To be fair, you have repeatedly demonstrated a blind allegiance to Trump that would lead any rational person question your ability to evaluate his administration objectively.
The reciprocal here is also true, FWIW.
But if you want me to be fair -- I think the Trump team, contrary to what they have said, was prepared to lose the election. I think they had come to grips with it, and when they won, it was a full-on scramble to fill the cabinet...hence, the quick oust of Chris Christie and putting Pence in charge. I think they wound up putting some people in place that probably are less than qualified -- Sean Spicer immediately comes to mind here -- with the hope that those individuals would "learn on the job" and wind up being a good pick, with time. I also think Trump - like many good businessmen - has thrown his picks to the wolves to see who is able to swim vs who sinks. Some would call this a risky move when the state of our country is at hand...but I have said from Day 1 that I think our country is in such a shithole-of-a-situation, that we have no choice but to take this chance. Enduring not just another 8 years of Obama, but a poor-man's Obama at that (Hillary is a complete and utter disaster of a candidate, regardless of party affiliation), would have sent this country into a complete tailspin IMHHHO.
At worst, I think Trump will fix our national security (feelings be damned) and get our economy on track. Even if he falls flat everywhere else, those two things alone make him VASTLY more of a good choice than the alternatives we had.
That is my unbiased answer to you here.