OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Do you think the US should offer taxpayer funded gender transition surgeries for prisoners and migrants? A simple "yes" or "no" will suffice.
Why are we even talking about this? What % of the population is transgendered enough to work thru processes with psychologists enough to get to the point where surgery is even something they want? And then of that tiny subset, how many are prisoners or migrants?
Can we debate something which matters?

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What are "rural issues". Alaska has the most land, but population is massively centered within cities. If "rural" refers to higher percentage of people living outside the major population centers, then Vermont and Maine are the two most rural states in the US. (Alaska is 14). Vermont is as blue as it gets. Are Pres going to give a shit about Vermont's "rural" Maple Syrup problems? NOPE, cuz they're just 3 EC, and not a swing state.

So the word rural is meaningless unless it happens to impact one of the 10 swing states. The EC isn't helping small OR less populated states in any direct way. And the "Greater Potential for Election Integrity Concerns" point just proves that cheating only matters in swing states.

So in the end the only argument to keep EC is administrative difficulties (since "cheating" could matter in places other than swing states) and ensuring the executive branch can't impact the overall outcome.

People need to vote first, not land (land which is usually owned by a few wealthy people or corps).


OOTB's Political Thread . ..

In case you don't believe Fox News

Whattya know... another "fact check" from the debate is debunked.

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

In case you don't believe Fox News

I figured this might be interesting to you and your movement.

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OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It’s the only take needed. I’m not trying to win some argument with some, liberal Gen Z, queer. I don’t give a fu*k what you think. I’m not trying to change your mind. In fact, I like that you’re trying to convince yourself that he’s behind. Because it’s going to be more fun for me when he wins and I get to tell you to eat shit.

Ok I get it, critical thinking isn't your thing.

I have to ask, did you mom really not like you or something? You seem very angry.

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

But that's a rural issue that impacts PA and their overall economy. How many fracking jobs are based in Philly and Pissburg? And rural issues tend to be universal. Fracking is important to PA, but coal mining/use and oil drilling, pipelines, refineries, etc. are issues elsewhere.
You missed my point entirely. I said "Rural issues outside of swing states don't matter though. Wyoming might have a specific need which is Rural, but it is going to be ignored unless that same matter is important to a swing state. Why are we talking about Fracking? Cuz Pennsylvania."

So the argument isn't about fracking. Fracking is just an example of one "rural" issue. The point is that if fracking wasn't a swing issue in a swing state like PA we wouldn't be talking about it at all, despite it being meaningful in so many other states, whether large, small, rural, urban or otherwise.

The issue could've been maple syrup harvesting. No pres gives two shits about maple syrup harvesting cuz Vermont only has 3 EC votes.

"Decline of Rural Issues" is not an applicable argument because it is moot unless that specific issue occurs in swing state. You could have incredibly painful RURAL issues, but if those aren't occurring swing states, then they're going to get ignored.

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

In case you don't believe Fox News

lol, whenever I want to link something counter to whatever idiocy the libs offer, I stay away from Fox because of the automatic rejection it encounters and because it's sweeter to have it come from something they can't dismiss, like PBS or MSD&C. ...or the horse's mouth like you just did. Love it.

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Nothing to see here, just more adjusting of numbers...

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

See above from WWJD

Don't the millions of Texan and FL voters deserve a voice just like all those Californians?
did some law get created that bans them from voting? Excuse me if I'm wrong, but it's my understanding that they vote their voice just like everyone else, and their vote has an effect just as everyone else's vote does. What's your actual point?

So far as WWJD's post, what I got out of it was a VERY interesting rundown of Pennsylvania (Sweden? Really? Who knew.), the revelation that the narrator likes to cook, and the point being missed by WWJD; which is that the majority isn't being ignored, it's just not being allowed to override the freedoms of the individual....not the individual citizen nor the individual State. That's what makes America unique and great and I for one don't stupidly want to change what makes us great.

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Blueballs said:

"Counties have their own administrative systems but they don't make their own laws."

Try getting a drink in a dry county and you will see.
some of my earlier drinking-age years were in a dry county. I saw all I needed to see of that. The control of alcoholic beverages was done by way of by-laws that I referred to, and therefor your intended point doesn't counter what I said and so trying to make it was pointless. Like most of the points you try to make.

Fortunately, work-arounds abounded, and for the most part those work-arounds existed by breaking actual laws, not just local by-laws. For the lesser part, one could join the Moose Lodge or the American Legion and actually and legally order mixed drinks, which by law was verboten across the State at the time. Otherwise it was BYOB to a private club, in an area where that was allowed according to local by-laws..

As I posited here once, arguments usually come down to semantics. And the mindless are the ones who depend on semantics to further their viewpoints instead of arguing the actual point at hand. The mindless also try to regain some measure of self-esteem by resorting to childish nicknames for those who routinely show them up. That only makes them look more foolish, and they can't see it. Can you see it? Didn't think so.

Next Head Football Coach

Who are some names you would like to see take over the program…Mack would basically have to win out imo to keep his job…Truth be told I don’t think this team wins another game…

Just looking around here are some on my list…

Jeff Monken-Army

Jon Sumrall-Tulane

Jamey Chadwell-Liberty

Scott Satterfield-Cincinnati​

These are just off the top of my head…

Someone suggested Monken the last time we were looking for a coach.
We should have paid attention.

OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I'm not yelling. I'm just stating fact.
and stating it and stating it and stating it IN COMPLAINT...just like I said. And yes, you are in effect yelling at it, which of course was what I meant. I mean after all, anyone can see you weren't using all caps. Har har. Either way, fighting human nature as if human nature is a choice we make is beyond cluelessness. Complaining about what we inherently are is ridiculous.
