Manley's minutes and small ball observations


Hall of Famer
Apr 7, 2006
In looking at the box score from last night, Manley had 3 pts and 1 reb in 5 minutes of play, Brooks had 2 points( dunk) and 3 rebounds in 11 minutes of play.

I have to say I am surprised at this lowering of Manleys minutes. Our small ball lineup is Ok IF we hit our shots from outside. If not we are in for long nights IMO

I guess Roy is going with this small lineup for better ball movement, spacing etc but we are going to have major uphill climbs against Dook and other teams that have some real GOOD size inside. Colsen was out for ND so we did not have to deal with him

It is amazing in a way that this year we have flip flopped with dook as they rely on their INSIDE game and we rely on the perimeter game JMHO but I would like to see Manley play more.... as much as 15 minutes a game
Thomas was manhandling Manley. Luke and Brooks were more able to match Thomas' strength. I don't have a crystal ball but I'd almost bet Manley will get very few minutes against dook. If stopping Bagley is the goal I'd take Huff before I would Manley. Neither is likely to be very effective though. IMO
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I'd like to see Sterling get a few more minutes too but it has to be against certain teams. He and Garrison really need more strength before they can be truly effective. And as Keyser said, our offensive spacing is just better with the small lineup.

As for the guys down 15-501, Bagley and Carter are both lottery picks. Even the LOM is smart enough to know where their strength lies, and with this team it is inside. MSU and AZ may be the only teams in the country that can match up with those two guys inside. They are verrrrrry good. The saving grace is that as good as they are offensively, they're pretty pedestrian defensively.
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I understand the dook situation with those 2 bigs and their ability. I guess my point is we need to have SOME inside game and although we do rebound the ball well for a smaller team, I think manley needs to get more minutes and gain GAME strength and experience. You cannot get that on the bench.


I know Roy knows more about bball than I ever will but as the season goes on I just do not believe we can compete against really good bigs and decent teams with serviceable inside players unless these fellas get more PT, especially Manley. They will take their lumps no doubt but somewhere along the line they need playing experience and getting stronger and BETTER with that PT
I know Roy knows more about bball than I ever will but as the season goes on I just do not believe we can compete against really good bigs and decent teams with serviceable inside players unless these fellas get more PT, especially Manley. They will take their lumps no doubt but somewhere along the line they need playing experience and getting stronger and BETTER with that PT
Oh, I agree wholeheartedly. And Roy will continue to get them as much burn as he can and still win enough games to garner a high NCAAT seed. He knows Sterling and Garrison are going to be necessary to win some games down the stretch. And in certain games against specific opposing lineups, I think they'll play more.

I'm more worried about bench scoring. We got 23/10 last year, we're only getting 10/12 this year. That's fine in the rebounding department but we need more scoring. Hopefully, the light has come on for Brandon and he will continue to play the way he played against Clensum, we really need him to. And hopefully, Sterling and Garrison will step up their play down the stretch as well. If so, we will go to another level. If not, we're just going to live and die by the trey, something that is exciting but very nerve wracking for us all, Roy included.
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These are some great numbers from our small ball lineup on an individual basis. I think it's really interesting to see how well Luke is able to score and also how effective he has been: 17-21 from the field, that's just showing how he is getting the shots he wants and because of that is converting them at such a high rate. Also, look at how well Theo is able to get to the line and his assist to turnover ratio is very impressive too. SPACING my friends SPACING!! I just thought this was very interesting in how much going small has been able to impact Luke and Theo by allowing them to play to their strengthens and in turn be very successful.

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