2025 recruiting....

The 2025 recruits we missed on will be in the NBA draft.

And it should be obvious by now that "shots per game" don't matter. We had Ingram and Bacot's shots to offer every big man we pursued in the portal, and they all chose to go for the paycheck instead.
Maybe not all, but definitely a lot will go pro no matter what. Bacot and Ingrams shots where going to be taken up this year by Washington/Powell/Jackson/Seth.

I think at first meaning incoming Freshmen it is all about the check, but I do believe that in the portal you can find some really good Sophomores and Juniors who understand a good fit to showcase there game.

UNC campus becomes more attractive when a player realizes he is probably a 4 year guy. At first everyone ranked in top 100 thinks they are one and done.

I will repeat our biggest job is to bring back EC for his Junior year, smart guys in the portal understand he wants to pass the ball first.
That we have already MISSED on once...
Yes guys missed on once. Look at who we have on this current team. Our Back court has EC,RJ, Seth, and Jackson, it is not likely anyone was going to get any time besides them. Our front court is where we missed out on guys, but Washington healthy is going to play and Powell had an amazing summer from reports, and Withers can beat out a freshman.

We really didn't have any playing time to offer a recruit. Next year however we may be able to promise way more time, and less competition for some spots. So yes guys we missed on that are still in college will definitely reconsider us next year. This is AAU basketball!
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Maybe not all, but definitely a lot will go pro no matter what. Bacot and Ingrams shots where going to be taken up this year by Washington/Powell/Jackson/Seth.

I think at first meaning incoming Freshmen it is all about the check, but I do believe that in the portal you can find some really good Sophomores and Juniors who understand a good fit to showcase there game.

UNC campus becomes more attractive when a player realizes he is probably a 4 year guy. At first everyone ranked in top 100 thinks they are one and done.

I will repeat our biggest job is to bring back EC for his Junior year, smart guys in the portal understand he wants to pass the ball first.
If EC ain't ready after two years that may be another knock against UNC to go to if you are a NBA talent coming out of high school. Unless Cap Jack flourishes and is 1 and done.
If EC ain't ready after two years that may be another knock against UNC to go to if you are a NBA talent coming out of high school. Unless Cap Jack flourishes and is 1 and done.
Don't know if Capt Jack is lottery (hope so), but dude is one and done. EC ummm... The jump shot has got to go down, and then anything as far as pro is possible, without the jumper, he is a 4 year college player. I love having a floor general, but NBA will draft the potential of Capt Jack over a non shooting PG.
Yes guys missed on once. Look at who we have on this current team. Our Back court has EC,RJ, Seth, and Jackson, it is not likely anyone was going to get any time besides them. Our front court is where we missed out on guys, but Washington healthy is going to play and Powell had an amazing summer from reports, and Withers can beat out a freshman.

We really didn't have any playing time to offer a recruit. Next year however we may be able to promise way more time, and less competition for some spots. So yes guys we missed on that are still in college will definitely reconsider us next year. This is AAU basketball!
No playing time? Have ya noticed our situation at the 5 ? From the perspective of a potential recruit, it looks as if the door is WIDE OPEN for PT at the 5. You really think the perception of recruits is that Jalen is a Bacot like minutes eater? As in , "I am not going to get any minutes as long as I to play behind Jalen Washington", It really doesn't matter as to how good you or I may think Jalen can be this coming season? What they see is our projected starter played only 8.6mins a game as a soph and even less as a freshman, the direct opposite of a gate keeper..

To even further weaken the lack of PT argument, the biggest splash we made in the portal this cycle was Tyson, a wing, a wing that already knew we had two 5 star 6'6" wings coming in as freshmen, if anyone had paused at the PT question it would have been Tyson.

