Hate to even start this thread

My next question is how is it working out for those trans fish? Are they bullied?
Some do it to avoid being bullied according to the article I linked.

What is the social impact of other trans species?
Per the same article, some do it so they can get laid. I'm assuming that would make them happier, which would result in a positive social impact.
Per the same article, some do it so they can get laid. I'm assuming that would make them happier, which would result in a positive social impact.

Positive impact for that one. But it may have a negative impact on the school or even more broadly speaking, the species. I'll look into it.
Positive impact for that one. But it may have a negative impact on the school or even more broadly speaking, the species. I'll look into it.
I'm not sure exactly where you are going with this as it relates to the current topic of conversation. Any insight would be helpful. TIA.
I'm not sure exactly where you are going with this as it relates to the current topic of conversation. Any insight would be helpful. TIA.

What I'm wondering is what are the larger implications to a species' civilization from having trans individuals in their schools, flocks, packs, etc. Strum poasted something about hyenas. Are the packs that have trans hyenas as strong as other packs? Do schools with trans fish thrive? Or are their numbers decreasing? Do they have the same reproductive patterns as their non- trans counterparts? It may give us useful information to be able to make long term projections on how it effects humans if it's socially acceptable.
I think what he really wants to know is can the trans hyenas operate a twin .50 machine gun strapped to the back of a Hummer as good as non-trans hyenas? And will they have some deep set emotional breakdown if they are cornered by a bull elephant while trying to recapture Pride Rock from Simba and his cohorts?

Or, better yet, do trans hyenas insist on having their junk cut off while in prison for selling secrets to the lions across the Serengeti and making the general population of hyenas pay for it? I wonder how many carcasses it takes to pay for a trans hyena junk removal anyway?
Ok, what's your end game here? If they are not socially acceptable and they have what you think is a negative effect on humans what do you plan to do? Why do they have to be socially acceptable? I think what is really going on here is that you have an underlying issue with the idea of someone being transgendered, so you are trying to find a rationalization to make you feel better about yourself.

Well thanks for your dimestore psychology. I'll file it in my "couldn't care less" drawer.

Your assessment is completely off. I think by studying the negative effects of trans behavior in other species, it could give us an idea of what we might expect if it were to become prevelant and socially acceptable.
Here are some accounts from those who actually served that are showing-up in various media. I love that Trump- a habitual draft dodger- is now an expert on military victory.

The excuse of "it's too costly" is a crock. Looks like subterfuge for their own, yes, bigotry. Or, it's also likely that it's more of Trump's obsession with being spiteful regarding his predecessor and just reversed it to be... spiteful. Spiteful is hardly a leadership quality I'd put any value in.
I wonder if the Continental Army turned away "effeminate men" who wanted to fight to defeat the Crown? Oh well.

There was a time when social mores and constructs kept people from being public about their deviant behavior. Now it's like you get a reward for publicizing it. And the more outrageously bizarre and deviant, the greater praise.

Or, it's also likely that it's more of Trump's obsession with being spiteful regarding his predecessor and just reversed it to be... spiteful. Spiteful is hardly a leadership quality I'd put any value in.

I agree with that.

Hahaha...did you link Huffington Post?
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There was a time when social mores and constructs kept people from being public about their deviant behavior.
Well, they feared being discriminated against, I would imagine.

What's deviant to you, may not be deviant to me. And, since when is being a woman (or man) a deviant behavior?
I doubt Fox, Breitbart, The Blaze, or Newsmax will be reporting it.

Have any of those cited above reported any positive comments about the ban from vets? I really don't know.

The majority of folks I have talked to don't really seem concerned about working with transgenders as long as they can do their jobs, especially the younger guys, but the people that are just totally against it are really against it.
Well thanks for your dimestore psychology. I'll file it in my "couldn't care less" drawer.

Your assessment is completely off. I think by studying the negative effects of trans behavior in other species, it could give us an idea of what we might expect if it were to become prevelant and socially acceptable.
The effects would be that people could be themselves and not have to worry about stupid people judging them. Your whole line of thinking here is just odd.
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Have any of those cited above reported any positive comments about the ban from vets? I really don't know.

The majority of folks I have talked to don't really seem concerned about working with transgenders as long as they can do their jobs, especially the younger guys, but the people that are just totally against it are really against it.
The local right-wing talk show "Upstate Live" with Joey Hudson did their whole show on Wednesday on it. Everyone who called-in was right behind Trump.
There was a time when social mores and constructs kept people from being public about their deviant behavior. Now it's like you get a reward for publicizing it. And the more outrageously bizarre and deviant, the greater praise.
You've been very consistent about this message, especially as it applies to the LGBT community. I don't always agree with you but definitely get where you're coming from and appreciate the principle involved.

