I actually happened to be listening to a lot of that call, and I have to admit that I kept wishing that the caller would completely legitimize himself. He may have done so when I wasn't listening, but all I heard was a claim of legitimacy. I thought at times he sounded a tad sketchy. So I heard the gist of it and as I do with all info I encounter, I salt it away for future reference and listen out for similar info to add to the pool....and in the meantime, I too take it with a grain of salt....but I am not at all dismissing him.Right and I will say, to be fair, who knows who these callers are and how legit they are. So I would take everything with a grain of salt. Having said that, my questions above are still pertinent to the overall way this pandemic has been handled from the beginning.
But I also understand how human nature works, so I also take with a grain of salt the collective expert wisdom.