Current market quotes (as of 16:10 CDT 3/24/2016)
GHWBush - I bid $5 x1 / no offers yet
Fidel Castro - I bid $5 x1 / no offers yet
Kirk Douglas - I bid $5 x1 / no offers yet
Charlie Sheen - Hark bids $0.50 x? / I offer 10x $5
All others - Hark bids $0.50 x? / no offers yet
My bid x's on the "all others" can be 5. Also note I have offers out of 1x $8 on each person on Abra Cadaver! (my squad): David Rockefeller, Bob Barker, Prince Philip, Stephen Hawking, Bobby Doerr
THN - do you understand it now? If you like one of our offers (or think our bids are stupid and want to get paid on them) pick those. Or if you would rather throw out new ones do that. Think about it in Expected Value terms. The average candidate has an expected value of $2. If you think someone is more likely to croak than the average person - you'd be willing to buy them for more than $2. If you think someone is less likely to croak first than the average, you'd be willing to sell them for under $2.
So jcolucci essentially is saying he thinks GHWBush, Castro, and Douglas are all roughly 2.5 times more likely to "win" than the average candidate. If you think he's way overrating one of them - you can "offer" him $5 and you'll have a deal. If that person dies first - you owe him $130. If any of the other 64 die first - he owes you $5. I also threw out a bid of $0.50 on everyone. So if you find people that were picked that you think have no chance at being the first to die, you can offer me them for $0.50 and we'll have a deal. You can pick multiple people too - so if you find 10 people you think have no chance at dying first - combine them all, and I owe you $5 if you're right and none die first. But if any one of those 10 does - you'll owe me the $130. So my bid of 50 cents is terrible for the favorites in the group - like Kirk Douglas. But it could be a fair offer for the last few picks that are considered underdogs. I merely tossed that out there to start the action (or at least try to). And my offers of $8 on everyone on my squad is there so that if someone really likes one of my people, I can make a quick $8 and not actually lose anything even if it hits (I'll win the pool, but will in turn owe it to whoever bought them from me).
The whole "x1 and x10" and all that, means that the person submitting the bid/offer is willing to take up to that many "contracts" - so at x10 - you can make the deal at 1 contract if you want. But if you really like it you can make it for 5 contracts or even 10 contracts. Which would mean that the $5 becomes $50, and the $130 becomes $1300.
If you don't like anything that's currently on the board - throw something else out there. You think Jimmy Carter has an above average chance at "winning"? throw out a bid of $3 and see if anyone bites. Think everyone is too high on Bob Dole? Throw out an offer of $4 and see if anyone bites. Just remember - with bids you can only lose the bid price (but have a strong chance to lose it) but can gain the pool price of $130 (and have a small chance of gaining it) . And with offers you can only gain the offer price (and have strong odds to gain it) but can possibly lose the pool price $130 (though a small chance of this).