New notice of allegations coming?(Keep it all in here folks)

Bilas is saying he's okay with it eventually going to court -- because he wants the NCAA to get slammed in court. He's not looking at it from a Carolina perspective when he says he's okay with it taking 2-3 more years.

Oh that was still a Bilas quote? I thought that was Steat saying he welcomed it being dragged out 2-3 more years.
I would love nothing more than to see the institution called "The NCAA" completely destroyed.
Never gonna happen. Remember, the NCAA is the schools.

Oh that was still a Bilas quote? I thought that was Steat saying he welcomed it being dragged out 2-3 more years.
I was mistaken. That wasn't part of Bilas' quote. It was Steat. I agree with your rebuttal of his stance.
Meanwhile our recruiting will once again get derailed due to the negative stigma returned over our head.

But sure totally no threat to Men's Basketball, I suppose.
Never gonna happen. Remember, the NCAA is the schools.

The P5 could form their own association and the tell the NCAA to go suck eggs anytime they like. Being a member is voluntary. Imagine the financial windfall to each P5 school if they left the NCAA, held their own FB, BB and baseball championships and split the proceeds equally.
We will know something in a few days when UNC receives the revised LOA. I know an attorney who has an opinion on this but he wants to wait until the LOA is released.
Tle latest from Bilas


@ProfessorAntit1 With a new NOA, it's clear NCAA COI is making the investigators charge as they wish to punish, which violates NCAA rules

If this is the case, then UNC should take this directly to the courts and make a fool out of the NCAA. They are revising the LOA with no new revelations. This would be a slam dunk for UNC. NCAA's motive is very simple: They want to hurt UNC's recruiting. It's ironic that this happened just after the historic game against Kentucky. The Heels were a few seconds from winning the title last year and may win it this year. Those deadbeats in Indy can't deal with this. UNC needs to take this to court and show recuits and their families that we not playing around with this. Go to court now and the NCAA will come out on their knees in 9-12 months.
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If the NCAA can be brought to their knees so easily just by stepping foot in court, why exactly hasn't it been done yet?
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If the NCAA can be brought to their knees so easily just by stepping foot in court, why exactly hasn't it been done yet?
They should have issued a vedict after the hearing. They apparently have decided to issue a "third" LOA with no new allegations, basically starting the process over again. The second LOA was a watered down version of the first LOA. Now, they are issuing a third one after the hearing. Normally, after a hearing they issue a ruling. If there is no new evidence of wrong doing and what I can determine there is not, then my read is that the NCAA is beefing up their case for a court fight which they have no chance of winning. Their position is that they have nothing to lose and want to embarass UNC and hurt recruiting. I doubt UNC is going to work with the NCAA on this through the normal channels. See you in court baby!
The P5 could form their own association and the tell the NCAA to go suck eggs anytime they like. Being a member is voluntary. Imagine the financial windfall to each P5 school if they left the NCAA, held their own FB, BB and baseball championships and split the proceeds equally.

The product is there regardless and the consumer is also there- the fans and the students and the alumni. ESPN still needs to fill their schedule and get their advertising $$$. The NCAA isn't absolutely necessary to the equation.
I find it quite interesting that as of this point in the day, ESPN has no mention of this on their front page. They have had a field day with us over this crap for years...yet today no story. Could it be that Bilas, who is now their LEAD NCAA BBALL guy, is so outspoken today against this latest BS??
If this goes to court it's going to be interesting to see the NCAA's argument. They have already argued in another case that the quality of the education is not their responsibility and not something they monitor. They will have to do a complete 180 if this goes to court.
I find it quite interesting that as of this point in the day, ESPN has no mention of this on their front page. They have had a field day with us over this crap for years...yet today no story. Could it be that Bilas, who is now their LEAD NCAA BBALL guy, is so outspoken today against this latest BS??


You are right, nothing on their front page.

