Anyone surprised at how badly Pelosi cucked Donald yesterday?

$25k tax free to any individual who signs up to have their tubes tied/vasectomy. Process can only be reversed with full repayment of the $25k.

The people dumb enough to take this deal should not be procreating. If by some measure they understand the error of their ways and pay it back, more power to them.
Oh, how I wish that had been available! Seed money for a business at a much younger age! I never wanted to have kids! Paying me 25 grand for a vasectomy??? I would have been running over people for that offer!
Oh, how I wish that had been available! Seed money for a business at a much younger age! I never wanted to have kids! Paying me 25 grand for a vasectomy??? I would have been running over people for that offer!

Ya, I'd wait until I was done having the kids I want to have, and then get my payday as well. And of course, have my wife get hers so we can double up. I assume everyone else would do that too.
That story quotes the same “hate group” you cited in your original poast. Take a lap.

Besides, how can you come up with how much they're paying in if you don't even know how many are in the country? Those numbers sound like a lot of BS.
That’s the point. The story from ABC, which you obviously didn’t read, says as much regarding attempts to quantify how much immigrants contribute and how much they benefit. It’s a silly thing to argue about. Yet here you are, professing to have all the answers. Just like every other topic.

And you can stow that non-partisan BS. Nobody is non-partisan anymore, and I rather doubt anyone ever was.
Classic projection:
My values remain consistant no matter who is in office.
Your shtick is beyond tiresome. I’m done here.
Ya, I'd wait until I was done having the kids I want to have, and then get my payday as well. And of course, have my wife get hers so we can double up. I assume everyone else would do that too.

You can’t have kids and then take the money. For people without kids. Taking the lump sum precludes any type of child support should you have lied about the kids.
That story quotes the same “hate group” you cited in your original poast. Take a lap.

That’s the point. The story from ABC, which you obviously didn’t read, says as much regarding attempts to quantify how much immigrants contribute and how much they benefit. It’s a silly thing to argue about. Yet here you are, professing to have all the answers. Just like every other topic.

Classic projection:
Your shtick is beyond tiresome. I’m done here.

Just stop. All these numbers are projections because there is no way to truly know the final answer. Second, why is ABC quoting a hate group? Are they a hate group and ABC has no idea? Is ABC covering for a hate group? There are other links on the web that tell the same story about the cost of immigration. Are you telling me that they all are quoting a hate group? Even the leftist sites? I have a feeling that any link I post is going to be wrong for some reason, while all your links are squeaky clean. You're right about one thing though, you are done.
This is barely even a half truth. They get the same emergency care you're entitled to. Some states, but not all, provide them with perinatal care. That's it.

You might have qualified for a subsidy if you were actually surviving on bologna sandwiches. If not, you could have simply chosen an off-exchange plan with less robust benefits but cheaper premiums.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a non-profit tax exempt organization in the United States that self-identifies as an organization seeking to reduce both legal and illegal immigration.[7] The group publishes position papers, organizes events, and runs campaigns in order to influence US immigration policies. The Southern Poverty Law Center classifies FAIR as a hate group with close ties to white supremacist groups.[8]

FAIR was founded in 1979 by the ophthalmologist John Tanton, former historian of labor movements and director of the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions Otis L. Graham, Jr. and Sidney Swensrud, a former chairman of Gulf Oil and former governing board member of Planned Parenthood.[9][10][11]

The founding chairman, John Tanton, became leader of several anti-immigration groups[12] and held white supremacist beliefs while he led the organization.[13]


Yikes. There are many other websites out there, including truly non-partisan sites whose research suggests that both documented and undocumented immigrants pay more into public benefit programs than they take out.

This is rich, dude. Are you aware that the National Immigration Forum is basically a lobbying firm for promoting immigration? They don't have an agenda? Really? REALLY? Lulz!
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Please tell me that you don’t have to put up with this nonsense on premium and I’m ready to sign up.

I don’t believe they have a premium OT board, Mark. You’re not going anywhere. We’re all going down with this ship. That was in the fine print when you signed up.
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Please tell me that you don’t have to put up with this nonsense on premium and I’m ready to sign up.

Some of you are pretty fragile. Why do you participate in political threads if you hate them so much? I try to create other threads too, many of us do. Just because I believe in a position doesn't mean that I hate you or think you're stupid. None of us have the same beliefs. Just relax and don't participate if you don't want to.
I don’t believe they have a premium OT board, Mark. You’re not going anywhere. We’re all going down with this ship. That was in the fine print when you signed up.
Some of you are pretty fragile. Why do you participate in political threads if you hate them so much? I try to create other threads too, many of us do. Just because I believe in a position doesn't mean that I hate you or think you're stupid. None of us have the same beliefs. Just relax and don't participate if you don't want to.
Is this about the time you usually start looking for another board?
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$25k tax free to any individual who signs up to have their tubes tied/vasectomy. Process can only be reversed with full repayment of the $25k.

