Observations from the stands

Dude, You already said you disagreed about Seth just a few posts above. Fine. So, why can't you leave it at that and move on?

And I don't know WTF you're even ranting about now. I never once said JWash couldn't play the 4.

You talk about "harmony" but then you post this? Look, if you can't refrain from attacking me for whatever imagined reasons then please just ignore my posts from now on.
I have not attacked you but YES, I do have some very strong disagreement with you. But it is typical gary, don't agree with him and you are ranting and attacking him? LOL
FTR: I went on record as saying I preferred JWit to be our starting 4 before the season started and I was positive-indeed I defended this stance mightily! Now, things have changed: 1. Ingram plays bigger than I thought he could and seems to hold his own. 2. JWit spit the bit and needs to be brought along more slowly than I anticipated. 3. I never considered JWash because of the need to have a dedicated backup at 5.

I also agree that Seth is a combo that could learn to be a passable PG; RJ is a combo who has reached PG status; and EC was born to run point but still needs seasoning to do it at peak efficiency!

BTW: I might be a bit long-winded as well, lol!

I don't consider my opinion wrong in any sense since I still think ultimately, we need a big at 4 so Ingram can be an even larger matchup nightmare at 3. I would still work to get JWit ready as fast as possible because our need is greater at backup 5. If High or Okonkwo develop fast enough, JWash can become a dedicated 4 with some defensive work, but he is suited to be a change of pace 5 more imo!
Yes you did go on record as wanted Wit to start, I was right there with you TP, defending him arm & arm. The only part we didn't agree on was Jalen, we already know that I wanted Jalen in the 4mix with Wit and wanted, still do want Ingram at the 3. Our views evolve as players play, you begin to see some things differently. For example has Ryan been the great shooter every single one of us felt he would be, has Cadeau come in and set the world on fire, has Paxon played even as well as a 2nd stringer? LOL No to all 3 but that is the difference between opinion and fact, additional information can change opinion, facts do not change. Opinions are not right or wrong, they are just what you think

I agree that now Seth is a combo but he is a really odd combo, most often it is a shooting guard that comes in and plays the point like RJ or Caleb that we think of as a combo. Seth in my opinion is that rare guy that came in as a pass first PG that has had to learn to be an off guard or a wing just to get on the court. Leaky was similar in that he was always a PG and wanted to be a PG for us, Roy wanted that as well but the kid had simply out grown the position so he had to learn to play another position just to get on the court. Seth was a pass first PG prior to UNC and frankly he is still a pass first guy, doubt that ever changes.

On Jalen, we have differing opinion, I see him actually as the very definition of a stretch 4 but I question him having the bulk to play the 5. I don't know how I feel actually about the concept of a stretch 5, I am not inclined to like it at this point because I want my big men in rebounding position rather than 40' from the basket. You don't have to be shy that your opinion means any less than anyone else's, we all have em, they are all unique to us. You should never consider your opinion wrong when you share it, your opinion is simply what you, feel, think, and believe at the time. That opinion can change in time as you gain additional information, you may look back at something you said a month ago but now have additional information and now you have a very different opinion, that does NOT mean you were wrong in your opinion back then, you based your opinion on all the facts you could assemble back then. Maybe my opinion on Jalen may change in time, right now I see it like I see it. LOL
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I have not attacked you but YES, I do have some very strong disagreement with you. But it is typical gary, don't agree with him and you are ranting and attacking him? LOL
Oh bullshit. This is typical YOU, bud. I gave an honest assessment and instead of being satidfied with disagreeing, you attack me as if I'm censoring you or something by simply standing by my assessment. And here we go again --- taking another shot at me.

And again, you came up with some out-of-reality nonsense about something I never said about JWash.

For the record, I have been porobably his bigest booster here as I said from his signing that he was the gem of that class, and that once he got his legs back under him, would give us a true Stretch dimension at the 4/5. He is still struggling with defensive footwork outside the "triangle", but I fully expect that to improve by next season.
Oh bullshit. This is typical YOU, bud. I gave an honest assessment and instead of being satidfied with disagreeing, you attack me as if I'm censoring you or something by simply standing by my assessment. And here we go again --- taking another shot at me.

And again, you came up with some out-of-reality nonsense about something I never said about JWash.

For the record, I have been porobably his bigest booster here as I said from his signing that he was the gem of that class, and that once he got his legs back under him, would give us a true Stretch dimension at the 4/5. He is still struggling with defensive footwork outside the "triangle", but I fully expect that to improve by next season.
You still ranting, you need to get over yourself, go find your safe spot that that you hide in when you get triggered. Still can not admit that YOUR ASSESSMENT is nothing more than your own opinion worth no more or less than anyone else's here. So rant all you want, blah blah blah, yada yada yada...LOL

Wait, did I just read you say that you have been Jalen Washington's biggest booster LOL, oh that is rich! LOL LOL Where were YOU when I was screaming that Jalen needed more minutes, why you were quiet as a church mouse and yet you are now Jalen's biggest supporter? Oh, you did talk about how it was somehow one of those gary facts that the kid could not defend the 4, way to go there great Jalen Washington supporter...
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If you guys get divorced, who gets us kids???

I just want to know which camp I need to post from??????

