So I guess you and other leftist are the only ones that know what is "actually good for the country".
Leftists know what's best for everyone and get pissed when people disagree. Surely you know this.
So I guess you and other leftist are the only ones that know what is "actually good for the country".
Technically you could manipulate it without knowing how it works. All you have to do is hire a good accountant. I agree with your overall point though.It's been obvious for awhile that you've bought the "Trump is incapable of doing anything right whatsoever" that has been sold to you. Maybe you have a case in terms of foreign policy and similar things. However if there's one thing that the man understands, it's the corporate tax code.
It really boggles my mind how Trump's haters try to have their cake and eat it too. Throughout the campaign and election all we heard about was how Trump is such a schemer, finding loopholes in the tax code in order to not pay taxes he should have owed. It's not possible to manipulate something you have no idea about. Now we have his haters saying he doesn't have a clue about the tax code or how it works. Get the damn story straight.
Has nothing to do with ego. True I didn't think Trump had a chance because I didn't think they were enough people like you stupid enough to vote for him and you proved me wrong. He has proven since he was elected that in fact he is as stupid as I was afraid he wasThat's absurd.
You just can't handle that your ego got crushed after you spent a year and lost $100 telling us all that Trump had no shot.
Has nothing to do with ego. True I didn't think Trump had a chance because I didn't think they were enough people like you stupid enough to vote for him and you proved me wrong. He has proven since he was elected that in fact he is as stupid as I was afraid he was
The world hasn't ended because Trump took office. We haven't gone back into the stone age.
Where I grow concerned is Trump's behavior and the precedent he sets when he alienates an ally, has a really stupid tweet, or starts attacking people because they criticize him. The man's ego is enormous, but it's also incredibly fragile. He'll say anything to make himself look good even if it isn't the truth. And people will say, "every politician does that to a certain extent." And you'd be right, but Trump's is much more blatant. He can't simply dismiss something as 'fake news' just because it's critical of him and his staff. And he can't expect unquestioned loyalty or dole out patronage from people, simply because he's in the White House.
Part of being President is having appropriate mannerisms, and knowing how to maneuver through the world of diplomacy. To secure and promote American interests, and having the intelligence to know when to wield the tremendous power we have, and when to refrain. He knows nothing of this world. Thankfully, Rex Tillerson seems to be doing a decent job.
And this whole Russia thing? Well, I'm just going to wait and see what Robert Mueller does. If I trust anyone to see this investigation through, it's him.
Name one skill the man poesses besides giving you a hardonDid you notice that we just had a 15-0 resolution passed in the UN Security Council? When was the last time that has happened?
I wouldnt worry about Trump's diplomatic skills.
Did you notice that we just had a 15-0 resolution passed in the UN Security Council? When was the last time that has happened?
I wouldnt worry about Trump's diplomatic skills.
Name one skill the man poesses besides giving you a hardon
Again, how much do you attribute that to Trump as opposed to Rex Tillerson or maybe even the world realizing North Korea having ICBM's is not a good idea?
So I guess you and other leftists are the only ones that know what is "actually good for the country".
Who hired Tillerson?
Name one skill the man poesses besides giving you a hardon
He knows how to market the shit out of himself. Always has been a genius at that. He's better than P.T. Barnum ever hoped to be.He has the skill to make millions of men whine like little girls.
Maybe it's not the most useful skill - but it's sure as hell entertaining.
I give Trump credit for his hires, and also blame him when they go bad aka: the mooch.
But you can't tell me you're not concerned about some of his behavior. It wasn't stunts he was pulling on the campaign trail, the man has no impulse control and I think there's too much back channeling going on with his staff, which hopefully John Kelly can fix.
Bottom line, there are things about him that trouble me deeply. There's plenty of hysteria surrounding Trump, but there's also a lot of legitimate criticism.
The economy was horrific when Obama took over. I hope people realize that.
As for "What price did I have to pay though" , aside from lack of national security- we are taking steps backward regarding environmental protection and the only beneficiaries are elites who own energy companies... looser environmental rules don't provide some trickle-down help to middle america, it just spoils their water.
And we are taking ZERO steps forward regarding really important things - healthcare, supreme court justice, tax reform, education, etc. If you want less taxes on the rich and less taxes on corporations, maybe you'll get what you want, but even that stuff is at risk due to the lack of cohesion in DC which is partly Trumps to blame.
