2025 recruiting....

We have a real shot at AJ. Word is Bundalo has completely opened up his recruitment and not even considering any of his finalists except for maybe UNC.
Yes, we have a shot but will never be the high bidder against BYU. Does he want Carolina enough to take less money?
Nick Bundalo has indeed opened up his receuitment. He is visiting Arkansas who werent in his final 4 schools.
You want to see what's wrong with college basketball recruiting then follow the Bundalo recruitment. His parents should be absolutely ashamed. Narrows it to 4 schools. Michigan St and UConn basically pull out with other commitments leaving Ohio St and Carolina. Ohio St takes a kid at his position leaving Carolina. What do they do- schedule a visit to pay pal Cal who's never been in the recruitment. Loyalty means absolutely nothing. Education,coaching staff and history mean absolutely nothing. A complete $hit show and the NCAA can take this garbage and shove it where the sun does not shine. I'm out. It's absolutely pathetic and embarrassing. This BS has gotten old real fast.
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So Hubert is straight up telling donors that our NIL isn't good enough?

Even after a handful of now-blocked posters on this board made it their life mission to harass me for saying our NIL isn't good enough?
The facts of what you say matter much less than the fact that you say it repetitively, incessantly, and always in a very negative light. I would challenge you to find something positive you've written about this team or our coach in the last month.
Some guy named Jacob Polacheck, who works for KSR, put in a prediction for Caleb Wilson to Kentucky yesterday on On3. He hasn't missed on a prediction yet and mostly makes predictions on UK basketball and football recruits.
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Apparently HD didn't mince words to donors last night at dinner in the smith center in regards to NIL and losing recruits. Lets see if it helps...
Big Donors are the 1s that move the needle…Not your everyday fan that is willing to give 100 dollars…Problem is those same Big Donors have 27 other sports to help as well…UNC is not going to play this game…I just don’t see it….
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Big Donors are the 1s that move the needle…Not your everyday fan that is willing to give 100 dollars…Problem is those same Big Donors have 27 other sports to help as well…UNC is not going to play this game…I just don’t see it….
I think it is very clear that UNC is just not doing a great job of fund raising for NIL. Our fan base tends to take a VERY conservative approach to fund raising, as if stuck in 1980? Look at comments on this board for example, we re all talking in terms of what things used to be rather than how things actually are now. This kid is not worth X amount of money so I am not gonna give my hard earned money to over pay for a kid? Truth is you (me as well) do not like the NIL deal to begin with, we wish it would go away but it will not.
Been on the board for 24yrs and this is your 40th post??? Yeah, seems legit.
OK, so like something is really strange there, the husker guy is a very familiar screen name, no way he has not posted far more than 40 times, I did see the screen name metric, has to be an error some how. If memory serves, I think he has posted far more on the football side. I don't recall him as posting in a uncalled for manner, thus his comment toward my buddy Archer struck me as VERY strange, just seems out of character for him?
It's a investment.. example pay 4 million to a lottery pick player he signs contract for 25 million a yr or more not counting signing bonus... pays back his 4 million plus extra 3 million then next yr you buy 2 top 5 picks and yr after yr till you eventually buy your starting 5 plus a few bench players
It's a investment.. example pay 4 million to a lottery pick player he signs contract for 25 million a yr or more not counting signing bonus... pays back his 4 million plus extra 3 million then next yr you buy 2 top 5 picks and yr after yr till you eventually buy your starting 5 plus a few bench players
You honestly believe a player signing for $25m per year is kicking back $7m to his college upon signing his first contract? Unless it’s an agreed upon transaction, I don’t think this is realistic.
It's a investment.. example pay 4 million to a lottery pick player he signs contract for 25 million a yr or more not counting signing bonus... pays back his 4 million plus extra 3 million then next yr you buy 2 top 5 picks and yr after yr till you eventually buy your starting 5 plus a few bench players
The problem there is that lottery pick 1 & done super star was not even on your campus a full year, he is not as vested in your school as the kid that used up all 4yrs of eligibility and in doing so built a life long love for UNC. In other words that 1 & done star does not love UNC as much as you do.

But lets say that he gets a $25mil a year contract (I don't think NBA lotto guys, even the over all #1 get that much), between taxes and his agent, he walks away with some where around $10-12 mil and you are expecting him to pony up a 3rd of his income for a school he spent a little over 1 semester at? Cole came back to play in the summer camp scrimmages but what other 1 & D has done that for us?

What I think needs to happen is UNC needs to get far more professional in their NIL fund raising, treat it like politicians raising money (no, not the dirty tricks a certain unnamed presidential candidate or her party is engaged in, laundering foreign money as if it were from domestic contributors, I would prefer China not engage in our NIL LOL). But more having dinners and events like golf outings with 2 gentlemen that I think would make amazing ambassadors for UNC, Roy Williams and the soon to be retired Mack Brown, as well as former players that would like to help, #50 would be all over it! But do these things for your deep pocket boosters.

We have a former player most know as the GOAT that is a BILLIONaire as well as several multi multi millionaires that are former UNC players and yet some how we are under funded? Can only mean our approach is not great, not being clear on where we are and what we need in a way that is personal to those boosters. If that unnamed presidential candidate can raise darn near a BILLION dollars for the worst political campaign in recorded history surely UNC can raise a few million for a program those wealthy boosters love. You simply will never get there selling $100 gift baskets. One thing that many of those wealthy boosters may prefer is to keep their gift private rather than public. Mike for example, I think would prefer any donations be very private so as to not upset other schools he does business with.