Anyone surprised at how badly Pelosi cucked Donald yesterday?

It's funny to me when people name things, or make acronyms, that try to imply that the thing named is the exact opposite of what it really is.

FAIR - seems to be anything but FAIR
PATRIOT Act - certainly not patriotic
ACA - certainly not affordable
~83% of people who buy insurance through health insurance exchanges established by the ACA receive cost-sharing subsidies. It’s absolutely more affordable for them.
~83% of people who buy insurance through health insurance exchanges established by the ACA receive cost-sharing subsidies. It’s absolutely more affordable for them.

Not everyone qualifies for subsidies, they don't do anything to control the overall cost of the plans, and the quality of the plans are garbage.
Not everyone qualifies for subsidies....
I literally just told you that 17% of beneficiaries don’t qualify for subsidies. Wait, are you showing off your reading comprehension skills? Good job, little buddy!

...they don't do anything to control the overall cost of the plans....
To the surprise of no one, you have crafted a sentence that is grammatically and syntactically correct but nonetheless a word salad bereft of any meaning.

....and the quality of the plans are garbage.
This is the own goal of ACA arguments, and I don’t even like soccer.

Look, I know you’re mad at me, but this isn’t the way to get even. You’re so laughably ignorant about a subject that I live every day that I’m not going to waste my time correcting your stupidity. I’m just going to laugh my ass off and continue to mock you. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.
Since we are talking insurance can I just say that BCBS really sucks. Please someone explain to me why someone should go to PT before the doctor is even sure what exactly the problem is. You would think X-rays, mri's and the like would be the first choice and then treatment. The people at BCBS must be the dumbest people ever.
I feel like the ACA has made this worse.
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I literally just told you that 17% of beneficiaries don’t qualify for subsidies. Wait, are you showing off your reading comprehension skills? Good job, little buddy!

To the surprise of no one, you have crafted a sentence that is grammatically and syntactically correct but nonetheless a word salad bereft of any meaning.

This is the own goal of ACA arguments, and I don’t even like soccer.

Look, I know you’re mad at me, but this isn’t the way to get even. You’re so laughably ignorant about a subject that I live every day that I’m not going to waste my time correcting your stupidity. I’m just going to laugh my ass off and continue to mock you. Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time.

Seriously? You don't think the prices are spiking? The only thing keeping them in a semi-reasonable range for consumers are the subsidies. That doesn't mean that prices aren't spiking, that just means the taxpayers are covering those increases.

Wait, you're the guy who works for Blue Cross, right? Yeah, nobody down here in Florida even wants to accept your policies. I had one through the ACA and it was basically Medicaid, with copays, that I had to pay for. Hardly any GPs would take it and no specialists would. I had to drive over to the next town if I needed any kind of specialist.
That lady getting food stamps did not prevent you from getting food stamps. Food assistance programs are a drop in the bucket of the federal budget. We can easily afford to take care of both of you. You’re demonizing the wrong group of people. Go after the people who defund the social safety net instead of people who are lucky enough to be caught by it.
84 billion fy 2019 just for food stamps.
I could build 4 walls with that ‘drop in the bucket’!
Seriously? You don't think the prices are spiking? The only thing keeping them in a semi-reasonable range for consumers are the subsidies. That doesn't mean that prices aren't spiking, that just means the taxpayers are covering those increases.

Wait, you're the guy who works for Blue Cross, right? Yeah, nobody down here in Florida even wants to accept your policies. I had one through the ACA and it was basically Medicaid, with copays, that I had to pay for. Hardly any GPs would take it and no specialists would. I had to drive over to the next town if I needed any kind of specialist.

He doesn’t work for BC and this is one of those situations where you need to defer to people who know more than you because it is their job.
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He doesn’t work for BC and this is one of those situations where you need to defer to people who know more than you because it is their job.

Argument from authority...wonderful. It's not like I've actually dealt with the ACA or anything.

Let me ask you this. Are premiums spiking or no? Because mine spiked from $300 a month, to $700 a month, to almost $1200 a month in three years. I had to drop it because I was a full-time student and couldn't get a subsidy. That's what we're talking about here. You don't have to be an expert to see what is going on, risk pools and prices.
People don't seem to understand that they've killed the race card. Nobody cares about it anymore, outside of the people with white guilt.

Yep! Don't expect me to have any guilt about something that I had absolutely nothing to do, I'm not white. Its like people can make an allegation based on their opinion and if you don't agree with them, you're a racist. Its a pathetic attempt by pathetic people trying to make themselves look good by trying to soothe their guilty conscience.

I'm willing to venture that most of the people on here clamoring against racism are probably the biggest racists on the board. Trying to put on a front and pounding their chests for internet adoration.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Argument from authority...wonderful. It's not like I've actually dealt with the ACA or anything.

Let me ask you this. Are premiums spiking or no? Because mine spiked from $300 a month, to $700 a month, to almost $1200 a month in three years. I had to drop it because I was a full-time student and couldn't get a subsidy. That's what we're talking about here. You don't have to be an expert to see what is going on, risk pools and prices.

My niece could not get ACA because of a pre-existing condition. She was born with a heart defect and had heart surgery then she was 3 months old. The walls of her heart had not fully developed and she was not receiving enough oxygen to stay alive. That was in 1991. When she tried to get ACA in 2015, she was denied.
Argument from authority...wonderful. It's not like I've actually dealt with the ACA or anything.

