Bring back the RPT

Nov. 17, 1717: Captured by Blackbeard, the French ship La Concorde off of Martinique. He would rename the vessel Queen Anne's Revenge. Today she lies near Beaufort Inlet and is being preserved and documented at the QAR Lab in Greenville.
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"This USAAF B-17G Flying Fortress crash landed on approach to the island of Vis, Croatia after being hit by anti-aircraft fire during a bombing raid over Europe in 1944, which killed the co-pilot Ernest Vienneau. The surviving crew escaped in dinghies. This spectacular wreck of a famous World War 2 bomber is in remarkable condition and lies at 72 metres. I only had one dive on the wreck and the depth gave me very limited time in which to work so good communication between myself and my buddy, Andi Marovic was essential: I thoroughly briefed him on what I was trying to achieve before the dive so he could also visualize the image I was aiming for. I wanted to capture an image that showed the true scale of the aircraft so I shot with natural light and color balanced the image during post processing." - Steve Jones, photographer
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