Effects of Abolishing the Electoral College
Politics: From "Retail" to "Wholesale"
Too late. He kinda admits it. The internet has trumped the town hall. And again, at present you can focus on the mass media for swing-states only. In NC i'm seeing continuous mailers and commercials... i bet Wyoming gets zero.
The Decline of "Rural Issues"
Rural issues outside of swing states don't matter though. Wyoming might have a specific need which is Rural, but it is going to be ignored unless that same matter is important to a swing state. Why are we talking about Fracking? Cuz Pennsylvania.
Small states are an afterthought, even the rural ones. NH is probably the only "swing" state, even though it has such a small number of EC votes it barely fits in this category. And states extremely rural are typically not swing states, so also an afterthought.
Some urban places are very Dem, but not all. Phoenix (Maricopa county) is the 5th biggest city, 48% of the county went for Trump.
Greater Potential for Election Integrity Concerns
I kinda agree. But at the same time his explanation could be restated as "currently, election integrity issues are
only targeted or questioned at swing states". All the shenanigans focus on AZ and GA...