Dsouth...online courses are no show unless it's a hybrid were some weeks it's online and some weeks you do meet in person...at least my experience...I truly believe the "no show" is in regards to the "thought" (yet to be proven)...that unc and the scandal is that kids didn't have to show do any credible work and had grades given and sometimes by a secretary.....I have no opinion to this as I don't know all the facts and await to Ncaa decision and release of findings......this Giles thing is not the same as what the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is being "accused"...imo
Boogie, no show means no show, no show class is a class that does not meet. lets not try to become a politician and define things in only the manner in which we want them defined. For what, 4yrs now fans of UNC rivals have hung us with the "No Show Class" tagline, many of them duke fans. Now we hand it back, it is now dukies defending "No Show Classes" and rather than cry foul, we are just asking simple questions.
You say you truely believe that it was ONLY UNC "No Show Classes" where none of our players that took them had to do much or any work? IN other words you and your fellow dukies are inclined to believe the worst case scenerio and yet when it comes to the "No Show Classes" that your recruit is taking, when it comes to the "No Show Classes" that your current players are taking, well those are perfectly fine?
You stated ".that unc and the scandal is that kids didn't have to show do any credible work and had grades given and sometimes by a secretary...."; we have just covered the "show" portion of your statement, lets cover the rest now. Second is the question of credible work, now you laid out an example of what you experienced in online classes and what the professor in charge of that class required. Let me ask you, in your experience do all have the SAME REQUIREMENTS or do the requirements vary from class to class, from prof to pro in control of that class? Some require a good bit and some require much less, isn't that true, it depends on what the professor leading that "NO SHOW CLASS" requires. Some may require you have a video cam focused on you as you sit at the computer for the class and many will not, isn't that true? And who decides the work required the professor in charge or as so many have tried to accuse against us the AD or sports coach? If all the professor requires is a paper written at the end then that paper written at the end is by definition "credible" work, isn't that true?
Then the last part, "and had grades given and sometimes by a secretary...", did you not realize that most professors, yes even those that teach class at duke, most often designate someone to be responsible for grading assignments. College is not like middle school where the teacher grades the home work & tests. So allowing an AA to grade the work requirements is in no way outside of the norm or even close to something odd.
You closed your reply with "..I have no opinion to this as I don't know all the facts and await to Ncaa decision and release of findings". Did you realize that the NCAA has actually ALREADY addressed this and their findings were that the classes in question were an academic issue and the NCAA does not have the power to regulate academic issues. Per the NCAA if a player takes a class offerred by the school and does all that is required by the professor of that class that the NCAA has no say so in the difficulty of that class. Did you realize this, that the NCAA has already spoken to that question? the follow up independant investigation that UNC commissioned and the NCAA's re-opening this was to discover if evidence exists that UNC sports staff (coaches/ADs) had any hand in guiding their players to these questionable classes. It was not to re-consider a stance they have already been crystal clear about. Those follow up oinvestigations have been very clear in that the AD nor any men's basketball or football staff members had any involvement in steering their athletes to these classes. Women's basketball and maybe a couple olympic sports and it seems men's soccer may have some issue here but lets face it, all the discussion were not about anything but men's basketball and football, seriouly doubt that duke fans care very much if our woman's basketball team or a olympic sport or 2 get some restrictions...
You stated you did not have an opinion and didn't know, thought I would give you some facts to help you understand and maybe show you why we are asking some simple questions now about Giles taking "NO SHOW CLASSES".