TPFKAPFS, I'm going to try to respectfully voice a different opinion. Opinions are just that, and as such cannot be wrong. You have every right to self identify, just as I have a right to look as you as just an American, without any moniker to differentiate you from any other American. I completely disagree with your statement that you will be called heinous names in the absence of using African American". Since I am not part of "we as a race", I, according to your statement must be part of "others" since you did not allow for a 3rd option. That 3rd option would be the overwhelming majority of us that would refer to you as a man, a teacher, a UNC fan, or any number of other adjectives with a positive intention. The few that would abuse that and call you heinous names likely will consist of as many people of color as people from other groups and should be dealt with on an individual basis. As to your BTW #1, of course every person has value. That value has nothing to do with the color of a man's skin but everything to do with his merits as an individual. I'm not even sure why you made that comment. Your BTW #2, aren't you doing the same thing that you're accusing others of doing by trying to define an entire race as African American, as opposed to American? I really am not going to argue but here's my opinion. As long as we as Americans divide ourselves, whether it be by race, religion, financial status, or any other measurement, we will never be a united people. All of us are Americans. The people that seek to destroy this country cannot do it as long as we are united, but even the Bible tells us that a house divided cannot stand.