Flying Flynny . .


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Have a nice trip General ShitHead. Worst pick ever for a national security advisor . .

It appears that Trumpy is finally getting around to draining that swamp. Perfect place to start I should think . .
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Have a nice trip General ShitHead. Worst pick ever for a national security advisor ever . .

It appears that Trumpy is finally getting around to draining that swamp. Perfect place to start I should think . .

What did he do? I honestly haven't followed it any.
I'm sure Nukee will have the answers we are looking for . . he stays on top of this stuff all the time. I remember his thread from the Washington Mom magazine and all those photoshopped pics in Jay Carney's home, ol' Nukee damn sure don't like them Ruskies . .
What did he do? I honestly haven't followed it any.
Apparently he had a conversation with the Russian ambassador about the sanctions on them last year on the same day they were announced. He said he didn't, but has now admitted that he did.
Apparently he had a conversation with the Russian ambassador about the sanctions on them last year on the same day they were announced. He said he didn't, but has now admitted that he did.

huh? maybe I should go read up on this
Apparently he had a conversation with the Russian ambassador about the sanctions on them last year on the same day they were announced. He said he didn't, but has now admitted that he did.
Lied to Pence's face about it, which was probably what doomed him. Worth noting that in 2014 Flynn was forced out as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

I don't care where you reside on the political spectrum. The number of administrative officials with ties to Russia is alarming. In addition to the Flynn news, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone are all reportedly under investigation by the FBI with help from the NSA and CIA. And now there are reports that the US intelligence community is withholding information from the president because they believe "the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM, meaning the White House Situation Room."

WTH is going on right now?
Lied to Pence's face about it, which was probably what doomed him. Worth noting that in 2014 Flynn was forced out as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

I don't care where you reside on the political spectrum. The number of administrative officials with ties to Russia is alarming. In addition to the Flynn news, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone are all reportedly under investigation by the FBI with help from the NSA and CIA. And now there are reports that the US intelligence community is withholding information from the president because they believe "the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM, meaning the White House Situation Room."

WTH is going on right now?
I agree. All this chaos is worrisome.
Lied to Pence's face about it, which was probably what doomed him. Worth noting that in 2014 Flynn was forced out as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

I don't care where you reside on the political spectrum. The number of administrative officials with ties to Russia is alarming. In addition to the Flynn news, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone are all reportedly under investigation by the FBI with help from the NSA and CIA. And now there are reports that the US intelligence community is withholding information from the president because they believe "the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM, meaning the White House Situation Room."

WTH is going on right now?

Oh, ok. Gotcha. He should be shitcanned for directly lying to Pence.

And what is going on right now is that everyone with an ax to grind is running around screaming about Russians. I'm not one bit worried about the Russians, nor was I worried about them in 2012 when Mitt Romney brought them up and was promptly ridiculed by every liberal on the face of the earth.

The biggest problem right now are the leaks coming out of the White House. I'm very curious as to whether they are coming from some person(s) that Trump brought in or whether or not they are holdovers from Obama.
The number of administrative officials with ties to Russia is alarming.
Can you explain to me why? Seriously, I just don't understand the big deal everyone has about Trump wanting to get along with Russia. Everyone praised Obama for trying to work with our enemies like Iran and North Korea. I don't really see the problem as long as they don't share state secrets.
Can you explain to me why? Seriously, I just don't understand the big deal everyone has about Trump wanting to get along with Russia. Everyone praised Obama for trying to work with our enemies like Iran and North Korea. I don't really see the problem as long as they don't share state secrets.

Not to mention Cuba.

I don't get it either. Wanting to get along with Russia for the overall betterment of THIS country doesn't mean we condone what Russia has done.

Not also to mention the ties Clinton has with Russia. Had she won, no one would have said a word. Just accept that all of these guys have Russian ties behind closed doors. Don't start casting those stones in glass houses.

(PS -- I know libs are taking a victory lap changes nothing).
Lied to Pence's face about it, which was probably what doomed him. Worth noting that in 2014 Flynn was forced out as the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency.

I don't care where you reside on the political spectrum. The number of administrative officials with ties to Russia is alarming. In addition to the Flynn news, Paul Manafort, Carter Page, and Roger Stone are all reportedly under investigation by the FBI with help from the NSA and CIA. And now there are reports that the US intelligence community is withholding information from the president because they believe "the Kremlin has ears inside the SITROOM, meaning the White House Situation Room."

WTH is going on right now?

I'm reading your link now- looks like there is more there than I would have thought. The author seems credible enough as well.
Only thing i'll add, which i never knew, is that it is illegal for a private citizen to negotiate with a foriegn govt. Since his talks with the rushern were before innauguration it was illegal.

Eta: a foreign govt we're having a dispute with that is
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Only thing i'll add, which i never knew, is that it is illegal for a private citizen to negotiate with a foriegn govt. Since his talks with the rushern were before innauguration it was illegal.
All depends on what they are negotiating.
Can you explain to me why? ... I don't really see the problem as long as they don't share state secrets.
Did you read the article? Because there's a real possibility that's happening according to the intelligence community. See also: the annexation of Crimea, military incursions in Ukraine, fears of a Finnish invasion (amid Russian media reports that question the validity of Finland's independence), support for Syria's indiscriminate violence against civilians, attempts to destabilize western democracies, etc. All this from a regime whose dissidents, defectors, journalists, disaffected former Putin cronies, and rivals all keep dying under mysterious circumstances.

Not to mention Cuba.
Cuba doesn't represent a geopolitical threat.
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I'm reading your link now- looks like there is more there than I would have thought. The author seems credible enough as well.
Yeah, he's credible but he's also a bit of a hot head.