In my view, we had 4 clear misses in this last portal season, 4 guys that could and I think would have solidly addressed our most glaring need, the center spot. Those 4, Raunald entered the portal but pulled back out to stay at Stanford, Kalkbrenner who never entered the portal after rumor was that he was likely to, Aidoo, and Omouri. The first 2, understandable decisions by them, gonna stay where I am, same decision Seth made. But the later 2, was all about the $$$ on the table, we showed up, we didn't compete. I know how bad that tastes, tastes just as bad to me but I am going to look at the reality rather than what I wish the situation were.
Don't know if Capt Jack is lottery (hope so), but dude is one and done. EC ummm... The jump shot has got to go down, and then anything as far as pro is possible, without the jumper, he is a 4 year college player. I love having a floor general, but NBA will draft the potential of Capt Jack over a non shooting PG.
I can tell you the plan is one and done for Jack, he would literally have to wet the bed for that to change and I think his bed stays very dry. I don't think he has to start for him to be one and done, he has decent metrics and is considered an outstanding long athlete that can create his own shot, he is considered a NBA 2 guard, he will play the 2 and 3 for us. His jump shot dropping makes him NBA lotto after his one & done, but even if it does not drop as consistently, they know it is there, he I think would still be a 1 rounder. Metrics, and upside is what the NBA looks for and those things drip off of Jack, do Drake as well.

Cadeau has from day 1 at UNC been on a 2yr plan, this is his second year and the expectations are thru the roof. He does not meet the metrics the looks for, he is a very small by NBA standards PG, he has to make up for that by being extremely good in other areas to make up for a lack of real size as well as being considered a weak jump shooter.
No playing time? Have ya noticed our situation at the 5 ? From the perspective of a potential recruit, it looks as if the door is WIDE OPEN for PT at the 5. You really think the perception of recruits is that Jalen is a Bacot like minutes eater? As in , "I am not going to get any minutes as long as I to play behind Jalen Washington", It really doesn't matter as to how good you or I may think Jalen can be this coming season? What they see is our projected starter played only 8.6mins a game as a soph and even less as a freshman, the direct opposite of a gate keeper..

To even further weaken the lack of PT argument, the biggest splash we made in the portal this cycle was Tyson, a wing, a wing that already knew we had two 5 star 6'6" wings coming in as freshmen, if anyone had paused at the PT question it would have been Tyson.

In my view, we had 4 clear misses in this last portal season, 4 guys that could and I think would have solidly addressed our most glaring need, the center spot. Those 4, Raunald entered the portal but pulled back out to stay at Stanford, Kalkbrenner who never entered the portal after rumor was that he was likely to, Aidoo, and Omouri. The first 2, understandable decisions by them, gonna stay where I am, same decision Seth made. But the later 2, was all about the $$$ on the table, we showed up, we didn't compete. I know how bad that tastes, tastes just as bad to me but I am going to look at the reality rather than what I wish the situation were.
This is a shot in the dark but it could have been kids looking at UNC having a 6 9, 6 9, and 6 10 already on the roster that’s in their second fifth and third years. One of which played significant minutes in our last game of the year after not doing anything all year. Why play behind that? Like I said idk. I do believe money is the major factor but I’m also over UNC just being a draw to kids because of atmosphere and tradition. It used to be AND I DO HATE IT, but not so much anymore. Kids for the most part don’t look at it that way. And if I’m being completely honest, why would I turn down $1 million to play a year in college basketball with so many unknowns going on in life. Note…I hate it too. lol
Rumors are we are squarely back in the mix for Caleb. That's how good the in-home visit went.
I like the Khameia (sp) kid a lot to, has a ton of intangibles and plenty of tangibles as well. the Bundalo kid is as well nice. Wilson is special, I wonder if his best position may in fact be at the 3 even at his length. If Caleb Wilson proves he can consistently drop outside jumpers he is a future NBA lotto guy, a literal walking mis-match for power forwards or wings to guard. I don't want us to be in the mix for Wilson, I want us way out in front.
This is a shot in the dark but it could have been kids looking at UNC having a 6 9, 6 9, and 6 10 already on the roster that’s in their second fifth and third years. One of which played significant minutes in our last game of the year after not doing anything all year. Why play behind that? Like I said idk. I do believe money is the major factor but I’m also over UNC just being a draw to kids because of atmosphere and tradition. It used to be AND I DO HATE IT, but not so much anymore. Kids for the most part don’t look at it that way. And if I’m being completely honest, why would I turn down $1 million to play a year in college basketball with so many unknowns going on in life. Note…I hate it too. lol
Thing is, when you look at who we have from the recruits eyes, they see 2 guys that have never averaged double digits in minutes (don't forget, Lubin was not in place till late for us, after we had missed on our 4 primary targets). Yes, Bacot was a gate keeper in that back up minutes behind him was just going to be small and starting over him was out of the question, not the case now that Bacot is no longer there.
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Thing is, when you look at who we have from the recruits eyes, they see 2 guys that have never averaged double digits in minutes (don't forget, Lubin was not in place till late for us, after we had missed on our 4 primary targets). Yes, Bacot was a gate keeper in that back up minutes behind him was just going to be small and starting over him was out of the question, not the case now that Bacot is no longer there.
Oh I agree. That’s why I said shot in the dark. lol if HD could figure out these kids he would. I don’t blame Roy, k, Jay or any others that said no thanks.
Yes guys missed on once. Look at who we have on this current team. Our Back court has EC,RJ, Seth, and Jackson, it is not likely anyone was going to get any time besides them. Our front court is where we missed out on guys, but Washington healthy is going to play and Powell had an amazing summer from reports, and Withers can beat out a freshman.

