Derryck Thornton will transfer from Duke


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Apr 20, 2006
I called this one before the Dookies knew it. Refer back to my open letter thread. K used this kid to get Popcorn on board. At least the kid is smart enough to get out. Andre "Bail-out" Dawkins was not smart enough to get out after K used him . Andre left Duke in a terrible mental state. I still feel sorry for Bail-out Dawkins.

Jeter needs to get the heck out of there also. There are rumors that Jeter may redshirt if Bolden is signed. What K wants, K gets. Only K can get a 5-star player to redshirt. Remember, he convinced 5-Star Alex "Can't Miss" Murphy to redshirt before he was forced to transfer.

Can someone tell me why Obi Wan Nobody transferred to Duke? Has to be one of the dumbest transfers ever.

K, the leader of men
not surprised at all with this transfer out of dook .. not going to be enough balls to go around this coming season !
One scumbag trying to out scumbag another...POS K versus POS Cal....the kids suffer. Good to see the "dook way" cares for SAs isn't it?
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Here's what I added in the Bolden thread about the class of the LOM and the prestigious DOOK program

Thornton confirmed his transfer today. That is a fact.... here is speculation.

Jeter, Obi, et al not far behind him....

The revolving door continues and The Rat has the engine on the revolving door revved up.

So nice of the Leader of Men (barf) to look out for Thornton. Nice. Rat prolly straight up told Thornton he'd get to practice all year, and maybe get a couple minutes here and there if they were up by 30 on someone, but otherwise its pine city, baby!

It just warms the heart how much the Rat looks out for his players and works to develop them. Sick. I wonder if whacking Thornton was a condition for Bolden to come to the cesspool. What a way to run a program. All about the development of the student athlete. Funny thing is.... if you accumulated the kids that transferred out of Dook, and put them together as a team of seniors, that OTHER programs have developed (Gbinije, Salumon, etc) - they'd give Dook a run for their money.

Just think if we had this FUBAR of a program at UNC - we'd have never had guys like Britt, Brice, Joel James, .... and in the past guys like Deon Thompson, Jawad Williams, etc on the team product for us.... if we were like Rat and looked out only for the new OAD guy we recruited over the 4 -year developing guy, and just throw away the guy who isn't a star as a freshman.

Why don't we hear more in the media about what a transfer factory Dook is? Or am I missing it, and the transfer factory is good for the game, what the NCAA and the universities should want, for "developing these student athletes".

The Dookie recruits must be getting paid well by Bag Man Capel..... how else can you explain them just ignoring Rat and Capel just royally screwing up the first couple years of these college kids lives, throwing them under the bus, having them sit out (lose) a year, etc.

Would be awesome to hear people like Thornton and other transfers spill the inside stuff on how slimy the whole process is for them, if they aren't instant automatic stars, regardless of what they were promised when they were recruited.

Talk about kids getting used and thrown away. Rat treats the kids like prostitutes, bought for a year, but I'd guess most prostitutes get treated with more respect and dignity, than Rat shows to his high-recruits on the middle of his bench (ie - the guys beyond the "only 5-6" players he had this year.
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Grayson Allen was gone a month ago. I am thinking K talked him into staying to help with the point position knowing Thornton was gone. From all indications, Punkston was projected as a late first round pick. The kid will be ridiculed the entire upcoming season for tripping. He better be careful with the tripping or a 10-game suspension will be coming his way.

Just another example of K looking out for K. The leader of men.
This is the twitter address for Thornton's uncle? He is ripping K^tfw
  1. Mark Edwards‏@MEdwardsBball
    I was in the office at Duke when they BEGGED my #Nephew to Skip his Senior year..give up a piece of his childhood for a great opportunity
Wow, the dook fan base is in full attack mode and "going in" on his so called uncle/trainer, or at least they're trying to. He appears to be standing his ground pretty good though. DRAM-ahh.
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Is anyone surprised by this?? Others have stated on this thread what have been and continue to be my thoughts on Vader and what type of human being he ALWAYS has been and always WILL BE. I truly believe Vader is THE biggest phony and fraud in all of sports and have said so countless times. This is just another example of his complete focus on HIM and HIS legacy. F the Kids he claims to care about... he will lie ,cheat ,COVER UP his programs obvious use of an illegal player in 2010 ansd so much more. He will do ANYTHING and say anything, excuse ANY transgression his players commit and continue to churn out dirty player after dirty player.

Meanwhile he has plenty of cover from his stooges in the media who sing his praises year after year. Finally, Some are waking up to what a complete jerk and fraud this guy is, something we have known for decades.
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"Mark Edwards ‏@MEdwardsBball
@Annnnasmith95 Ask Sean Dockery former Duke PG, ask Mike Gbinije, Alex Murphy, Rasheed Sulamon...I can go on?! #DumbAss"

Preach on. The dookies are JCD all over the place. Funny stuff.

I'd love to see the complete list of transfers from dook since the rat has been at the helm. I'm sure the last 10-15 years are way above the average for the majority of division 1 schools.
Isn't the first time a 5 star has skipped his senior year to help Duke at a position of need. Have any of them gone well? Dawkins didn't. Murphy didn't. Thornton didn't. Pattern or coincidence? Seems like the former.
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The following is the Uncle's Bio. K may have crossed the wrong person. I hope this abuse by K spreads throughout the AAU ranks. K, the leader of men

Uncle's Bio

*Founder and Head of Development for VANGUARD ELITE SPORTS
*One of the Original Creative Marketing people behind the And1 Mixtape Tour
*20 years experience working with Top NBA, High School, Middle School and Elementary School Players
*Created commercials for NBA All-star games on 3 separate occasions
*Created the Basketball Choreography for ground-breaking Mountain Dew Commercial starring Hot Sauce
*Created Basketball Choreography for movie CROSSOVER
*Cast majority of basketball players in movie CROSSOVER
*Casting for the movie SEMI-PRO
*Consultant, Casting and Lead Choreographer for video games, NBA 2k, NBA STREET, STREET HOOPS, NBA JAMS, & NBA BALLERS

