Next HC

If it's Davis, then you'd better get used to being at the bottom of the ACC until... well... who knows when.
While you could be right, I don't think we have any evidence to think it will happen.

If Hubert is a good recruiter - and we have some reason to think so - he should be able to snag good players from the portal to fill the holes. That's if the PTB don't drag their heels on making a decision.

If the current players like him - which seems probable - we shouldn't lose anyone else.

The transition for returning players should be easy, even if Hubert does tinker with Roy's system.

To me, all of that adds up to Hubert hitting the ground running.

If he's a crappy coach, we'll find out pretty quickly. But he'll have the tools to succeed, if he has the necessary coaching chops.
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I really don't understand the "dumping" on Hubert Davis. First, most of Roy's assistants didn't really show a voice on the sideline during the game because Roy owned the show.. that was his style. That was the same for all of his assistants so that statement doesn't hold water. Second, Hubert sat next to Roy for 8/9 seasons in a role that was to be groomed to be his successor. You don't think Hubert took in all of that knowledge that Roy was purposely giving him knowing that he wanted Hubert next in line? Hubert is no dummy. Sitting next to Roy for that amount of time and playing 14 years in the league you don't think this guy is worthy of an opportunity at his alma mater? If you don't think so, then Roy was not worthy of his opportunity at Kansas, period! They both had similar trajectories. Except Roy didn't play in the league but that's neither here nor there. Since when have we become so high and mighty to dismiss sitting next to a HOF coach and being groomed as his successor for almost a decade? You think he's just sitting on the bench tallying defensive rebounds and assist? I think not. Roy was bringing Hubert along the same path that Dean did for him. All the way down to coaching the JV as Roy did under Dean. This is a no brainer to me. I like Wes for sure but sitting under Roy as the heir apparent for almost a decade trumps lack of HC experience to me. To overlook this and give the job to Wes would be a slap in the face to Hubert in my opinion. And I like Wes and what he's done for sure. Someone in a previous post said "I just don't see a head coach when I see Hubert". Well WTF does a HC look like? Mark Few isn't coming. Jay Wright isn't coming. Stop talking about Nate Oates. It's down to Hubert and Wes and I believe Hubert deserves this opportunity. Sure he will need to pad his bench with good assistants and someone that is a good recruiter (although Hubert was the lead recruiter on several of our players in the past). If he doesn't get the job done in 2-3 years.. fine.. Wes is next in line. Don't disrespect Hubert with this "lack of HC experience crap".

Happy Monday.
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To pretend that we know who would fit and work out is ridiculous. A few years ago many would’ve wanted Shaka but that doesn’t look like such a sure thing now. From a fan’s perspective Doherty looked like a really good choice. If he had Hubert’s temperament he might still be here. We are all guessing with our own tastes in mind.
I would like our hiring process to be devoid of race considerations, but there may not be a more liberal, “woke” university in the country than UNC. It’s why I wouldn’t want my child to go there. I think Dean intentionally chose a POC to succeed him, and Phil would have been his successor had alcoholism not derailed his chance(s). I also think Roy intentionally chose a POC to be his successor. To say that race isn’t a pretty big factor in this decision is just being naive.

Barring UNC hiring a proven, well established coach, I’d bet my money on Hubert, Stack, or Robinson. I’ll be surprised if it’s not Hubert. He’s such a nice man, I just hope he can coach.
We need a couple of good players from the portal. Anyone disagree?

One or 2 big men. Maybe a backup PG. Maybe a SF. A lights-out shooter at almost any position, if we can get one. Not saying we need all of those, but a couple across those categories could make the difference between a team that struggles and a team that does well.

So . . . which of the plausible coaches would do best in the portal? Put another way, if we don't land one of our dream candidates - Few, Stevens, the reincarnation of John Wooden - which of the rest will get us off to a good start by filling the holes with top talent?

I'd think Hubert or Stack. Both have experience and links with the NBA, and the guys we'd be aiming for probably want a coach who can get them ready for the NBA.

I'm assuming Hubert has the confidence of our existing players. If not, why would he even be considered?

