NCAA Committee on Infractions tomorrow at noon will release its final report, including sanctions

Thank you so much for the reply. I attended a regional state university that had a mediocre academic reputation. I must admit that after the requirements of my major and minor were fulfilled, I took every easy class I could as electives. However, just reading the description of the A&AM studies classes in question, these would go far beyond the description of "easy." They appear to be at a early elementary school level. Which brings up another question. What was the purpose of these classes? Was it to increase the percentages of minorities at UNC? To keep athletes eligible? Was it just a few classes or could you get a major in A&AM studies?

Unc set up an entire fake dept with fake classes with no teachers that noone attended or did any work for but got 4.0’s anyway for the express purpose of funneling nothing but athletes to these fake classes and padding their gpa’s to keep them academically eligible since none of the athletes who took these classes were capable of maintaining eligibility otherwise. Its not like any of them were successful in business life after college. Or did any good at all. Mostly just thugs. Dean smith was the original architect. He was determined to create a legacy that would result in the new arena being named after him. Then roy took over and kept it going in his quest to be viewed as better than dean.
Unc set up an entire fake dept with fake classes with no teachers that noone attended or did any work for but got 4.0’s anyway for the express purpose of funneling nothing but athletes to these fake classes and padding their gpa’s to keep them academically eligible since none of the athletes who took these classes were capable of maintaining eligibility otherwise. Its not like any of them were successful in business life after college. Or did any good at all. Mostly just thugs. Dean smith was the original architect. He was determined to create a legacy that would result in the new arena being named after him. Then roy took over and kept it going in his quest to be viewed as better than dean.

Learn how to spell before putting your opinion in written format. Go back home TROLL!
Second team. Geez. Media still doesn't get it.
I agree! Every time I see these experts put Joel on the second or third Team all American it irritates me to death. How can the starting point guard for the last 2 National Championship games and 2 regular season ACC Champs be behind gayson Allen and the kid from Villanova. 2016 ACC tournament MOP. He was the MOP for the final four and played on two bad wheels from the start of the tournament. Not to mention he was clotheslined by Karnowski from Gonzaga. It reminds me a little of Sean May. He made 2nd team All American and there was not a player in 2005 that played better then Sean from January until the end of March Madness 05
Easy is easy, no other way to put it and of course, some athletes rook advantage of how easy they were but the point is extremely easy classes are offered everywhere AND it was not just athletes taking ours. Now yes, athletes will find these classes, they found them at UNC and the will find them at the rest of the D-1 schools as well. Their counselors will guide them to the easier classes either because they need the time that more difficult classes would drain for working on their sport or the fact that in season it is hard on athletes because they have travel schedules that do not agree with standard meeting classes.

And the truth is, many of the athletes at any D-1 program would not qualify to get in to the school they play for if they were not athletes. Yes, many have been passed thru high school and end up in college in no way ready to be a typical student taking a challenging schedule of classes, we absolutely get those just as every D-1 program does. But the ACC itself has a higher bar than many conferences and within the ACC UNC is harder to gain admissions for than many of the ACC programs.

Tell me this, same thing I ask every rival fan that comes here looking at our AFAM issue, do you look at your own program with the same critical eye? We Tar Heel fans are not proud of this, far from it but we are not hypocritical about it either. There are things that occur in every D-1 program in the nation and athletes finding and taking easy grade classes is one, players going out on the town and getting their bar tab covered happens. A few years back a KY restaurant owner was found to be feeding athletes and their friends and not charging them, media made a deal out of it for about a week but to me it was a non-issue, that kind of thing is just going to happen and no one really cares if it does. But this NCAA steering scandal, strippers being brought in to entertain HS kids on recruiting visits, sorry but that just isn't one of those happens everywhere things. That and William Wesley, who is maybe the most powerful off the books associate a college coach can have, he makes what the FBI have so far found to look down right amateurish. Nah, we don't all do that stuff and that is the stuff worth getting upset over.

