Clemson's Mafah

Clemson's D players simply cannot stay in their own lanes, cannot stay at home. That means the SoCar QB, who is very fast, has run all over them. Playing D well is always about playing your position within its lanes. If each of you does that, then your D will not be easily exploited.

Clemson D has failed at that basic

Post-Maui stuff...

It's a matter of semantics then. Kind of like not being a lousy coach but doing a lousy job of coaching (self-scouting) . I simply broke it down to my drinking (not a coach) fan terminology. But there is no doubt that at this point in the season there are some glaring issues that need to be addressed and personnel use and game planning or lack of is at the top of my, and likely your, list. Good write-up either way. Thanks.
No, it is not semantics. Good coaches make mistakes.