They do list a short article in the UNC blog using TOS as the source. Nothing much at all. I think they are waiting to see exactly what is in the revised LOA.
Not an attorney wouldn't it take three to five years to work its way thru the courts
They will settle out of court knowing thay have no case and a threat that Big 5 will abandon the NCAA . There will be pressure. I'll give it a year maximum.
At this point, I feel like we've been punished enough. I mean sure, if UNC and the NCAA can come to some sort of agreement to permanently disband the women's bball program, and have all charges elsewhere dropped, and call it even - I'm down with that. But I doubt they'd offer that one up.
Are you kidding slight a "woman's program" (in my best "Unknown Hinson" voice.
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I for one am sick of this being dragged out. Let's take a punishment and rebuild. This is hurting us long term.
I'm not unbiased because I'm a Duke alum, but I don't honestly understand why UNC doesn't take this approach. Fake classes are a pretty serious violation - unlike, say, paying for strippers, which is just pathetic - and trying to get no punishment is pretty unrealistic and short-sighted. Take a year of <fill in the blank punishment>, apologize and move on.
I'm not unbiased because I'm a Duke alum, but I don't honestly understand why UNC doesn't take this approach. Fake classes are a pretty serious violation - unlike, say, paying for strippers - and trying to get no punishment is pretty unrealistic and short-sighted. Take a year of <fill in the blank>, apologize and move on.
Mr. Bandwagon reappears.
Are you kidding slight a "woman's program" (in my best "Unknown Hinson" voice.
Waw-merns... yeah, yeah!

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State got busted for LOIC for players selling shoes and comp tickets at the absolute very beginning of the Sonny Vaccaro/NIKE era, where Sonny was handing out shoes to players like candy if they were a NIKE school.

Go watch the 30 for 30.

UNC should have shown at least some semblance of contrition years ago. The NCAA is going no where, and UNC will have to deal with that fact.

UNC basically woke up the sleeping bear with their last NOA response.
That is totally different from a class that was authorized and accredited by SACS year after year.
Mark it down. This will be the initial straw that will break the NCAA's back. The sloppiness of this investigation and the subsequent notice and amendments are comical, and won't go unnoticed in court nor with other leaders in the Power 5.....

Here's to you NCAA. Middle finger.
Yeah... the more this goes along, the more it looks like they are incompetent. And... they ARE! This will draw more and more criticism of THEM.
According to david glenn, the new NOA includes extra benefits, mens FB and BB added and time extended to fall 2002 to 2011... is this a joke?
David Glenn Show @DavidGlennShow

BREAKING: @NCAA revised NOA to @UNC: 1-reinstates 'extra benefit' charge 2-specifies FB & MBB 3-expands timeline (now fall 2002-summer 2011)
If true, go to court now. Massive overreach.

Oh it's going to court. It may be in 2020 but it's coming. The NCAA has broken their own rules and procedures and in the process opened themselves up to litigation. UNC found evidence directly pertaining to it's defense in the NCAA's own records that was deliberately withheld from UNC's legal team. The NCAA then refused to allow UNC to interview the parties named and/or involved in the generation the document. And that's just the beginning.
This is nothing more then the SEC comm. who oversses the infractions committee trumping up a new notice of allegations to further delay the process while holding Carolina hostage. Absolutely nothing will happen but it's just another way to punish Carolina without punishing Carolina. A blind man could see this. Like I said in an earlier post I'd love to know who's pulling the strings on this thing.
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I am at the point of really taking the gloves off and taking these NCAA a holes to court. No more nice guys and cooperating and bending every way but sideways. NO MORE.... take em to the bench and sue em
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So it seems now men's basketball and football have been added to it. How can they do that or was it done out of spite.
This freakin sux. But it is repercussions for UNC taking the hard line approach. The NCAA essentially said, "Ok UNC, we'll just issue another NOA since you want to play hardball and we can drag this thing out for another 3-5 years screwing your recruiting in the process." I just can't see Roy landing non-legacy 5* recruits until this is over. Too much negative recruiting is going to come our way until this is completely gone.
All the tough guys here saying "grrrrr lets take em to court" blah blah blah..we will see how much you like it when 1-3 years from now we cant land a kid in the top 50.

also look how long its taken just to get to the point we are at now. Can you imagine how long a court case would take? Roy was close to right when he said "now I Just hope its over before I die"
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All the tough guys here saying "grrrrr lets take em to court" blah blah blah..we will see how much you like it when 1-3 years from now we cant land a kid in the top 50.

also look how long its taken just to get to the point we are at now. Can you imagine how long a court case would take? Roy was close to right when he said "now I Just hope its over before I die"

Agree. I want this over as soon as possible, who cares if we "make a statement" and prove the NCAA is a fraud organization.
Agree. I want this over as soon as possible, who cares if we "make a statement" and prove the NCAA is a fraud organization.

Yeah, and I dont care if we do manage to do what some of these posters are saying and "take them down"(which is really fantastical thinking) there will be collateral damage in doing so.
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Has anyone thought about what this could do to our future committed recruits? Is this new NOA that serious to worry about?