I have served as;
*Head Clinician for Pangos Basketball camp (Atlanta Area)
*Head Clinician, Evaluator and Reporter for All Metro Hoops (Atlanta Area and Nationally)
*Skills Trainer at John Lucas Midwest Invitational All American Camp
That gag order is almost impossible to break.... the code of omerta that this guy demands from his subordinates would make the mafia proud.
Lmao at the fake uncle. Funny how he's talking in code. If he's as real and 100% as he says he is then say exactly what the issue is. What did K lie about? Thornton has nothing to do with Bolden. Ha ha this is a joke.
What did he say that's not true? Did K practically beg Thorton to skip his senior year in HS? Yep. He needed to in order to get Ingram.
TRU, you good people just badly misled. Like guys like you and topps just sad y'all have been so blinded.

Lol come on Mike! Lots of things to hate on K about but this?

Duke had a need, Duke needed a point guard so K begged Thornton to reclassify back to his CORRECT grade in order to help fulfill that need. What in the lords name is wrong with that?

K only went after Thornton to get Ingram? Ok so why start the kid some games and why allow him to play almost 30 a game?

Why didn't K go after another top pg in this class? Frank Jackson ain't it.

Fact of the matter is that this fake uncle is too embarrassed to say what the lie is because it either doesn't exist or it's something that will make him and Thornton look bad something like "k said he would use me more in ball screens like Tyus jones"
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Lol come on Mike! Lots of things to hate on K about but this?

Duke had a need, Duke needed a point guard so K begged Thornton to reclassify back to his CORRECT grade in order to help fulfill that need. What in the lords name is wrong with that?

K only went after Thornton to get Ingram? Ok so why start the kid some games and why allow him to play almost 30 a game?

Why didn't K go after another top pg in this class? Frank Jackson ain't it.

Fact of the matter is that this fake uncle is too embarrassed to say what the lie is because it either doesn't exist or it's something that will make him and Thornton look bad something like "k said he would use me more in ball screens like Tyus jones"

Shouldn't you be selling a kid on 4 years or college? Not begging to change his life, skip his senior year of high school so K can fill a need, then go get another PG to play over him as a sophmore? Are you kidding me that you don't see anything wrong in that?
look he is part of the cult. They will ALWAYS back up the Dear leader
The fall into depression/hopelessness these people are gonna experience when the Dear leader retires is going to be EPIC.
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Shouldn't you be selling a kid on 4 years or college? Not begging to change his life, skip his senior year of high school so K can fill a need, then go get another PG to play over him as a sophmore? Are you kidding me that you don't see anything wrong in that?

Frank Jackson is not a true pg and are you telling me a major div 1 school should only have one person who can adequately play pg on the team? So you don't recruit Jackson Thornton gets hurt or doesn't play well then what? Lol come on bro come on
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Some of the guys on our board said its not his real uncle. I guess technically I really don't KNOW. But what I will say is that if YOU (Mikeirbyusa) says something similar about a Carolina kid who's family is in question, I would believe it. So if I got wrong info then I apologize but it still doesn't change anything as far as my poin is concerned. My mentioning fake uncle is nothing more than me further discrediting him.
Some of the guys on our board said its not his real uncle. I guess technically I really don't KNOW. But what I will say is that if YOU (Mikeirbyusa) says something similar about a Carolina kid who's family is in question, I would believe it. So if I got wrong info then I apologize but it still doesn't change anything as far as my poin is concerned. My mentioning fake uncle is nothing more than me further discrediting him.

TRU, if it involves a Carolina kid I WILL investigate to the fullest, think you know that.

Ain't The Greatest Rivalry in college basketball fun? :p
Grayson Allen was gone a month ago. I am thinking K talked him into staying to help with the point position knowing Thornton was gone. From all indications, Punkston was projected as a late first round pick. The kid will be ridiculed the entire upcoming season for tripping. He better be careful with the tripping or a 10-game suspension will be coming his way.

Just another example of K looking out for K. The leader of men.
That was my thought, too. Allen may be making a mistake if, as most seem to think, he would be a 1st rounder. Duke is going to be a front court team next season.

Presumably Allen becomes the starting point guard. I guess if he is really good at it this could work to his favor. But how many spots is he likely to move up? And if he doesn't get really good at it or his numbers decline because of the changed emphasis of the front-loaded team, is he still a 1st round pick?

Let's say he would have been drafted #25. That's a bit over $1 million. If he moves up 5 draft spots by staying in school, his pay jumps to around $1.25 million. In other words, it will take him 5 years to show a profit on this decision. A quick google tells me the average NBA career lasts 4.8 years.

Dubious decision.
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So . . . he wants to play closer to home, he says.

Is that a polite way of saying he wants to be as far from K as possible without leaving the continental US?

OTOH, maybe he's just homesick. He did leave HS early, after all. We've seen that before from California kids.
Good for Derryck, I wish him the best. He seems like a good kid. K-Rat has sold out on every one of his former "principals". He's a real pos.
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Frank Jackson is not a true pg and are you telling me a major div 1 school should only have one person who can adequately play pg on the team? So you don't recruit Jackson Thornton gets hurt or doesn't play well then what? Lol come on bro come on

Lol come on bro, it's been clearly been told to Thorton he isn't going to be getting much burn next year. Why else would he transfer? He was lied to by your boy, and that's a fact. Sugar coat all you want. When Jeter transfers, that will make it two 5 star recruits saying peace.