Go follow a guy on Twitter named Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom). He's a professor at the U.S. Naval War College and at the Harvard Extension School. He's a political conservative, expert on Russia, and well-connected in the intelligence community. Also a five-time Jeopardy champion, haha. I like his even-keeled demeanor. He's been telling hysterical liberals to calm the hell down and ensures everyone he'll let us know when it's time to panic. Anyway, he seems like a trustworthy source of information and has expressed grave concerns about the growing Russia threat.
Did you read the article? Because there's a real possibility that's happening according to the intelligence community.
Yes, but I'm kind of skeptical about opinion articles with unnamed sources. I'm not necessarily saying it's all BS, but it's hard for me to have a lot of faith in the media today.

See also: the annexation of Crimea, military incursions in Ukraine, fears of a Finnish invasion (amid Russian media reports that question the validity of Finland's independence), support for Syria's indiscriminate violence against civilians, attempts to destabilize western democracies, etc. All this from a regime whose dissidents, defectors, journalists, disaffected former Putin cronies and rivals all keep dying under mysterious circumstances.
All the more reason to not be enemies with them. Tell me, do you think that you have a better chance to convince Russia to scale back some of those things as an enemy or as a friend? Iran and NK does the same thing Russia does, except invade other countries (although they are working to get nukes to blow up other countries). Were you against Obama trying to work with them?

Somewhat serious. Obviously I'm not talking about England or most of the EU, but we always have some type of tension with a lot of countries.

Look, we're not going to convince each other to change our minds here. You hate Trump, plain and simple. I'm at peace with the fact that he will turn this country around, regardless of the ungrateful nature of this country's inhabitants. ;)
Yeah, he's credible but he's also a bit of a hot head.

Go follow a guy on Twitter named Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom). He's a professor at the U.S. Naval War College and at the Harvard Extension School. He's a political conservative, expert on Russia, and well-connected in the intelligence community. Also a five-time Jeopardy champion, haha. I like his even-keeled demeanor. He's been telling hysterical liberals to calm the hell down and ensures everyone he'll let us know when it's time to panic. Anyway, he seems like a trustworthy source of information and has expressed grave concerns about the growing Russia threat.
This question is startlingly naive.
Anybody not concerned about Russia is naive at best.
Look, we're not going to convince each other to change our minds here. You hate Trump, plain and simple. I'm at peace with the fact that he will turn this country around, regardless of the ungrateful nature of this country's inhabitants. ;)
I'm also not the one citing a 50-year old international incident as if it somehow bears relevance to today. This has nothing to do with hating Trump and everything to do with being concerned about the national security of the United States and its allies.
Anybody not concerned about Russia is naive at best.
There are always things to be concerned about when it comes to other countries. I'll pose the same question to you that I asked RH. Would it be easier to ease some of those concerns if we had a good relationship with them or a bad one?
Look, we're not going to convince each other to change our minds here. You hate Trump, plain and simple. I'm at peace with the fact that he will turn this country around, regardless of the ungrateful nature of this country's inhabitants. ;)
So the inhabitants of this country should follow Trump regardless even if they think it is not best for the country?
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The answer is that you can't "convince" Russia to do anything. The political and economic levers that are effective in dealing with other countries simply aren't an option.
So we should just give up because you think it would be hard to convince them to at least scale back on some of the concerns? Bush, and to a lesser extent Clinton, seemed to have a decent relationship with Russia. It seems things have gotten worse in the last few years since our relationship wasn't as strong under Obama.
Anybody not concerned about Russia is naive at best.

I certainly am. All these scare articles have gotten to me. I'm now convinced Russia will take over the US in the next 3-6 months. I'm brushing up on my Russian now to get a head start on everyone else. Too bad Hillary didn't win. She would have stood up to those meanies!

Why did we have to go outside the box on this election? All the past presidents never appointed anyone with shady pasts and conflicts of interest!
So we should just give up because you think it would be hard to convince them to at least scale back on some of the concerns? Bush, and to a lesser extent Clinton, seemed to have a decent relationship with Russia. It seems things have gotten worse in the last few years since our relationship wasn't as strong under Obama.
Obama's approach was to close the barn door after the horse had already gotten out. At the very least, the U.S. should be more proactive in addressing Putin's revanchist designs. What that looks like exactly, I don't know.

I certainly am. All these scare articles have gotten to me. I'm now convinced Russia will take over the US in the next 3-6 months. I'm brushing up on my Russian now to get a head start on everyone else. Too bad Hillary didn't win. She would have stood up to those meanies!
Thank you for your thoughtful input into this discussion. Are you completely unconcerned about state secrets falling into the hands of foreign adversaries? Our reduced capacity to coordinate anti-terrorist activities with our allies?
Gary, You and I both know this is going to be a 4 year long dog & pony show coming from this entertainer, its simply all he knows . . thankfully, and its pretty obvious, that this shit show will end after those 4.

See, this is the kind of overreaction that's not helping. Having some random hold the briefcase demonstrates a terrible lack of discretion, but doesn't present any real threat to our security. I've grown pretty tired of seeing stories every day about the boy who cried wolf.
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Obama's approach was to close the barn door after the horse had already gotten out. At the very least, the U.S. should be more proactive in addressing Putin's revanchist designs. What that looks like exactly, I don't know.
I think you could possibly address that by at least trying to influence them through a better relationship with them. A bad relationship certainly isn't going to help anything. I'm skeptical as to how much it would work, but it should at least be something we try.
My concern here is only that top officials in the intelligence community are nervous enough about leaks in Trump's office at the moment that they are withholding information.

There shouldn't be any informants in the inner circle, regardless of whether or not they are spying for the Russians, Israelis, Chinese, Saudi Arabians, etc. They need to get this shit buttoned up.

As to the threat Russia actually poses- I don't see it. Or at least I don't worry about it much due to North Korea, Iran and radical Islamic terrorism.

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