Its Coolwater's Birthday Today . .


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Jus' thought you'd wanna know . .


Happy birthday, Cool . .

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Well this is random. lol It's appreciated, but you're five months late. I graced this world with my presence on June 11, 1986.
Well remember my meme then because I will have forgotten by then. I forget my birthday every year.... We ought to share when our birthdays are though. It would be cool to acknowledge our old butts! Mine is Feb. 2 (if you know astrology, you know why I am the way I am LOL)
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Here ya go. When I was a senior in HS, my mom, my girlfriend, and I were riding back home from Crabtree Valley Mall and this came on the radio:

I heard both of them singing "Cooool Wah-ter, who-who, who-who." I said "Are you guys saying Cool Water???" Both reply "Yeah, that's the words, right?" "Not hardly! It's WHO ARE YOU!"

So, from then on, it was Cool Water.

Well remember my meme then because I will have forgotten by then. I forget my birthday every year.... We ought to share when our birthdays are though. It would be cool to acknowledge our old butts! Mine is Feb. 2 (if you know astrology, you know why I am the way I am LOL)

chick, yours and my birthdates (mine is slighlty different from yours but very close) were formerly under Aquarius . Now that the Zodiac has been shifted, we now find ourselves to be Capricorns. I guess we'll now have to change our personalities to fit a new description.
chick, yours and my birthdates (mine is slighlty different from yours but very close) were formerly under Aquarius . Now that the Zodiac has been shifted, we now find ourselves to be Capricorns. I guess we'll now have to change our personalities to fit a new description.

I did not know of this change before reading this post . . when I was a youngster going through school I used to read the daily paper and every now and then would glance at those daily horoscope predictions.

Because of the change I went from being a Capricorn to a Sagittarius . .

Your previous qualities: willingness to work hard and determination to succeed.

This is basically true as it represents my working life.

Your new qualities: philosophical, wide-open and curious nature.

I guess about half of that is prolly true.