You make some excellent points. Like I said before, I didn't have the time commitments of an athlete in college, but after the requirements of my major, minor and general education requirements were satisfied I still took the easiest classes I could find. I certainly don't blame the athletes for that.

I also agree that many athletes gain admission to colleges and universities they have no business being admitted to. It happens almost everywhere. I don't like it and that don't make it right, but it happens most everywhere.

The question you ask of me is a valid one. Yes. I try to look at my alma mater with a very objective eye. I have to come clean. My alma mater is a division I basketball program and an FBS football program. It's doubtful they will ever get past the first or second round of the NCAA tournament. I promise you that I am not the type fan that thinks my university can do no wrong. It can and it has. I remember when the thing with the Italian restaurant happened at the University of Kentucky. Like at UNC, I don't really blame the kids at UK for accepting the free meals anymore than I blame the kids at UNC for taking the classes, that for all practical purposes didn't exist. I blame the adults that provided the free meals and the adults that devised the avenue to get a bogus education, if that is what happened.

If I was a fan at the University of Louisville I would be livid, not at the NCAA, Courier-Journal or the FBI but at the university administration, athletic director and basketball staff for letting this stuff go on. I will promise you one thing. If my university is involved in the pay for play scandal, I will be very upset at our basketball program, not the NCAA. It happens other places should never be a sound excuse. If we are guilty, we deserved to be punished, severely. I don't understand the majority of fans at UofL or some other universities that tolerate and defend this type of thing.
Unc set up an entire fake dept with fake classes with no teachers that noone attended or did any work for but got 4.0’s anyway for the express purpose of funneling nothing but athletes to these fake classes and padding their gpa’s to keep them academically eligible since none of the athletes who took these classes were capable of maintaining eligibility otherwise. Its not like any of them were successful in business life after college. Or did any good at all. Mostly just thugs. Dean smith was the original architect. He was determined to create a legacy that would result in the new arena being named after him. Then roy took over and kept it going in his quest to be viewed as better than dean.

I'm sure the above statement was said in jest. Unfortunately, true or false, that seems to be the opinion of a lot of people. UNC has enjoyed a reputation that is above reproach. The reputation has been damaged. It's going to take a commitment to repair the reputation.
You make some excellent points. Like I said before, I didn't have the time commitments of an athlete in college, but after the requirements of my major, minor and general education requirements were satisfied I still took the easiest classes I could find. I certainly don't blame the athletes for that.

I also agree that many athletes gain admission to colleges and universities they have no business being admitted to. It happens almost everywhere. I don't like it and that don't make it right, but it happens most everywhere.

The question you ask of me is a valid one. Yes. I try to look at my alma mater with a very objective eye. I have to come clean. My alma mater is a division I basketball program and an FBS football program. It's doubtful they will ever get past the first or second round of the NCAA tournament. I promise you that I am not the type fan that thinks my university can do no wrong. It can and it has. I remember when the thing with the Italian restaurant happened at the University of Kentucky. Like at UNC, I don't really blame the kids at UK for accepting the free meals anymore than I blame the kids at UNC for taking the classes, that for all practical purposes didn't exist. I blame the adults that provided the free meals and the adults that devised the avenue to get a bogus education, if that is what happened.

If I was a fan at the University of Louisville I would be livid, not at the NCAA, Courier-Journal or the FBI but at the university administration, athletic director and basketball staff for letting this stuff go on. I will promise you one thing. If my university is involved in the pay for play scandal, I will be very upset at our basketball program, not the NCAA. It happens other places should never be a sound excuse. If we are guilty, we deserved to be punished, severely. I don't understand the majority of fans at UofL or some other universities that tolerate and defend this type of thing.
Dude just stop you come on here and act all civil but then you take vealed shots by saying things like "classes for all practical purposes that didn't exist" the classes were INDEPENDENT STUDY classes. They did exist and work was required please quit holding up the didn't exist narrative
Dude just stop you come on here and act all civil but then you take vealed shots by saying things like "classes for all practical purposes that didn't exist" the classes were INDEPENDENT STUDY classes. They did exist and work was required please quit holding up the didn't exist narrative

I think I also wrote "If this is what actually happened."

