So I get that line of thinking...but I have three issues with it:
First, if you think that's what Freedom means then man, that's some weak ass shit to bitch about. I do truly believe that Freedom comes with responsibility. Which is to my second point...
...your Freedom can harm others who also want to be free. Is part of your Freedom ensuring that your fellow citizens also get to enjoy that? If you're walking around with Covid because you aren't vaxed and someone is out trying to enjoy their Freedom because they are vaxed and you give them Covid then what about them? You could be confusing Freedom with selfishness. They aren't one in the same. In fact, there are a few essays from our founders that argue freedom is synonymous with inclusion.
Third, why is this your line? Why is this the thing where you say "you can't tell me what to do." You're being told what to do by the government every day of your life. You work a job, you pay taxes. You have no choice or you have your Freedom taken away. You want to fly on a plane? Gotta wear your seatbelt. If you don't, they will take away your Freedom of wanting to be on that plane by kicking you off of it. I could go on and on.
So why this? Why is this the thing? Because it's easy? Because the punishment isn't severe? Are you only willing to stand up to things where the consequences for that stand aren't that severe? There's another one where the founders have argued the opposite is really fighting for Freedom.
It just all feels like a lame excuse. From it's not FDA approved, to I found some crackpot doctor who says don't take it, to "it's my body my choice" from people who don't at all think that way when it comes to other hot button issues, to just hiding behind the word Freedom. It's all lame.
I think there ought to be some legitimate exceptions / exemptions to not get the vaxx. Like if you've already had COVID and recovered. Or if you're a kid. Or if you're looking to get pregnant. Or if your doctor recommends against it. The reporting seems to go back and forth on this almost weekly but at least monthly. Now it seems like natural immunity is acting as a superior protection vs. the vaccine.
From what I can tell, being vaxxed
only protects you from getting severely sick yourself. It doesn't prevent you totally from catching COVID, and it doesn't prevent you entirely from spreading COVID either.
Someone earlier in this thread said " those who are unvaxxed should have fewer rights than others." Wow. Outrageous. Take that same statement, and replace "unvaxxed" with:
heavy smokers
heavy drinkers
prescription drug abusers
illegal drug abusers
unhealthy / obese, poor eaters, lack of exercise
elderly (I know - they can do nothing about their age...)
A lot more people die from these causes above, mostly under the individual's control. Why do we not treat these causes of sickness, death, and hospital occupation with same level of scorn, judgment, stripping of rights? And if one says "well, the unvaxxed are making the vaxxed sick...wait...if it is truly an effective vaxx, then the vaxxed should have nothing to worry about, regarding catching COVID from the unvaxxed.
Two more points:
1) If the "experts" (Fauci, CDC, WHO, Biden and any other clown his administration rolls out with a different story daily) would have been up front and honest about what they do (did) and don't know - and come clean with the public, people would be more receptive.
But the constant changing story, different standards and rules for different groups of people (sophisticated, elites, swells, intelligent vs. the "MAGA rubes"), makes people generally mistrust them, and you can't win that back. "Just STFU and take the jab, don't ask questions, don't come up here with your exception" isn't compelling. Doesn't win anyone over.
2) I am still amazed (I guess I shouldn't be - our media are such lying low-grade scum) how anti-vaxxers are categorized on air as "mostly, MAGA, QAnon, Repubs, red state , science-free death wish morons".
The media
knows which groups are largest in not getting vaxxed. BIPOCs, by a very wide margin. I know some moron will come on here and call this a racist shot at BIPOCs. Couldn't be further from the truth.
Maybe BIPOCs have a legit reason to be skeptical, they sure have a right to be skeptical / hesitant given how the govt has treated them in the past.
I sure would like these lying scum maggot race baiters like Don Lemon and Joy Reid have to bring groups of BIPOCs on air, then brow beat them for not getting vaxxed. Ha ha - good one, right? What are chances of that ever happening?