Here's my irrelevant, tl;dr opinion. Human interaction is at its best when there's a set of rules that every agrees to play by, more or less. This is true of a family unit, a neighborhood, a city, or a country. The rules might change over time, and they should to keep pace with changing attitudes about various issues. There will always be different opinions about how rapidly those changes should take place.

To me, the guiding principle should always be what's best for the common good. The challenge that we're facing in this country today is that personal liberties are now often valued more highly than the notion of the common good. It's individualism run amok. (I have a whole soapbox here about how consumerism has amplified this problem to the nth degree but I'll save it for another day.)

There's no better case than the stupid bathroom bill passed by the Charlotte City Council. While I personally had no issue with the rationale behind the bill, its practical effect was to pander to 0.3% of the population while creating worry and burden for maybe 25% of the population. It's almost irrelevant whether the issue of men going into women's bathrooms created actual problems, because what it did was plant the seed in the minds of some women, as well as some men with wives and daughters, that something COULD happen. Maybe I'm being insensitive, but if I identified as a woman I would acknowledge that I'm the exception and just use the men's restroom anyway. Said another way, I don't think it's reasonable to expect everyone else to accommodate me. Then again, I also order straight off the menu in restaurants lol.

You can apply this same principle to many areas of life, including this particular issue. Transgenders want to put their lives at risk to serve and protect their country? That's the very definition of the common good. Absent any evidence of "tremendous medical costs and disruption" this all sounds like a meaningless distraction.
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Strum beat you to it.

Interesting. Seriously, thanks for that. My next question is how is it working out for those trans fish? Are they bullied? What is the social impact of other trans species? You probably can't answer that and I'd have to do more research to find out. But I think that pertinent information.
The only example I can give is clownfish(nemo)

They are all born male. You pair 2 with each other and one will turn female, and it's a permanent change. They do it for mating purposes.

As far as I can tell, Trump did this due to the cost of trannies changing sex as well as whatever upkeep is required. I wonder what the cost is to perform this surgery as well as upkeep cost over time. I would assume hormone therapy. There has to be side effects as well since one would change their body from natural design.

Oddly, humans are not the only animals that engage in cross-dressing or have transgender identity issues; a lot of animals also have "gender-bender" sex lives.

Garter snakes, for example, not only engage in orgiastic bouts of group sex, but male cross-dressing garter snakes also show up for the festivities, oozing a female sex pheromonedesigned to confuse the other male snakes and give the cross-dressing snake (or so the theorists say) an opportunity to get in and inseminate the female before it is picked off by a predator.

The hyena is another cross-dresser, with male and female hyenas appearing to present both sets of sexual organs. In fact, hyenas are not true hermaphrodites, simply such good pseudo-hermaphrodites that the ancient Greeks were convinced they could change from male to female at will.

Then, of course there are fish, which really canchange from male to female (and back again) at will. It turns out that if you toss a school of female salmon or hammerhead sharks in a tank, some will morph into working males.

Scientists call these sex-change artistssuccessive hermaphrodites, and the phenomenon is far from uncommon. In fact, a huge number of fish (more than 100 species) will readily change genders, and some speseahorse fish routinely changegenders several times over the course of their lives.

Along with piscine sex-change artists, you also have fish that are simultaneous hermaphrodites. These are fish which come equipped with both testes and ovaries, and which normally produce eggs for about half their spawns, and sperm the other half.

There are other types of gender benders as well:homosexual seagulls, dogs, sheep and beaver, for example, and the occasional female bird which (due to disease, age or congenital defect) starts producing testosterone and develops both male plumage and a male sex drive.

At least one species of African frog is a sex-change artist, and in quite a few species of animals, the male takes over the duties normally "assigned" to females, such as is the case with the seahorse

Seems to me that until these folks figure a way to morph into the opposite sex by themselves we as a society are only interfering with their sexual evolution by making this change through medicine. Trannies are doomed for millennia to come.
Seems to me that until these folks figure a way to morph into the opposite sex by themselves we as a society are only interfering with their sexual evolution by making this change through medicine. Trannies are doomed for millennia to come.
I think they are figuring a way to morph into the opposite sex.

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