RJ Davis coming back wasn’t a good idea

JWash's game is nowhere similar to Manek in style alone
I get what you're saying but I can't help wondering if it just looks that way because we don't ask JWash to play more like Manek.

Put him at the top of the arc and get him the ball. Let's see what happens. If he makes those shots, that could be a game changer.

If that doesn't work, I guess you just start bringing him off the bench.

I notice that in AJ's recent video, he also suggests trying Lubin in the middle and JWash at the 4.

Maybe not a guaranteed improvement, but certainly looks worth a try.
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Just curious ….

Good question. I don't really understand this issue myself. What type of donors support this? Is it corporations or large donors or simply multiple small contributors. I personally agree with the above posts and would not contribute to this. I think a scholarship and free room and board is a good deal.
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Just curious ….

I contribute to scholarships and buy season tix but I balk at directly supporting the pay-for-play model. For example, some friends and I purchased some of those memorabilia boxes but I refuse to pay for signatures. I would rather see UNC stick to principle and seek out lower tier talent to develop than become mercenary U! UNC has been playing on an unlevel playing field for decades and managing to be competitive. I expect it will continue until the system cycles back to what it is supposed to be! I can be patient until either UNC finds a way to compete (it already has) and/or the system reverts back closer to what it should be!
