A nostalgic 1989 reminder to Coach Davis and Coach Lebo...


Hall of Famer
Jan 27, 2003
Parts Unknown
...since y'all were there.
The Secondary Break is a beautiful thing... :oops:

BTW: Nice pitch-ahead, Jeff... :)
...and I'll add something else --- a (rhetorical) question to Hubert and Jeff and everyone here:

Ask yourselves what would've happened in that clip if Pete HADN'T rim-run and posted?

Answer: Not a damn thing and the possession would've started from scratch --- which is PRECISELY what we're getting off secondary action with the current 5-out surround nonsense.
Why would two former players who were coached by one of the greatest basketball minds and who saw firsthand the success he had ever stray away from the blueprint he left for those that came after him?
You have people that have spent every moment of their life after playing, while coaching as an assist or sitting around as a fan and thinking, I could do it better or I would do it this way or that way and then when they get the shot they do all the things they thought was better and find out that coach they watched for year did what they did for a reason.

That is the only explanation of why they would go away from what they know and have seen work.
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Would love a big that can run rim to rim like that.

Not too sure a 55 foot pass is wide ass open like that with modern athletes but it would be nice to have a set of bigs that can get down the court rim to rim.
We don’t have bigs that can run as well as Pete? Really? That’s ludicrous.
FWIW, the gif doesn't show his starting location. He could've already been across half court when the posession change occurred. Wherever he was, he made a break toward the basket catching his man severely out of position, coupled with the patience of #20.

To me the most impressive part of the clip is the "point to the passer" acknowledgement by JR, who wasn't even the one who made the pitch ahead, the assist, nor the made basket (I do acknowledge that I can't say that with 100% surety from the context of the clip though; just "extrapolating")
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Check out that roster. The only freshman was Davis (and he was offered basically as a favor to his uncle). Amazing how continuity and familiarity with teammates can make an offense (and defense) so much more fluid and efficient. That play never makes a Sportscenter top 10 list but it wins games.

Sometimes the simple, old stuff is a good idea.
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You have people that have spent every moment of their life after playing, while coaching as an assist or sitting around as a fan and thinking, I could do it better or I would do it this way or that way and then when they get the shot they do all the things they thought was better and find out that coach they watched for year did what they did for a reason.

That is the only explanation of why they would go away from what they know and have seen work.
Trying to reinvent the proverbial wheel... or falling for silly NBA fads.
Would love a big that can run rim to rim like that.

Not too sure a 55 foot pass is wide ass open like that with modern athletes but it would be nice to have a set of bigs that can get down the court rim to rim.
WHAT??? "Modern athletes"? LMAO. Just who in the hell do you think you were watching there?

And literally EVERY BIg on our current roster is perfectly capable of rim-running. It's a matter of what they're being told to do.

As for that long pitch-ahead, it was done correctly down the sideliine --- and WHY was that open? Because the retreating defense had to scramble to account for our guys in the Secondary lanes, ESPECIALLY the guy stressing the rim.
FWIW, the gif doesn't show his starting location. He could've already been across half court when the posession change occurred. Wherever he was, he made a break toward the basket catching his man severely out of position, coupled with the patience of #20.

To me the most impressive part of the clip is the "point to the passer" acknowledgement by JR, who wasn't even the one who made the pitch ahead, the assist, nor the made basket (I do acknowledge that I can't say that with 100% surety from the context of the clip though; just "extrapolating")
It was off a missed shot. Pete started in half-court defense like everyone else. He just sprinted to the rim as he was taught.
Check out that roster. The only freshman was Davis (and he was offered basically as a favor to his uncle). Amazing how continuity and familiarity with teammates can make an offense (and defense) so much more fluid and efficient. That play never makes a Sportscenter top 10 list but it wins games.

Sometimes the simple, old stuff is a good idea.
Yep, and here's the other beauty of the Secondary: Even when you don't get anything off the action, it gives you continuity motion into Freelance (as opposed to having to call plays from the bench on the fly every damn time).

As y'all know, Roy took the Secondary to the next level, adding wrinkles and options, which made perfect sense in the shorter shot-clock era. Where we really perfected it was in 2017, when we'd often go thru several iterations, and if it got down to 8-10 seconds, we'd get the rock back to Joel at the top and we pretty much ALWAYS got a good look.

Unfortunately, after Joel we didn't have another floor general to pull that off --- well, until now, if we'd actually use that luxury.
It was off a missed shot. Pete started in half-court defense like everyone else. He just sprinted to the rim as he was taught.
Great, well executed push back at that them after what looks to be being beaten down court themselves. It does look like a run back after a failed dook fast break though. There are only 2 Heels and 3 from dook even in the picture below the 3 point lines ( one barely in screen, pivoting and trying to get back cause he knows the miss is giving up numbers). A quick miss with most players still crossing half court, well executed for sure with the numbers, with the big rim running and good spacing.
Great, well executed push back at that them after what looks to be being beaten down court themselves. It does look like a run back after a failed dook fast break though. There are only 2 Heels and 3 from dook even in the picture below the 3 point lines ( one barely in screen, pivoting and trying to get back cause he knows the miss is giving up numbers). A quick miss with most players still crossing half court, well executed for sure with the numbers, with the big rim running and good spacing.
Actually, if I had started the GIF a tad earlier you would see that is was NOT a run-back at all. It was simply a rebounded missed 10 ft shot on a dook half-court inbound play in which all 5 Heels were foul line or below at the shot attempt. And THAT is the beauty of the Secondary.

In fact, Pete was in the in the paint only about a foot outside of JR when he went up for the board. Rick Fox was our highest defender at the FT line so he sprinted wide to the corner (he gets lost in the blur of the image), and Pete (as the first Big out) sprinted to the rim as he was taught.

Bucknall probably wasn't sure which way Jeff was gonna come out (since he crossed behind JR for the outlet), but once Jeff went right, he wisely flaired to the open sideline space (which was vacated by a defender having to account for Rick) enabling the pitch-ahead.

Once again, this is all about the beautiful design of the Secondary, because at first this did not even look like a transition op, since there was no initial ball-push with Jeff starting off behind the rebounder, but with everyone running their lanes suddenly a window of opportunity opened up, and wham/bam/thank-you, ma'am...
What happened to pointing to the passer…Did this fade away with Roy or Hubert…I see RJ always being about himself when he hits a shot…

Truthfully UNC basketball has been unrecognizable since Hubert has took over and every year it gets worse….We had a hell of run though…
What happened to pointing to the passer…Did this fade away with Roy or Hubert…I see RJ always being about himself when he hits a shot…

Truthfully UNC basketball has been unrecognizable since Hubert has took over and every year it gets worse….We had a hell of run though…
That's one of those "little things" that reinforces what your team is supposed to be about. I was dismayed that it gradually faded even under Roy, and TBH, I thought Hubert as an emotionally-attached true-believer would bring it back.

Sometimes as a player there's a tendency to dismiss these little things as silly, but they really do mean something in the long run.

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