Camp alum game footage...

My observations, good two man game with RJ and bacot. C Ryan will be fun to watch. Love his defense and court awareness. Seth has improved some. Needs that elbow jumper more for sure. Hope Ingram can shoot in games. Was a breath of fresh air to see someone besides RJ hit from deep. I like withers, he can go.
This could be a really fun team to watch come season time. Seems like there can be several deep threats on any given night.
71-68 UNC over alums. RJ game winner. They choked towards the end. Bacot missed 2 point blank baskets. Missed some open 3s. RJ was clearly the player of the game. He had probably 22-24 points and some nice assists BUT OMG Harrison Barnes blocked RJ so disgustingly behind the 3 point line in the 2nd half. It was embarrassing lol.

Trimble hit some jumpers but otherwise looked the same. Some spread out 3 point shooting. Rebounding looked suspect and they got worked a bit on the boards.
that was fun to watch! thanks for posting!

that hb block/grab was nasty!

why didnt cadeau play? i see him on the bench
I need some help identifying the alum players. I'm just beginning to watch and our starters look like


...which was my expected starting lineup before we got Cadeau. So that's fun to see. But unless/until we get closer looks, I'm having trouble with some on the blue team. And even with closer looks, I'm not sure I'll recognize all of them.
Why is Cadeau not playing? No offense to the other guys, but Cadeau is the piece of interest. That's what we're all waiting for - to see what we can look like with him running the show. Again, no disrespect to all those guys but I've seen them play.
Why is Cadeau not playing? No offense to the other guys, but Cadeau is the piece of interest. That's what we're all waiting for - to see what we can look like with him running the show. Again, no disrespect to all those guys but I've seen them play.
Very minor ankle tweak. These games mean less than nothing so he was held out. Apparently he's been doing well in the pick up games at night which he's still playing in.
Yep. word is he's making Ol' Roy wish he was back on the sideline this Fall.
I would love to see us borrow Roy for this year to coach him. The thought of Roy running his offense with Cadeau would be a thing of beauty.
Some nice outside shooting by Withers, and he moves well without the ball.

OTOH Garrison Brooks showed him up on rebounding.

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