...and it really couldn't be more obvious.
So... question for the board (don't bother answering -- it's rhetorical):
Q. What'd we do different to suddenly get back into the game?
A. Just started doing Carolina basketball things.
- Specifically? Playing aggressively --- scrambling on defense (42/32/34) and finally attacking on offense.
Trouble is, we spent more than 3/4 of the game doing just the opposite.
So... to that last sentence, the next (obvious) question is, why? And I'll go ahead and tell ya, there is no acceptable answer.
Thus, the rest of this post is directed to the staff:
Hubert, Jeff, Sean, Brad?... meet me at Camera 3...
- Guys... watch the first-half film --- that was the most NON-offense display of offense I've ever witnessed. I actually tracked possessions today in lieu of some of the normal stuff, and welp, we actually passed the ball more than usual, BUT TO WHAT PURPOSE? There were possessions in which we passed as many as 7 TIMES and NOT A SINGLE GUY in blue so much as put a foot in the lane(!!!). I think Dean would remind y'all of this basic fact --- y'see that painted area?... that's where the basket is.
- Moreover, on several possessions nobody in blue ever SQUARED THEIR SHOULDERS to the hoop. Remember that "triple-threat" position y'all and every coach teaches? Being an actual threat from the perimeter starts there. Now, some of that is on the players, but the rest here is for the staff:
1. Starting a half-court offense with a Big above the arc is NOT a high post, it's just tits on a boar-hog, and mostly gets in the damn way. And I don't care if it's Mando or Pete, if he screens they're just gonna attack our Guards, and if we try to use him as a pivot that far out, then it's a TO waiting to happen. Please just STOP that, once and for all.
2. This whole 5-out notion is NOT a winning proposition. So. today we have our most mobile guys out there and it's still a merry-go-round cluster-f***. PLEASE guys, use the down-time to go back to the Carolina drawing board. No UNC fan, player or coach should ever be subjected to watching us get dominated in the paint like that.
3. And for the love if all that's sacred, PLEASE STOP OUT-THINKING YOURSELVES WITH OUR SECONDARY BREAK!!! It is the essence of the Carolina system's advantages, and having the first Big peel off and screen intead of sprinting to the block is ABSOLUTELY SMOTHERING it. We got nothing good on those possessions. In fact. the few time we got something out of the Secondary, a 4/5 man actually got into the paint.
4. And on defense, guys... this roster was MADE TO SCRAMBLE. It plays to our collective skills and covers up some areas of weakness. Plus, it ENERGIZES the team and leads to transition. And I'm gonna tell ya, without transition, this team ain't gonna make the Dance.
Anyway, there it is. And this ain't just coming from me --- this is the stuff I'm hearing from every coach I know. The staff and team needs a collective "come-to-Jesus" in Decemeber. We saw glaring reminders today of what NOT to do, but also a glimpse of the needed direction... and again, much of that frankl;y couldn't be more obvious...