We really didn't have any playing time to offer a recruit. Next year however we may be able to promise way more time, and less competition for some spots. So yes guys we missed on that are still in college will definitely reconsider us next year. This is AAU basketball!
FYI superstar, I think this is a very worthy discussion to engage in, so I enjoy the back and forth with you, again and as always, not trying to say you are wrong, we are just expressing opinions to may differ at times. Same for Bama who has also entered the discussion.

The guys we missed on yet we have a shot with them in the future, not imposable but not likely at all. I mean, we did get Ingram, who we did recruit out of high school but he elected Stanford over us. Keep in mind who our head coach was when UNC was recruiting Ingram out of high school, it was Roy, not Hubert. Hubert took over and radically changed our power forward position to be much more a shooting position far different from how Roy recruited the position.

On the flip side there is Aidoo, what appears to have been Hubert's #1 guy for our center spot that didn't stay at his same school last portal season. Know why we didn't get Aidoo, the real bottom line reason? Roy recruited Aidoo out of high school, rumor was we had a solid lead for him. But 2 very critcal things happened that ran Aido to UNC into a ditch, first Roy retired and second Walker Kessler decided to transfer out. Hubert continued to recruit Aidoo but Hubert was VERY public in that his #1 priority was getting Kessler to come back. Aidoo goes from being considered UNC's primary target for that class to second fiddle to a guy at his same position? Pissed him off at UNC so he danced around with us this portal season, used us to pump up his NIL offers and played us into thinking he was our #1 target from the portal, pay back for the Kessler episode. For the record I wanted Kessler back more than a Aidoo commit as well so I am not saying Hubert was wrong in that, just sharing the picture as it was at the time decisions were made. So, Aidoo got revenge, became a millionaire, and ends up in a major program.

So having another really strong shot at a kid that we missed in this last portal, sorry, I am not really on board with that or high school guys we whiffed on.
Oh I agree. That’s why I said shot in the dark. lol if HD could figure out these kids he would. I don’t blame Roy, k, Jay or any others that said no thanks.
Thing is, recruiting now days is a lot about money for sure but it is also about and to a larger extent than is talked about PERCEPTION of the program. Something happened when we lost GG, it was like a body blow to the program in terms of perception, "you mean UNC can't even keep a guy that has committed to them"? Then Wilcher dropped his committed to us and you have to realize, these are high school players that talk and play with other big time high school players, that makes a different impression on these kids than a kid already in college does.

We get Jack's commit and what was the story line again, it was daily will UNC be able to hold on to Jack much more than UNC has wrapped up a great talent, it was can they keep in. That is a real perception problem and then last season. We were considered by many as the "hottest" team going in to the NCAAT and then Bama beats us, that wasn't good for how kids in high school or kids entering the portal perceives UNC. Ky changes coaches and the perception of that Ky team immediately changes for the better, same for Arky, duke has created the perception that they are the place to go for the best of the best talents, that is more perception over reality but the way recruits perceive your program is what they base their decisions on even if the reality does not match. We have a perception problem as well as what I think is a drastic $$$ issue.
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Kids today in general would rather run away than work for something difficult. They want to feel special and are increasingly entitled. These are facts and I work with teens every day! I have been tasked with trying to understand the motivations of teens for the last 30 years! I can say definitively that if Hubs tells them they will have to work for their starting position and will compete on a level playing field with 4 others, many will take the easy path! What used to be a pride thing; in that I believe I am the best and I can beat out anyone on your roster, has morphed into an if you don't promise me I am your featured guy I will get angry and run. I know for a fact that they will only see the competition and will not spend the time to think through the relative talents of the competition! Teens do not look beyond the surface anymore and this is lamentable! If you add Hubs' unwillingness to outright lie to kids (like puke) and UNC's unwillingness to become Mercenary U-it adds up to the current situation! Hubs is building contending teams without compromising the core values that make UNC special, and I am thrilled! We are starting a season with the highest ranked recruiting class in a long time, yet we are constantly complaining about recruiting.....I don't get it! We have a dozen offers still out there; 5-star visits coming up; and a coach who has mastered the portal, yet we are afraid....I don't get it!
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Thing is, recruiting now days is a lot about money for sure but it is also about and to a larger extent than is talked about PERCEPTION of the program. Something happened when we lost GG, it was like a body blow to the program in terms of perception, "you mean UNC can't even keep a guy that has committed to them"? Then Wilcher dropped his committed to us and you have to realize, these are high school players that talk and play with other big time high school players, that makes a different impression on these kids than a kid already in college does.

