UNC Transfers at Other Schools - How Did They Do?

UPDATED SUN 01/21/24

C LoveArizona363632.318.
T NickelVa Tech33724.
Puff JPenn St291219.
D DunnPenn St331218.
D StylesG'town323233.512.
J McJoyHawaii343431.

Question: Would you be okay with State winning the natty?

Before answering, I ask this knowing most of you will probably throw up if it happens. But, it's such a cool story and would be the mostimprobable thing to perhaps ever happen in championship sports. It's hard not to be enthralled by what the Pack is doing.

Also, it would be a giant screw-you by the ACC to all of the knuckleheads that have steered an untrue narrative about the league over recent years, especially this season.

So, give us your thoughts on this.

Have any of you watched Aaron Bradshaw play?

7 footer with a 7'4" wingspan. Skinny. Athletic. Seems to have a promising jumpshot. A top 5 player in the 2023 class. But my question really boils down to... can he defend the 4 spot?

As we look towards the possibility of losing Ingram to the draft, I wonder who we could get to replace him. I know that playing the 4 is defensively a challenge when you never know from game to game if you'll have to guard a Manek, an Ingram, a Banchero, or a Flagg. You need to be able to navigate all the obstacles around the perimeter.

I see the major mutual interest between UNC and Bradshaw, but to me he seems awfully thin to try and replace Bacot at the 5. Could our staff be looking at him as a faceup 4? Not as someone who would battle Washington/Wolf for center minutes?

Coach Cal . Typical NO SHAME !

In typical all about me fashion we have to endure this piece of craps ego in the spotlight once again. Anyone else that had the kind of seasons he's had the last five years would hardly get a headline.
Here's the icing on the cake .
First after a heck of a year in college hoops two of the best teams all year face off for a championship that was very much anticipated by us all . What do we get to listen to ? What takes a piece of the shine off of the biggest game ? None other than CalShady himself.
On top of that we witnessed greatness in ladies hoops in the form of the best ladies ( team ) since the Connecticut days of a few years back and in that game on the other team the single best girls basketball player in NCAA history in Catlin Clark . What takes a piece of the shine off of that game ? You guessed it .
All they had to do was keep it under wraps for a couple more days . Is that too much to ask ? You be the judge , I have my answer. 😎🥁✌️
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