Let me spell this out for you since you don't seem to get what I'm saying.
The thing you originally stated was not correct, so there were 3 potential parties that said something wrong:
- Roy
- The Premium Article
- You
I would hope that our own coach and the Premium Article that people pay for wouldn't have said something wrong concerning the team and their stats, so i assumed it was the poster that shared the info that had left something out.
You're dwelling on me calling it a "misquote", but in actuality, the problem I have is that what you posted originally has a far different meaning than what the quote said. You're right, that doesn't classify as a misquote, that classifies as "inaccurate". It's not "paraphrasing" if the meaning is changed by the words you post.
I didn't call or imply that anyone was a liar. Sounds more like you're a little hurt that someone called you out for being wrong. All I wanted to know was if it was misquoted because what you shared was, in fact, wrong. If i thought you were lying, I would gladly call you out on it. As I would anyone else on this board. If you don't want to feel like a liar, next time don't post things that aren't right in the first place.