This is the exact thing I am talking about.... these people have the same mindset as the evil minded terrorists... they just don't act on it like the terrorists do. You can bet your butt though if they KNEW they could act on it without having to go to prison, they'd do it in a skinny minute!
Evil is evil, whether you think about it or act on it... you either have peace in your heart/soul or you have anger, hatred and wish/do harm to others. I don't know why you guys don't see that!
The reason people like this pastor scare me a little more than a terrorist, is simply because this pastor can get more people on board with his way of thinking and while they typically do not act on it, every once in a while you get a nut that will and they are right here in our backyards! I was not in any way saying terrorists are not dangerous or anything to scoff at, they are very, very dangerous but in my opinion, so are people like this.