Heels showed tremendous grit and the potential to play any style of ball needed! I see glimpses of the special team I imagined once I saw Hubs put it together! We are in great shape and are being led by the perfect true Tar Heel Family! Can anyone else claim the caliber of men (who happen to be great coaches) that we can????
Geez, I do not want this to turn in to the last "stuff" thread so can we leave the drama out of it this time when we disagree. I very strongly disagree that the sub pattern hurt this team, I have the opposite view in that it really helps this team have the legs to press defensively, to run breaks, to up the tempo and keep it hot for 40mins. To say that the team needs to learn to play with Cadeau oh my, makes zero sense to me. How about the freshman needs to learn to play with upper classman college players, please stop with this worshiping of the kid (honestly, that is what it comes off as to me and I don't think I am alone in that view), he is a freshman and he is learning and he actually does make mistakes. His minutes are about what they should be right now.

Well of course RJ playing with Cadeau is good for us, considering that RJ is more a 2 guard than a PG, if I had a dollar for every time I have said that... I want RJ looking for his own offense as his primary thought, Cadeau as our point allows RJ to do that. This bust out stuff, well of course if for example Ingram rebounds and Cadeau or RJ are in front of him and he can both see them and has a clear passing lane for sure kick it up. But that is not always the case, Ingram is not your typical big man that you do not want leading the break, kid played a lot of PG for Jared last season, I do want him to give it up at a point but the guards need to present themselves to him within a passing lane. Ryan and Ingram can bust it up, lead the fast break for those of you not sure exactly what bust up means. The difference is that when Ingram or Ryan bust it up they need to get the ball out of their hands as soon as either RJ or Cadeau are clear for the pass, if Cadeau or RJ bust it out I am fine with either taking it all the way to the cup because they are stronger with the ball to take it all the way. What do you want, the guy that gets the board to wait on either Cadeau or RJ to be in a spot they can pass them the ball or a fast break? You want a fast break then the guards have to present themselves to the guy that gets the board very quickly because defenders are already peeling back.

Sorry, don't mean to disrupt but I just can't let it stand unchecked this it is never Cadeau's fault stuff, it is on everyone else because Cadeau is perfect, he is not perfect nor should he be expected to be, he is a darn freshman! The fact is Cadeau needs to attack more than he is right now, he is passing up lanes he could be driving thru and forcing the defense to scramble, needs to read who he is passing it to, understanding their strengths and weaknesses, where they need the ball, ARE THEY READY FOR THE PASS! ALL things that ALL freshman PGs struggle with and every one of you know that.

I 1,000% agree that Cadeau has to be our PG make no mistake about that and I do strongly believe he in time will develop in to being a great one for us, strongly believe he has retired jersey talent but for gosh sakes give him the time to learn and adjust before we go on this he can do no wrong jag. It is hard for me to not say anything when recap of this game is so slanted toward what everyone else did that did not allow Cadeau to shine when this game was about so much more.

Just my opinion, you can agree or not up to you either way but I believe what I have said is respectful and not a personal attack on the poster but my expression of disagreement of what I have read for far to long. I do not appreciate it when others offer their OPINIONS as FACT and attack anyone that does not see their opinions as fact. And I should NOT have feel like I have to say this... I am not talking down to anyone, I am expressing my opinion of this game and how our players are playing, I WILL NOT BE DICTATED TO OR TALKED DOWN TO for expressing my opinion or my disagreement if I am doing so respectfully nor should anyone one else be.

I can't find a post before this one where @gary-7 replied to you, so this post seems like first blood to me. Gary has every right to post his opinion as we all do, and he had not attacked or disagreed with anyone until responding to this post. DSouth, without realizing it, I think you are about as opinionated as him.
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I can't find a post before this one where @gary-7 replied to you, so this post seems like first blood to me. Gary has every right to post his opinion as we all do, and he had not attacked or disagreed with anyone until responding to this post. DSouth, without realizing it, I think you are about as opinionated as him.
Yes I am absolutely as opinionated as anyone you will find, I would NEVER deny being that. And yes absolutely, gary just as everyone else has not only the right to express their opinions but I celebrate the fact that they do. But opinions are not facts just because someone claims them to be and that applies just as much to me as it does to gary and anyone else here. You see, facts simply do not change, water is wet, water will always be wet. Opinions change all the time as new information is added. I try really hard to make sure what I share is noted as being MY OPINION and no one is required to agree with it. I*t is just what I think at the time I express it.

What you have seen me say in this thread came from a build up of things over years that frankly, I just had enough of and it needed to stop. I can appreciate that so many enjoy gary's "stuff" threads, I do to because I find it a great thread to share what I saw in a game and to consider what others saw and maybe disagree some or agree a lot. I frankly could care less who starts a "stuff" thread, if it draws discussion of the game I am going to participate in it because, as you share, I am extremely opinionated! LOL I am hard headed in that I stand by what I believe even if it is not popular but I admit when I am wrong as well, I am not wrong in this but you don't have the whole of this, there is a lot more than just recent events. I prefer to leave it as that and not go deeper in to it, please allow me to do that. Just know this, I believe to my core in RESPECT, I respect EVERYONE until there is real reason for me not to and even then I try to give chance after chance because we all say things at times we regret later on but at some point we all have that line, that line that when stepped across is just to far and that is what you saw from me, a line crossed that was just to far, maybe not even on it's own but when added to an already long list of things becomes the last thing.
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The Ditto thing made me spill my coffee. Hilarious.

Dsouthr. Don't sweat it. You get your opinion out there and don't act like it is the end all, be all.

A lot of posters on here should remember that people disagree with their opinion on a subject, not them as a person. It is just a basketball board, not a personal indictment in someone's character.

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