The people dumb enough to take this deal should not be procreating. If by some measure they understand the error of their ways and pay it back, more power to them.

Vasectomies are only reversible for a few years after the procedure and effectiveness drops after a few months.

No idea about tubal ligation.
Vasectomies are only reversible for a few years after the procedure and effectiveness drops after a few months.

No idea about tubal ligation.

You could always freeze your soldiers and then get the vasectomy. That way you could collect your $25k and then have children whenever you wanted.
None of trump’s businesses participate in the e-verify program which checks employees documents to make sure noone is an illegal. In just two businesses alone it was revealed dozens of illegals have worked for him for over a decade by providing fake documents. Employees claim the businesses knew the docs were fakes and were sometimes told “go back and get better ones, these wont do”. Lol. “Humanitarian crisis” my ass. What a lying pos hypocrite.
None of trump’s businesses participate in the e-verify program which checks employees documents to make sure noone is an illegal. In just two businesses alone it was revealed dozens of illegals have worked for him for over a decade by providing fake documents. Employees claim the businesses knew the docs were fakes and were sometimes told “go back and get better ones, these wont do”. Lol. “Humanitarian crisis” my ass. What a lying pos hypocrite.
Would you expect anything less?
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None of trump’s businesses participate in the e-verify program which checks employees documents to make sure noone is an illegal. In just two businesses alone it was revealed dozens of illegals have worked for him for over a decade by providing fake documents. Employees claim the businesses knew the docs were fakes and were sometimes told “go back and get better ones, these wont do”. Lol. “Humanitarian crisis” my ass. What a lying pos hypocrite.

I’m not saying that isn’t true because after all, that does sound very Trumpy. But I’m gonna need more than just you poasting that before I believe it.
I’m not saying that isn’t true because after all, that does sound very Trumpy. But I’m gonna need more than just you poasting that before I believe it.
I've seen it on the news about them firing illegals lately so it's probably true. But, the whole bunch in DC is corrupt. Great example is Obama care, they wrote themselves out of the law. None on either side are any different. I have much more respect for those that go in for 1-2 terms and get out, even though they do get the lifetime pension(which they shouldn't get).
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I’m not saying that isn’t true because after all, that does sound very Trumpy. But I’m gonna need more than just you poasting that before I believe it.
What difference would it make if it's true or not as far as how you're going to react?
What difference would it make if it's true or not as far as how you're going to react?

I think you sit around waiting for me to poast so you can respond to whatever I say. You’re like the scads of broads that do the same to me - just pray for a reason to interact with me.

In other words, you riding my jock is bitch-like. It’s embarrassing. Get a hold of yourself.
I think you sit around waiting for me to poast so you can respond to whatever I say. You’re like the scads of broads that do the same to me - just pray for a reason to interact with me.

In other words, you riding my jock is bitch-like. It’s embarrassing. Get a hold of yourself.
He's targeted you for conversion.
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I think you sit around waiting for me to poast so you can respond to whatever I say. You’re like the scads of broads that do the same to me - just pray for a reason to interact with me.

In other words, you riding my jock is bitch-like. It’s embarrassing. Get a hold of yourself.
"Get a hold of yourself."

I think you sit around waiting for me to poast so you can respond to whatever I say. You’re like the scads of broads that do the same to me - just pray for a reason to interact with me.

In other words, you riding my jock is bitch-like. It’s embarrassing. Get a hold of yourself.
Your quoting me so far exceeds my quoting you, I lost count. And, you're the one who always throws a hissy-fit and insists I'm stalking you.
That story quotes the same “hate group” you cited in your original poast. Take a lap.

That’s the point. The story from ABC, which you obviously didn’t read, says as much regarding attempts to quantify how much immigrants contribute and how much they benefit. It’s a silly thing to argue about. Yet here you are, professing to have all the answers. Just like every other topic.

Classic projection:
Your shtick is beyond tiresome. I’m done here.

FAIR is a hate group? Seriously? I don't believe they are but I'm willing to listen to your explanation.
It's funny to me when people name things, or make acronyms, that try to imply that the thing named is the exact opposite of what it really is.

FAIR - seems to be anything but FAIR
PATRIOT Act - certainly not patriotic
ACA - certainly not affordable
It's funny to me when people name things, or make acronyms, that try to imply that the thing named is the exact opposite of what it really is.

FAIR - seems to be anything but FAIR
PATRIOT Act - certainly not patriotic
ACA - certainly not affordable

CREEP was pretty accurate.