Looks like we have a Duke scandal on our hands.........

Bloomberg calling it a "SCANDAL" and stating that Krzyzewski will ultimately have to answer! Also leaving email addresses for contact purposes. This one is not over. BTW, I applaud the way that the article questions why the local press has not done more...
This post was edited on 3/8 11:32 PM by ChapelHeeled

Bloomberg View...
I am astounded that dook's answer to all this wouldn't be: "we are cooperating with the Durham Police Department
and District Attorney's office and they are investigating the matter". If there is nothing to hide, this would be
the correct response. I also can't believe that there has not been an outcry from the student body and/or parents.
If my daughter went to dook, I would be fearful that sexual assault is the norm and that victims would not be
taken seriously if an athlete were be involved with a sexual assault. I would think women's groups would be
all over this. I fully understand the Lacrosse case and the "rush to judgement", but this seems like an issue
that is being swept under the carpet simply because the two possible victims did not report the assaults
through the proper channels.

This post was edited on 3/10 10:23 AM by mahncpa1
Originally posted by ChapelHeeled:

Once again Coach Krzyzewski is put in the main spotlight here as far as having the answers. Title IX comes up AGAIN!
Thanks for posting that article. Of everything I have read, this article cuts to the chase.
Direct hit on Krzyzewski (imo). He is and/or was obligated, from my point of view. Quote at the end of article:

There may be legal obstacles to Krzyzewski making his story public, which were mentioned in a statement to the Sporting News by athletic director Kevin White Tuesday, but the onus is on him to explain what happened.

Why was a player twice accused of sexual assault fit to play basketball at Duke before a secretary's objections but not after? Krzyzewski may be innocent of wrongdoing, but only he can answer that question.
One of my friends has a daughter who is a sophomore at dook. We were discussing
this scandal and he said his daughter told him, " it appears that neither alleged victim
properly reported the assaults, so no one can do anything about it". I was stunned.
I wondered if that is what the students are being told or if that is their attitude.
Not surprising however as it appears this
story is "out of sight, out of mind"!!!!!
tried to tell everyone this would go away...Duke handled it victim ...nothing Duke could do...people let their hate of Duke and k...hinder common sense thinking.Duke has gone the way of kicking kids out of school upon allegations and that did not go well (lacross)... If the allegations are true I hope the girls are ok and find the support to come forward
This post was edited on 3/19 9:53 PM by 2for3
Chapelheeled, that article is definitely still relevant. There are enough shady things that go on
and then are covered that it is really scary. I would be afraid for my kids to go to school there.
I guess they are still able to hide behind the "private school" blanket. I can not believe
that the NCAA has let things go without even a whiff of a penalty.
Originally posted by mahncpa1:
I am astounded that dook's answer to all this wouldn't be: "we are cooperating with the Durham Police Department
and District Attorney's office and they are investigating the matter". If there is nothing to hide, this would be
the correct response. I also can't believe that there has not been an outcry from the student body and/or parents.
If my daughter went to dook, I would be fearful that sexual assault is the norm and that victims would not be
taken seriously if an athlete were be involved with a sexual assault. I would think women's groups would be
all over this. I fully understand the Lacrosse case and the "rush to judgement", but this seems like an issue
that is being swept under the carpet simply because the two possible victims did not report the assaults
through the proper channels.

This post was edited on 3/10 10:23 AM by mahncpa1
I don't know much about this, so certainly correct me on anything I am wrong about. But, just briefly reading about it, it seems as though the girls never filed a complaint, but Duke did look into allegations. So my question, if there was never a complaint, but Duke still looked into it, what more do you want them to do? Is the Durham police investigating it? Duke cannot cooperate with the Durham police if the police are not looking into it, so a statement like that would be a complete lie. There certainly might be something here, but at least on the surface, this does not appear to be anything like the FSU/Tallahassee police situation with regards to Winston.
Originally posted by Cubs79:

Originally posted by mahncpa1:
I am astounded that dook's answer to all this wouldn't be: "we are cooperating with the Durham Police Department
and District Attorney's office and they are investigating the matter". If there is nothing to hide, this would be
the correct response. I also can't believe that there has not been an outcry from the student body and/or parents.
If my daughter went to dook, I would be fearful that sexual assault is the norm and that victims would not be
taken seriously if an athlete were be involved with a sexual assault. I would think women's groups would be
all over this. I fully understand the Lacrosse case and the "rush to judgement", but this seems like an issue
that is being swept under the carpet simply because the two possible victims did not report the assaults
through the proper channels.

This post was edited on 3/10 10:23 AM by mahncpa1
I don't know much about this, so certainly correct me on anything I am wrong about. But, just briefly reading about it, it seems as though the girls never filed a complaint, but Duke did look into allegations. So my question, if there was never a complaint, but Duke still looked into it, what more do you want them to do? Is the Durham police investigating it? Duke cannot cooperate with the Durham police if the police are not looking into it, so a statement like that would be a complete lie. There certainly might be something here, but at least on the surface, this does not appear to be anything like the FSU/Tallahassee police situation with regards to Winston.
So dook looked into it, okay. So maybe they saw nothing wrong with what Suliamon did or did not do. But once
they were aware that it was going public, boom, Suliamon is dismissed from the team. You can not say that the
timing is very suspicious. If dook looked into it and the found the girls had made up the whole thing, that should
have already come out. Why would you not say this?? "We investigated and the alleged victims did not wish
to pursue the matter and we felt there was insufficient evidence to proceed" would be a great response. If
Suliamon did nothing wrong, great, dook should make a statement to clarify, exonorate him and take action against the
girls if deemed appropriate. Now the potential that this case was covered up is as big as an issue as the possible
sexual assualt that might have taken place.