We get Jack's commit and what was the story line again, it was daily will UNC be able to hold on to Jack much more than UNC has wrapped up a great talent, it was can they keep in. That is a real perception problem and then last season. We were considered by many as the "hottest" team going in to the NCAAT and then Bama beats us, that wasn't good for how kids in high school or kids entering the portal perceives UNC. Ky changes coaches and the perception of that Ky team immediately changes for the better, same for Arky, duke has created the perception that they are the place to go for the best of the best talents, that is more perception over reality but the way recruits perceive your program is what they base their decisions on even if the reality does not match. We have a perception problem as well as what I think is a drastic $$$ issue.
Oh don’t get me wrong, I agree. And winning cures TONS of bad perception. We beat Alabama last year and win an another game or two, I think it does wonders for us. Still goons have to pony up some money but winning works.
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Kids today in general would rather run away than work for something difficult. They want to feel special and are increasingly entitled. These are facts and I work with teens every day! I have been tasked with trying to understand the motivations of teens for the last 30 years! I can say definitively that if Hubs tells them they will have to work for their starting position and will compete on a level playing field with 4 others, many will take the easy path! What used to be a pride thing; in that I believe I am the best and I can beat out anyone on your roster, has morphed into an if you don't promise me I am your featured guy I will get angry and run. I know for a fact that they will only see the competition and will not spend the time to think through the relative talents of the competition! Teens do not look beyond the surface anymore and this is lamentable! If you add Hubs' unwillingness to outright lie to kids (like puke) and UNC's unwillingness to become Mercenary U-it adds up to the current situation! Hubs is building contending teams without compromising the core values that make UNC special, and I am thrilled! We are starting a season with the highest ranked recruiting class in a long time, yet we are constantly complaining about recruiting.....I don't get it! We have a dozen offers still out there; 5-star visits coming up; and a coach who has mastered the portal, yet we are afraid....I don't get it!
My generation, the baby boomers were convinced we knew more than our elders then we grew up and realized what we didn't know. Gen X knew more than we baby boomers, they seemed to grow up some but not as much as the boomers did. Then came Gen Y, other wise known as the Millennials, they don't tend to want to grow up at all, they seem to consider everything broken by past generations and they are the only ones able to fix things but they have no clue how. Then we are now in the Gen Z, it is early but they seem a bit more inclined to learn from the past. Gen Z are kids born from 1997-2012, on the verge of entering college.

TP, I agree and this is what I believe you can see from your front row seat.
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PF Nick Khamenia is fresh off his visit to UNC this past weekend and members off the staff will be in LA to visit him again Wednesday. Looks like he is becoming a big time priority.
If something doesn't change in the way we raise our kids AND we don't somehow start reinstating the ideas of personal accountability, empathy, hard work, tolerance, and courtesy, we will soon see a Generation Last!

College bball, unfortunately, is a microcosm of Society. If we can't somehow get our leaders to disagree without demonizing opponents, how can we expect it of our kids??? We have childish leaders but expect mature kids.....hmm!
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NIck Khamenia and Derek Dixon visited on a raucous football weekend where the weather was perfect, the team stomped their opponent and the team was practicing! They got the full monty so I hope we made some serious in-roads with them!

