Felton Fails to Acknowledge Berry


Gold Member
Aug 31, 2004
a little under the 5 min mark in the 2nd half, Felton’s is subbed for Berry but walks right past Joel’s out stretched hand.

Could this just be Freshman frustration getting to Jalek, or symptomatic of something more seeding going on with this team?

It has been noted on here multiple times Jalek’s apathetic moments during games this season. I would like to think that Jalek simply missed Joel’s hand when he passed him but he also seemed to do the same thing to May and only half heartedly tapped the rest of his teammates on the bench!
I saw that during the game, and the commentators mentioned it.

Berry doesn't strike me as the overly sensitive he gets it. Felton was frustrated. If there's a problem it will get hashed out. Seems like a heat of the moment thing.
I feel for Jalek. Roy pulls him way too fast. Roy complains about his defense all the time but from my seat none of them play defense.
With that said I have an honest question. I could only catch about five mins in the second half of the game. During that time Felton subbed in for Berry. He looked good to me, and also had three assists. The floor looked spaced, we looked energized, and peeps were involved. By no means am I knocking Joel, but whats the reason for Roy pulling him? Like I said, I was in the middle of local games myself, and couldn't watch more, so I really didn't get to see more. IMO I think Jalek needs some long stretches of time on the floor, maybe with Berry at the two, to get some feel. What yall think?
Jalek bricked a 3 as soon as they got into their offense, on Jaleks first possession, and Tech grabbed the rebound. Roy immediately yanked him. Then walking off the floor and didn't high five Berry.
He was frustrated. He missed a shot, got pulled. He's a freshman. Don't read too much into it.
I believe the initial catalyst for getting him pulled was what happened on the previous possession on the other end. Jalek went under a screen without challenging an open 3-point shooter. Had he come back and made that shot that might've bought him some more minutes, but nonetheless, yeah, he was frustrated with the quick pull. Nothing more to read into it.
Jalek bricked a 3 as soon as they got into their offense, on Jaleks first possession, and Tech grabbed the rebound. Roy immediately yanked him. Then walking off the floor and didn't high five Berry.
Jalek got pulled for the defensive lapse to give up the 3 and the missed 3. It was cut to 8 and we still had a chance with momentum at that point. After that sequence we were forked.
Hes not even breaking a sweat its all on Felton he needs to put forth more effort..

I think Felton thought he was going to be the guy this year at PG. He wasn't expecting Berry to come back this year. It seems he just thought it was going to be his team to lead at PG and now the frustration has set in to a point of no return this year. We will see a much better Jalek come next year, especially after ole Uncle Raymond gets in his ear.
If Felton is going to get pulled for giving up a 3 then Maye, Berry & Pinson should also.
Tech had wide open 3 after wide open 3. As did Florida St in the 1st half when we played them.
That's not apples to apples, Maye and Berry put points back at Tech.. Felton would not have
Jalek bricked a 3 as soon as they got into their offense, on Jaleks first possession, and Tech grabbed the rebound. Roy immediately yanked him. Then walking off the floor and didn't high five Berry.

That gave me flashbacks to when Dean would pull Vince Carter out of games as a freshman. Vince would barely get a lather going and.....BAM! Dean gave him the hook. Vince didn’t like it, but we all know it had a happy ending. I think it’ll be the same with Jalek. I see so much of Dean in Roy now. More so than ever.
More consistent effort, especially on the defensive end, and learning that what worked in 2A high school ball isn't going to work at the ACC level. Jalek isn't the first freshman to try and learn those things, not by a looooooooooong shot. Most of them eventually do if they want to see the court. Jalek will learn too.

It's not easy learning the PG position at UNC, being a legacy to an uncle who was one of our best doesn't make it any easier.
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a little under the 5 min mark in the 2nd half, Felton’s is subbed for Berry but walks right past Joel’s out stretched hand.

Could this just be Freshman frustration getting to Jalek, or symptomatic of something more seeding going on with this team?

It has been noted on here multiple times Jalek’s apathetic moments during games this season. I would like to think that Jalek simply missed Joel’s hand when he passed him but he also seemed to do the same thing to May and only half heartedly tapped the rest of his teammates on the bench!
Thanks for raising this. I noticed it at the time but forgot about it. If I had a DVR I would have replayed it to see if I could understand what went on.
Barry shot 19 times & Maye shot 16. Give Felton that many shots & he would’ve scored also.
Yea and they were the only 2 to actually make shots against Va Tech. They both hit a solid percentage. This team doesn't have the size up front to make up for defensive lapses. So team defensive principles are key. One guy blows his assignment or rotation it's gonna affect this team more because of lack of rim protection. I agree other guys had some bad lapses in the game but those guys have a history and have put in the work for multiple years. Been to a FF's and won a natty with em. Jalek seems to think he is already on that level when he has done nothing to be put on that level.

Luke and Joel were 19-35 FG 7-16 from 3 yes they had 7 TO's to 3 Assists. They definately didn't play great.

But rest of the team was a bad , 8-28 FG and 3-15 from 3. Also the problem I have been talking about for a month happened. We don't get to the FT line enough.
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IMO I think Jalek needs some long stretches of time on the floor
I agree, but we are running out of "safe" games to do that in. Pitt and maybe this Saturday against State. Not much time left for Jalek to turn the corner.

If Seventh hadn't gotten injured, I wonder how many minutes Jalek would be getting.
Simply frustration. However, part of being a teammate is keeping a good attitude for the betterment of the team. No matter how bad you play or the team is playing, you can control how you carry yourself on the court. It’s frustration, but also a lack of maturity. Jalek will learn. But he needs to learn that he is at the bottom of the totem pole, prolly for the first time in his life. He need to embrace that role and do what he can w the minutes he’s getting. His time is coming. He’s very lucky to be learning from one of the best to in the program’s history. He’s got the potential to be very special.
My hunch with Felton is breaking bad habits. He needs immediate correction to break a habit. Once he develops a new habit, his leash will get longer and he can play through some of the mistakes. Right now, anything less is re-enforcing a bad habit you want to go away. It's no different than in businesses with new employees, correct early and often to establish a new expectation and then over time you can let them find their way with a foundation in place. He is going to be special sooner or later. The Carter reference is a great example, Dean correcting bad habits sacrificing some short term for the long term gain of the player and team.
Let's remember that Roy sees what these kids do well and don't do well, not only in games, but EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE.. I'm sure Roy has things he wants these kids to do and not do. Chances are, anything that gets these kids pulled in game are things that Roy and the staff have asked them to do or not do many many times outside of the spot light in practice.
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Not sweating it with Jalek. But if he wants to play more he has to play more consistently. I have been surprised at his ability to make tough passes. But he struggles with the simple passes. If he hasn't noticed it's about winning games not creating his highlight reel.
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