Dance time UNC vs Harvard game thread--Thursday 19 March2015

How stupid is this team honestly? I watch a ton of games and I'd argue we have the lowest basketball IQ of any of the teams in the tourney.
I know we won but who in their right mind trusted Meeks to hit one of those? Fkin choke artists at the line
This has been the closest overall opening day at a tourney that I can ever recall.

This game was too close and inexcusable, but it's a win.

Survive and advance...
We survived by the grace of the f*cking refs. I didn't even see a foul there.
It's worth noting that the only reason we scored that last bucket was bc Paige blew a defensive assignment and then cherry picked while his player could have got the rebound.

He was pretty bad defensively in spots tonight.

We sucked top to bottom tonight.
Very lucky to win.

This team is not smart in any sense. It has made no progress over the course of the season.

I say that we are now exactly where FSU football was in Bowden's slow decline into utter mediocrity.
That tourney that Maryland lost on a buzzer beater after hitting a 3 to take the lead was probably the closest day 1 I can remember.
1st NCAA game in 82, 52-50 win, anybody remember the power house we barely beat?

Survive and advance guys, REMEMBER?
Originally posted by RoyWilliamsCOY:

Originally posted by strummingram:
Survive and advance...
Hahaha you are the most positive man I know Sir! I want you around whenever I have a shitty day lmao.
Look at the higher-seeded teams that lost today. And, the close games are one after another.

I expect UNC to play a lot better next game, but they are still prone to making dumb mistakes.

But... you gotta take wins when you get a win. You can b*tch about it or enjoy it.
Who feels good about that win. FING joke. If Harvard guy falls down on that last 3 they are shooting 3 fats and we lose. We flat out in no way deserved any part of that win. None of it. We sucked from head coach thriu all the players the entire last 15 minutes.
Actually that bogus foul call that sent Meeks to the line helped Harvard. THe ball was going out of bounds off the Harvard guy anyway, and then we could've put the ball in Paige's hands and likely he makes the FT's.
Harvard closed the game on 29-15 run. That is inexcusable. Same type of run Notre Dame went on last Saturday. The aggressor wins in this tourney. Our guys had better be ready for a fight on Saturday or the season is over. Luv ya Heels but doggone it!
if Ark advances-a pressing team..turnovers???...oh well, we have a weekend game-make the best of it!!!
We were lucky to win that one. We benefitted greatly on Meeks bitching out on that rebound to the point that it looked like a foul. Can somebody tell me why Britt didn't play? Thought that was interesting.
Can you say "Pulled that one out of our arses"?

We are damn lucky to play another day. We absolutely played one of the worst second halls all season long. That was just pathetic.

If is too late for them to learn how to play smart, but they better figure out how to at least play with some more urgency or they will be watching the rest of the games from Chapel Hill after this weekend.

Gotta tip your hat to Saunders for a great game. I really thought he was going to kill us with that last shot.
how can you turn the ball over that much, when the team puts no pressure on the ball. they just sit back and wait for us to give it to them. And they tighten up like a bunch of bitches.
Originally posted by mikeirbyusa:
Originally posted by Spaceytoyz:

Originally posted by thaUNCshow:
People swear this isnt a poorly coached team
Trust me it is...
Exactly how do you blame the foolish turnovers on Roy?
really?... C'mon, man...he recruits these kids, watches them handle pressure situations, and coaches them now...he and the staff know who can do what, when, and how's a piss poor coached team with guys that need an ass chewing to even to motivated.

and i'm glad he saved those timeouts...maybe hooters at the landing in jax will offer a group rate.
Have to agree with Tarheel Mark.Exactly my thought when it happened. Would have preferred to have it out of bounds and set up something for Paige to get the ball. Meeks bricked that horribly.

This post was edited on 3/19 9:39 PM by Snoopy3320
Originally posted by gteeitup:

Originally posted by mikeirbyusa:
Originally posted by Spaceytoyz:

Originally posted by thaUNCshow:
People swear this isnt a poorly coached team
Trust me it is...
Exactly how do you blame the foolish turnovers on Roy?
really?... C'mon, man...he recruits these kids, watches them handle pressure situations, and coaches them now...he and the staff know who can do what, when, and how's a piss poor coached team with guys that need an ass chewing to even to motivated.

and i'm glad he saved those timeouts...maybe hooters at the landing in jax will offer a group rate.
+1 For Brutal & True Honesty