Ironically enough, despite me talking about Tinder a lot in the past, any woman would be damn happy to have me so you can chill out, General Lingerdick
The problem is, women don't want good men. It amazes me how many women of my generation put up with -- or hell, even
embrace -- being treated like shit by a guy. Nice guys truly do finish last. I treat whatever girl I'm dating like a queen. Doors, including car doors? I open them. When she walks into the room? I stand up. The bill for the dinner arrives? I pay for us both. She has a particularly bad day? I show up with flowers or her favorite candy. Chivalry may be dead, but I'm trying my best to keep that sumbitch on life support.
But nahhh, girls would rather have a dude who acts like a jackass to them, their friends, their parents, as long as he's attractive and has abs.