Join the Family guys! We are with you forever!
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You guys keep calling this Name,image and likeness. This isn’t name,image and likeness. This is blatant cheating and breaking the rules. It’s complete BS. This was never set up for a parent or a handler to take offers while a kid is in high school and go to the highest bidder. This was set up for a kid to pick a school and then market himself for NIL deals. This stuff is complete garbage. Amateur college athletics,Lol. For a kids parent to say the bidding starts at 3 million. This has become a clown show and the adults are the ringmasters. No wonder we’re living in a failing society now.
PF Nick Khamenia is fresh off his visit to UNC this past weekend and members off the staff will be in LA to visit him again Wednesday. Looks like he is becoming a big time priority.
Won't matter if we don't suddenly change our NIL. Khamenia is scheduled to visit dook next weekend, and we know they aren't being cheap with NIL.
You guys keep calling this Name,image and likeness. This isn’t name,image and likeness. This is blatant cheating and breaking the rules. It’s complete BS. This was never set up for a parent or a handler to take offers while a kid is in high school and go to the highest bidder. This was set up for a kid to pick a school and then market himself for NIL deals. This stuff is complete garbage. Amateur college athletics,Lol. For a kids parent to say the bidding starts at 3 million. This has become a clown show and the adults are the ringmasters. No wonder we’re living in a failing society now.
Absolutely right !!!

NIL was not supposed to be about anything except endorsement like deals, schools were NOT supposed to be involved in it, pay to play for a particular program was still supposed to be a violation. But for some reason the NCAA sat on their hands while schools VERY PUBLICALY recruited with dollars. Now every program has no choice but to pay for play and still the NCAA says nothing, the totally worthless NCAA does not a single thing. Geez, the NCAA is now trying to figure out how to put a salary cap in place and governmental rules say salary caps can not be negotiated unless it is with a union, so the next step is college players unionizing? The NCAA is tossing around a $20-23MILLION salary cap with yearly increases, how long will it be before a limited number of NCAA programs begin to draft players out of high school, have player trades?

College football and basketball has already died, just taking a long time to bury the body...
Absolutely right !!!

NIL was not supposed to be about anything except endorsement like deals, schools were NOT supposed to be involved in it, pay to play for a particular program was still supposed to be a violation. But for some reason the NCAA sat on their hands while schools VERY PUBLICALY recruited with dollars. Now every program has no choice but to pay for play and still the NCAA says nothing, the totally worthless NCAA does not a single thing. Geez, the NCAA is now trying to figure out how to put a salary cap in place and governmental rules say salary caps can not be negotiated unless it is with a union, so the next step is college players unionizing? The NCAA is tossing around a $20-23MILLION salary cap with yearly increases, how long will it be before a limited number of NCAA programs begin to draft players out of high school, have player trades?

College football and basketball has already died, just taking a long time to bury the body...
I agree this was not how it was intended, but this was the only direction it could go. It is way easier for Phil Knight to contribute to a NIL pack with Oregon University, than him dealing with kids one by one, unless they already come in with One million followers. A lot less grimy than the old way of a booster giving money directly to the athletes, and then blackmailing them if they try to leave!

A lot of lawsuits years ago argued that athletes should be considered employees of the Universities. If that is the case then you could regulate the money. The education portion however goes out the window, and we are basically saying that everyday students are paying to have a sports team, and if that is the case no student or donating alumni/ or donor period should ever pay to attend any sports event at there college.

Don't focus on the NIL deals, focus on stopping the transfer portal (reform the transfer portal), that is what is ruining college sports!
NCAA is getting ready to cut a 3 BILLION dollar check for withholding these opportunities. The only reason they are is they are out of time to push it off in the courts, just like they did with the UNC case, times up, end of kicking it down the road. If they lost the last ruling, which they would, it would be 20 Billion, so they are taking the 3 Billion payout finally, and making the changes.

They put their head in the sand and delayed, delayed, delayed, fighting for what they knew was wrong, and a losing argument to try to keep their "this is not a buisness" model, instead of getting ahead of it. Being stubborn and keeping their golden goose for as long as they could all to theirself, now times up, and it comes swiftly after pushing the inevitable down the road to the last minute instead of being proactive.

The salary cap is already agreed upon, going through final touches. It's coming and agents and unions right after.
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NCAA is getting ready to cut a 3 BILLION dollar check for withholding these opportunities. The only reason they are is they are out of time to push it off in the courts, just like they did with the UNC case, times up, end of kicking it down the road. If they lost the last ruling, which they would, it would be 20 Billion, so they are taking the 3 Billion payout finally, and making the changes.