I could be wrong, but I thought the UNC Executive Vice Chancellor admitted the classes were fake.
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I think I also wrote "If this is what actually happened."

I could be wrong, but I thought the UNC Executive Vice Chancellor admitted the classes were fake.

Ya know what, actually glad you brought this up, it seems to be one of those aspects in all of this that rival fans love to get mileage out of but rarely take the time to understand it.

There is an ongoing battle in major D-1 colleges today and it certainly is the case at UNC where academics look down their noses at athletics as if athletics somehow lessens the stature of them academically. It is kinda that long fought battle between those that had their mom write a note that got them out of gym class and the dumb jocks ala "Revenge of the Nerds".

Academic professors and dept heads do not like the amounts of money spent on athletics, never mind the fact that so much of that money is raised in part or wholly by the athletic programs. For to many of them it is not about that fine balance between athletics and education but entirely about the educational process done their way and only their way. There were many that screamed when UNC hired Butch Davis and let it be known that we wanted to elevate our football success. There were strong voices on the academic side who believe football should not even be allowed to be played as a sport due to its brutal nature, they would prefer it to go away rather than be elevated and if anything be replaced by a more civilized sport, maybe men's crewing or how about bridge? LOL .

Now in the link you share, you have an academic making a statement about was he considers to be a athletic issue because after all, what upper crusted academia administrator could consider that regular students have and at times need easy grade classes. Basket weaving, archery, home ec would as well be fake classes to someone like that any non-traditional class for that matter. And yes these were non-traditional classes, and no they were not academically challenging so of course the academic side of the equation is pre-disposed to call them fake because in their view they are if they do not seriously challenge you mentally, which is their definition of what a college class is supposed to do.
I think I also wrote "If this is what actually happened."

I could be wrong, but I thought the UNC Executive Vice Chancellor admitted the classes were fake.
Read the parts that are his words, and separate them from the parts that are the author's words. The VC does not say the classes were fake. Administration has acknowledged that there were course offerings that didn't meet the university's standards - and the university has served its SACS probation and enacted numerous changes as a result.

So, subpar, sure. But I don't think (though I too could be wrong) that UNC administration has used the terms "fake" or "phony" classes - those are strictly the territory of the media hunting for clicks and rival fans.
They come from clown colleges! Ronald spoke at the poster's graduation!

Nothing in the VC's statement says anything about phony or fake classes! He does refer to mistakes the administration and a professor made that damaged the reputation of the U and the quality of students' education, but never once says a class was fake.

SACS has signed off on the unprecedented changes the U has made and our accreditation was never in jeopardy. There are not and never have been fake classes at UNC so maybe reading comprehension classes are needed where ever the poster graduated! And every university in the world has independent study classes; many of them have classes taught by athletic staff that are offered ONLY to athletes that give credit for games and practices and require NO work at all. Why are these not challenged?
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Broke this morning:
The next and potentially final step in the University of North Carolina’s years-long NCAA investigation into academic irregularities in the formerly named African and Afro-American Studies department will occur Friday when the NCAA releases its infraction report. Sources confirm the University was given 24 hours notice of the announcement schedule on Thursday morning.

And the NCAA said further:

“It is equally important to be clear what this case is not about,” the enforcement staff wrote. "This case is not about so-called fake classes or easy courses. The institution acknowledges that although the courses at issue did not meet its expectations for academic rigor, the institution did not deem the courses to be fraudulent. Nor is this case about NCAA review of classroom curriculum. The institution continues to argue that the NCAA enforcement staff should not judge academic rigor or revisit classroom decisions. The enforcement staff continues to agree and feels strongly that those considerations are reserved to the sound discretion of individual schools and their accrediting agencies. Nothing in this case suggests otherwise.”
Oh and you just might want to at least ask a FEW questions about that $70k diamond scam that ONE of the dookies... ah Thomas I think is his name got . ILLEGAL BENEFITS????..... that 2010 banner should come down as well