The lack of cohesion in DC is just as much the fault of the people who will fight Trump tooth and nail on whatever he proposes, as it is Trump's who is incredibly hard-headed in his own right.
You don't get to complain about democrats fighting Trump on "everything he proposes" after the shit that Republicans pulled for the past eight years during Obama's administration.
I am only looking at results, not what is reported about WH squabbles.
How has any one American's life become worse since Trump took office?
Why don't you ask that question to the trans community? How about to the over 10 thousand trans troops serving in our armed forces?
Why don't you ask that question to the innocent families that have been devastated by ICE, even though they have zero history of criminal behavior?
How about the actual American citizens who were stuck outside of the country because of this idiotic, blatantly unconstitutional "travel ban."
Of course we also have to take into account his failures... He failed to repeal Obamacare, which would have kicked nearly 20 million people off of health insurance, inevitably costing lives. That isn't political spin, its the position of the AMA, the largest organization of doctors in the United States. So he tried to pass a tax cut that would have cost people their lives, but fortunately he failed.
Was the blind opposition to Obama good for the country and getting stuff done?
Should we be focused on getting even - or moving forward?
Why don't you ask that question to the trans community? How about to the over 10 thousand trans troops serving in our armed forces?
As soon as he stops supporting policy to expand income inequality and serve himself and the wealthiest 1 percent, maybe he'll stop being opposed.
Conservatives love to act like its "snowflake hysteria" despite the fact that Trump is providing us all with more than enough objective evidence of his incompetence and even maliciousness.
Nitpicking the numbers isn't really the point IMO.
As a side point, do you think there are more male > female, or female > males in the military? I'm guessing its female > male, and probably not even close. Androgen and testosterone are a lot cheaper than the transition surgeries of male > female transexuals. It also means that you're basically kicking a bunch of able bodied men out of the military. If you don't think so because of some underlying biology, then you must not be familiar with female bodybuilding.
Some income inequality is a given in a capitalist structure. That doesn't mean it should be unlimited, or that we have to allow it to get so out of hand. Saying, "If you are capable of making money, you do" is a gross oversimplification. Capital is the key to amassing wealth, and access to capital often has nothing to do with ability. The North Korea and Cuba comment is just ridiculous and beneath you. Equating economic regulations to full blown communism, or authoritarian dictatorship like NK is beyond absurd. It hasn't been unregulated capitalism that has driven this country to be the most successful in the world. Do you think we would be where we are today if we still had our kids working in factories with horrible conditions because we don't have any labor laws? I mean, people who are "capable" won't have to do that kind of stuff anyways right?
Well, I'm sorry for your loss.I would have picked anybody before Trump and I would have picked anybody before Clinton except Trump
Stupid Trump was elected bc stupid Libs elected stupid Obama ... the road was paved when that ass clown assumed office. It's anyone's game from here on out.Has nothing to do with ego. True I didn't think Trump had a chance because I didn't think they were enough people like you stupid enough to vote for him and you proved me wrong. He has proven since he was elected that in fact he is as stupid as I was afraid he was
Agreed. But you were the one who quoted a number as if it was definitive when everything is an estimate.
l would also assume female > male would be the overwhelming majority. And I don't care if the transition surgery/hormones were $1. I don't think tax payer money should be going to anything that is an elective cosmetic surgery - be it a nose job, hair restoration, gender transition, etc.
I'm also not in favor of kicking them out of the military. I'm perfectly fine with them serving (assuming they're physically and mentally capable of doing their job - the same criteria I would hold for non-trans people), and I'm not sure what gave you the impression that I wasn't.
I do agree with some of what you're saying here. For the most part it does take mega capital to amass more mega capital (although there are obviously exceptions). Some regulations like child labor laws are good. However, too much regulation - especially something like a high minimum wage - is counterproductive. My main problem is that there are too many loopholes in a lot of the programs out there. Like there are some people who legitimately need unemployment, welfare, and disability benefits. But there are also a lot of people that abuse those benefits. Politicians (especially those on the left) don't like to crack down on those programs to try to weed out the abusers because it makes them appear insensitive and may cost them the almighty votes.