How long have you been a teacher and what grade do you teach? My mom was a teacher for eight years and taught health/P.E. for 6-8 grade.Definitely does not have to be a teacher. Ideally would be a former teacher but that isn't necessary for me. I would prefer a person who is knowledgeable about the relevant issues and she clearly is not. She hates public education though which is good enough for the right. The problem with hating public education isn't the issue though. It is hating it and knowing absolutely nothing about it.
I am a teacher. I get that she really isn't all that powerful. States are way more relevant. Federal mandates can have an impact though. The system in general still hasn't recovered from NCLB.
This is my 19th year. I taught 4th grade for 9 years and PE for 10. Love different things about both.