I have this bad habit that I try to stay on guard for but still catches me at times. Like you, I will be letting it loose on a topic and when I am done I want to hit the reply button to submit it and move on. Well to often I would have to go back and edit what I had submitted because of a lot of different things. So I now try to force myself to re-read back thru before I post, I catch a lot of things that I have to correct, some that embarrass me for how it comes off. It has resulted in many posts that I write just being simply cut rather than re-word or adjust. In fact just today on another thread was a post I elected to just toss in the garbage that I really wanted to get off my chest but elected not to.
So I would recommend just a quick re-read to see if it is hard to read for you, maybe want to tweek it some way, did words fumble in a way you didn't intend, ect. Great example of words fumbling that spell check does not show up to help. I have fat fingers for a key board, many times when I use the words "is not" the space will be in the wrong place and it will read "I snot", clearly not what I wanted to share! LOL