They put their head in the sand and delayed, delayed, delayed, fighting for what they knew was wrong, and a losing argument to try to keep their "this is not a buisness" model, instead of getting ahead of it. Being stubborn and keeping their golden goose for as long as they could all to theirself, now times up, and it comes swiftly after pushing the inevitable down the road to the last minute instead of being proactive.

The salary cap is already agreed upon, going through final touches. It's coming and agents and unions right after.
The agents are already here...
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PF Nick Khamenia is fresh off his visit to UNC this past weekend and members off the staff will be in LA to visit him again Wednesday. Looks like he is becoming a big time priority.
I really like this Khamenia kid, he to me is a bit of a throw back type player, being honest, I think he ends up at UConn. He is a 6'8" small forward/wing, I see his jump shooting as solid, athletism I would call above average, skill level good for a high school kid, not off the charts, he isn't Cooper Flagg shall I say. But from all accounts, admit I have not seen as much of him as I would like but from what I have pieced together, he has that unique ability to step on the court and immediately make his team better without the spot light shining on him? It is that other thing that Ingram had, that, Theo and Danny had, they just effected the game without needing the ball to constantly go thru them but the ball just seemed to find them in good situations.
NCAA is getting ready to cut a 3 BILLION dollar check for withholding these opportunities. The only reason they are is they are out of time to push it off in the courts, just like they did with the UNC case, times up, end of kicking it down the road. If they lost the last ruling, which they would, it would be 20 Billion, so they are taking the 3 Billion payout finally, and making the changes.

They put their head in the sand and delayed, delayed, delayed, fighting for what they knew was wrong, and a losing argument to try to keep their "this is not a buisness" model, instead of getting ahead of it. Being stubborn and keeping their golden goose for as long as they could all to theirself, now times up, and it comes swiftly after pushing the inevitable down the road to the last minute instead of being proactive.

The salary cap is already agreed upon, going through final touches. It's coming and agents and unions right after.
I’m by far not taking up for the ncaa but it could seem that they held off the inevitable by delaying pay for play. I honestly think the good in them didn’t want to see it come to this. IMO I also don’t think they didn’t pay players ALL because of greed. Some ? Maybe, but they do this for a living and knew the crap show all this was going to cause. No going back now. Just try to contain, which I doubt, and put out fires. Good luck with that.

I’ll be the first to admit that’s it’s all over my head, but what I see, I don’t like and that’s ok. The landscape of sports changes and interests ebb and flow.
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NCAA is getting ready to cut a 3 BILLION dollar check for withholding these opportunities. The only reason they are is they are out of time to push it off in the courts, just like they did with the UNC case, times up, end of kicking it down the road. If they lost the last ruling, which they would, it would be 20 Billion, so they are taking the 3 Billion payout finally, and making the changes.

They put their head in the sand and delayed, delayed, delayed, fighting for what they knew was wrong, and a losing argument to try to keep their "this is not a buisness" model, instead of getting ahead of it. Being stubborn and keeping their golden goose for as long as they could all to theirself, now times up, and it comes swiftly after pushing the inevitable down the road to the last minute instead of being proactive.

The salary cap is already agreed upon, going through final touches. It's coming and agents and unions right after.
Any salary cap on NIL would break anti-trust laws.
You are right and Direct pay to nil is like saying illegal aliens should be able to vote lol. This can’t be the best college sports has to offer dtodd.
Not sure that I follow you on that one ? I was just pointing out the cap, which is coming, is set for the direct payment of athletes from the schools. It will still tilt power with the big boys to an extent, as the number is set on the average of the big schools who are breaking away to a "tier 1" type status. That number is a smaller percentage of overall income for the top earners even in that tier.

Those who can't afford it will be a level below.
Not sure that I follow you on that one ? I was just pointing out the cap, which is coming, is set for the direct payment of athletes from the schools. It will still tilt power with the big boys to an extent, as the number is set on the average of the big schools who are breaking away to a "tier 1" type status. That number is a smaller percentage of overall income for the top earners even in that tier.

Those who can't afford it will be a level below.
My point was that is kind of an oxymoron statement saying direct payment of athletes, when talking about NIL. Meaning direct payment is not NIL, it’s just paying players. That’s why I laugh when someone says illegal aliens have rights, all the while saying they are illegal. Sorry, I hate it all. No knock on you at all of course. Just an observation on wording.