Fbi directly links gott to dsj payments

I guess Goot has to change his name again from Gotttfired to Gottfried, he is gonna roast.
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Think about it, we don't know about the Everett Case era, but any other real success at NCSU has been followed by a probation. Seems to be what one has to do to win in Raleigh. Much like I think Clemson's football program operates. Probation after their '81 national championship, and think at present they have it down to a science with everything untraceable giving the coaches and the program plausible deniability. They basically recruit nothing but 4-5 stars, and you can't tell me that a school an hour away from any real entertainment, up in the mountains of SC, is a lure to most of those kids
Nobody cheated more than Adolph Rupp and Kentucky with maybe the exception of UCLA during the Wooden era, but State has tried on several occasions, but were eventually caught, so I guess one could say that the Wolfpack is not very good at cheating, but that hasn't kept them from at least trying....
Nobody cheated more than Adolph Rupp and Kentucky with maybe the exception of UCLA during the Wooden era, but State has tried on several occasions, but were eventually caught, so I guess one could say that the Wolfpack is not very good at cheating, but that hasn't kept them from at least trying....
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Well we DO know about the career of their greatest Hero, Coach Case.

"NCSU Basketball, 1/7/1955: NCSU is cited for “Improper recruiting transportation, tryouts,” earning a year’s probation and post-season ban for Everett Case’s basketball team.

NCSU Basketball, 1/11/1957: For the second time in two years, Everett Case’s Wolfpack program is cited for a major NCAA infraction, this time for “Improper recruiting inducements.”

State is cited for offering excessive aid to a prospect, including annual cash payments, a seven-year medical education for the prospect’s friend, and a guaranteed five-year scholarship. The prospect was also given $80 to cover transportation to come to Raleigh and enroll. An assistant basketball coach and assistant athletic director were reprimanded for their roles in recruiting. "

All the above info came from an old N&O story....back in the day when they weren't shills for the rollywood reform school.
When the college admissions bribery scandal blew up Tuesday, the list of those charged with crimes was highlighted by Hollywood actresses Felicity Huffman and Lori Loughlin. But in college athletics circles, two other names had phones buzzing and industry insiders talking.

Martin Fox and Mark Riddell.

Neither are household names … unless you work inside college sports, where everyone is now wondering if either or both have additional stories or secrets to share as they face federal felonies.

Fox is widely known across the AAU and college basketball world. Now that the 62-year-old hoops gadfly has been charged with conspiracy to commit racketeering, his murky role within the sport is under scrutiny.

"He was a known person," said Sonny Vaccaro, a godfather of the sneaker business, "but it was unknown exactly what he did."

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