Let me ask you this. Are premiums spiking or no? Because mine spiked from $300 a month, to $700 a month, to almost $1200 a month in three years. I had to drop it because I was a full-time student and couldn't get a subsidy. That's what we're talking about here. You don't have to be an expert to see what is going on, risk pools and prices.
1200 a month for health insurance????

Do you have some kind of special illness? Dialysis?
Yep! Don't expect me to have any guilt about something that I had absolutely nothing to do, I'm not white. Its like people can make an allegation based on their opinion and if you don't agree with them, you're a racist. Its a pathetic attempt by pathetic people trying to make themselves look good by trying to soothe their guilty conscience.

I'm willing to venture that most of the people on here clamoring against racism are probably the biggest racists on the board. Trying to put on a front and pounding their chests for internet adoration.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
If venture, in your personal nomenclature, means: making a complete fool of myself, then you're probably right.
If venture, in your personal nomenclature, means: making a complete fool of myself, then you're probably right.

Did I strike a chord, strummin? Your guilt is shining through. Its ok though, just admit it, own it and move on.
Did I strike a chord, strummin? Your guilt is shining through. Its ok though, just admit it, own it and move on.
Oh, definitely. I think we need to go back to separate toilets, water fountains, waiting rooms, hospitals... the works. Like it was back before WWII, when the coloreds knew their place. That SOB Kennedy and Johnson gave them too many damned rights. It started with that bleedin' heart FDR!
I did no such thing. Who could afford that? And if you could, you would be better off putting that money into an account for medical expenses.
You said it went from 300, to $700, to $1200. You had to drop it when?
Oh, definitely. I think we need to go back to separate toilets, water fountains, waiting rooms, hospitals... the works. Like it was back before WWII, when the coloreds knew their place. That SOB Kennedy and Johnson gave them too many damned rights. It started with that bleedin' heart FDR!

Nah, it started a lot farther back than that! You know...when your family had all those slaves. When they were freed, your family probably struggled but, with all the white privilege yall had, yall were back in business in no time.
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Nah, it started a lot farther back than that! You know...when your family had all those slaves. When they were freed, your family probably struggled but, with all the white privilege yall had, yall were back in business in no time.
I'm fortunate to know my direct family lineage, on both sides, through at least 3 branches.... My immediate family lineage owned no slaves. Poor people, lower-middle class. They did fight for the Confederacy, however.
When it went to $700 a month.
And, this was through the ACA? I think we covered this a while back. Or, maybe it was from HROT. Florida doesn't seem to be the best state to live in for any kind of health insurance.
My niece could not get ACA because of a pre-existing condition. She was born with a heart defect and had heart surgery then she was 3 months old. The walls of her heart had not fully developed and she was not receiving enough oxygen to stay alive. That was in 1991. When she tried to get ACA in 2015, she was denied.
Why am I skeptical of this story...?
My immediate family lineage owned no slaves. Poor people, lower-middle class. They did fight for the Confederacy, however.

Clearly racist because they fought for the Confederacy, and should have to apologize and make amends for those that did have the means to own slaves, because they were alive at the same time and didn’t stop it.
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I'm fortunate to know my direct family lineage, on both sides, through at least 3 branches.... My immediate family lineage owned no slaves. Poor people, lower-middle class. They did fight for the Confederacy, however.

Why am I skeptical of the first part of this? But, its your lie...tell it how you want it go.
My niece could not get ACA because of a pre-existing condition. She was born with a heart defect and had heart surgery then she was 3 months old. The walls of her heart had not fully developed and she was not receiving enough oxygen to stay alive. That was in 1991. When she tried to get ACA in 2015, she was denied.

Why am I skeptical of this story...?
Because he doesn't know wtf he's talking about.

The ACA, which was signed into law in 2010, explicitly prevents health insurance companies from denying coverage, charging a higher premium, or refusing to cover treatment for pre-existing conditions. The only factors in play when setting premiums are the applicant's location, age, tobacco use, and plan category (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum).

If an insurer tells any of you they're denying coverage, you should report them to your state's Department of Insurance.
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Because he doesn't know wtf he's talking about.

The ACA, which was signed into law in 2010, explicitly prevents health insurance companies from denying coverage, charging a higher premium, or refusing to cover treatment for pre-existing conditions. The only factors in play when setting premiums are the applicant's location, age, tobacco use, and plan category (bronze, silver, gold, and platinum).

If an insurer tells any of you they're denying coverage, you should report them to your state's Department of Insurance.

It was reported and nothing came of it. I think its because she is Native American and European American mix.
I’m sure it is for them, I was referring to it not being affordable for everyone else. Although that raises a good point. Maybe ACA falls into a separate, ambiguous category. Where it means what it says, you just have to guess for whom.
Premiums aren't the only cost incurred by patients, though. The ACA also attempts to make the cost of care more affordable for patients. That's an enormous challenge, however, because it's basically asking healthcare providers to reduce their revenue.
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Since we are talking insurance can I just say that BCBS really sucks. Please someone explain to me why someone should go to PT before the doctor is even sure what exactly the problem is. You would think X-rays, mri's and the like would be the first choice and then treatment. The people at BCBS must be the dumbest people ever.
I feel like the ACA has made this worse.
How has the ACA made this worse? Or are you just blindly lashing out at a policy you don't understand?
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Premiums aren't the only cost incurred by patients, though. The ACA also attempts to make the cost of care more affordable for patients. That's an enormous challenge, however, because it's basically asking healthcare providers to reduce their revenue.
Wait, wait,’re telling me healthcare companies are trying to make money? Shirley you can’t be serious. Wouldn’t some ethical dilemmas arise from such a thing?
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