead of Platek, Huffman, and Manley. So there's no need to act like our team deliberately turns down OADS. They have been turning down Roy. And I doubt Dean Smith would be any different in terms of wanting to pursue OADs. Great coaches adapt to changing environments.

I won't speak for anyone else, but if you knew anything about me you would not call me all about "instant gratification". You couldn't be farther off. I want UNC to win, same as any sports fan should want for their team. If Michael Jordan were to be coming of age now he'd absolutely be a OAD, and he'd probably be a Kentucky Wildcat. Are you okay with that?
And how old are you?
Fans today would shudder to know Dean won 20+ games every year with projects like Serge zwikker, henrik rodl, warren martin, pat sullivan, dave popson, ranzino smith, steve bucknell. It wasnt all worthys and jordans and carters. Keep winning with what we get in my humble opinion and hope that some studs like what they see on the court.
i've been wondering: Do these OAD's have to register for classes for spring semester? and when they stop attending classes because they don't need to maintain eligibility, are they given F's or Incompletes? are they so certain they will never continue their education that they just don't give a damm?
You know this for a fact because you have ask them?

The numbers and overall opinion does reflect this. So yes.

There aren't really coaches out there that are opposed to taking multiple OADs. Most of them just can't get them, including Roy. Has nothing to do with tradition. Roy would love to have Bamba, PJ, and Knox instead of Platek, Huffman, and Manley. So there's no need to act like our team deliberately turns down OADS. They have been turning down Roy. And I doubt Dean Smith would be any different in terms of wanting to pursue OADs. Great coaches adapt to changing environments.

I won't speak for anyone else, but if you knew anything about me you would not call me all about "instant gratification". You couldn't be farther off. I want UNC to win, same as any sports fan should want for their team. If Michael Jordan were to be coming of age now he'd absolutely be a OAD, and he'd probably be a Kentucky Wildcat. Are you okay with that?

You'll get some slack for speaking the honest truth, but I agree. People love saying "we don't need OADs to win", Yet Roy offers a bunch of them each year.

I'm on the record for stating Roy could win by simply having a class like he had in 2012 every year or so, and stand by it. But we're not getting that either.

I, personally, don't want to see our entire roster turn over each and every year, But if we had classes like, for example, Louisville had (i.e. the occasional OAD + talented multi-year guys), Roy would have no trouble competing year in, year out for titles. (I'm comparing the talent, not the schools. Let's no turn this into a scandal argument).
You know this for a fact because you have ask them?

No, it's pretty simple to see though if you follow recruiting. Roy took numerous visits to Knox, Bamba, PJ, Carter, Vanderbilt, Tilmon, Robinson. As all of the top players dwindled he started looking at backup options like Stokes and eventually Huffman. Don't kid yourself, Roy would have taken 3-4 OADs this class if he could have. And while I don't follow recruiting in detail for most other schools, I would love for you to point out a top program that doesn't actively pursue top 25 guys. If they don't, it's likely because they have no chance at them. I don't want UNC to become like that.

And how old are you?

I'm 27. More relevant, our 66 year old coach has been recruiting multiple OADs year after year. You think there might be some reason for his strategy? Or is he just an entitled brat too?
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