Both Hubert and Wes are likely to teach a style very similar to Roy's. At least similar enough so that the transition won't be too hard on returning players. Stack came up in Dean's version of that system, but he's played longer with other coaches, so who knows what his style looks like? Could be similar; could be very different.

CandidatePortalContinuityWinning record

Wes just got a transfer from Clemson to commit to UNCG. Not sure why he gets the ?
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I would like our hiring process to be devoid of race considerations, but there may not be a more liberal, “woke” university in the country than UNC. It’s why I wouldn’t want my child to go there. I think Dean intentionally chose a POC to succeed him, and Phil would have been his successor had alcoholism not derailed his chance(s). I also think Roy intentionally chose a POC to be his successor. To say that race isn’t a pretty big factor in this decision is just being naive.

Barring UNC hiring a proven, well established coach, I’d bet my money on Hubert, Stack, or Robinson. I’ll be surprised if it’s not Hubert. He’s such a nice man, I just hope he can coach.
I'm surprised you're still a fan of the team! lol

You wouldn't want your child to attend the school??? Seriously?
Looks like Hubert will be the next coach, at any rate, it will be done this week from what I've heard. So....TIFWIW.
I think, for many here, it’s ALL about winning. Setting an example for the university community, making sure the players grow and receive an education, none of those things enter into it. I think it’s going to depend on how the administration sees things. Basketball has to win to help support the other sports, but is that all of the equation?
While you could be right, I don't think we have any evidence to think it will happen.

If Hubert is a good recruiter - and we have some reason to think so - he should be able to snag good players from the portal to fill the holes. That's if the PTB don't drag their heels on making a decision.

If the current players like him - which seems probable - we shouldn't lose anyone else.

The transition for returning players should be easy, even if Hubert does tinker with Roy's system.

To me, all of that adds up to Hubert hitting the ground running.

If he's a crappy coach, we'll find out pretty quickly. But he'll have the tools to succeed, if he has the necessary coaching chops.
That's a lot of "ifs"
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While you could be right, I don't think we have any evidence to think it will happen.

If Hubert is a good recruiter - and we have some reason to think so - he should be able to snag good players from the portal to fill the holes. That's if the PTB don't drag their heels on making a decision.

If the current players like him - which seems probable - we shouldn't lose anyone else.

The transition for returning players should be easy, even if Hubert does tinker with Roy's system.

To me, all of that adds up to Hubert hitting the ground running.

If he's a crappy coach, we'll find out pretty quickly. But he'll have the tools to succeed, if he has the necessary coaching chops.
If I had all those answers... well... I'd provide them.

The way it's panning-out, Roy wanted Hubert Davis before Roy ever announced he was retiring. And, Roy Williams is Carolina Basketball. He gets what he wants. The whole thing is starting to look like a charade to me.
I would like our hiring process to be devoid of race considerations, but there may not be a more liberal, “woke” university in the country than UNC. It’s why I wouldn’t want my child to go there. I think Dean intentionally chose a POC to succeed him, and Phil would have been his successor had alcoholism not derailed his chance(s). I also think Roy intentionally chose a POC to be his successor. To say that race isn’t a pretty big factor in this decision is just being naive.

Barring UNC hiring a proven, well established coach, I’d bet my money on Hubert, Stack, or Robinson. I’ll be surprised if it’s not Hubert. He’s such a nice man, I just hope he can coach.
Wouldn't want things like "diversity and equality" to rub off on the young lad. Gotta raise them up right!
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I would like our hiring process to be devoid of race considerations, but there may not be a more liberal, “woke” university in the country than UNC. It’s why I wouldn’t want my child to go there. I think Dean intentionally chose a POC to succeed him, and Phil would have been his successor had alcoholism not derailed his chance(s). I also think Roy intentionally chose a POC to be his successor. To say that race isn’t a pretty big factor in this decision is just being naive.

Barring UNC hiring a proven, well established coach, I’d bet my money on Hubert, Stack, or Robinson. I’ll be surprised if it’s not Hubert. He’s such a nice man, I just hope he can coach.

Roy has put pressure on Bubba to be as diverse as possible in this decision, however, it's largely Bubba's decision to make. he is absolutely looking outside the family and this starts with a Mark Few conversation, which should take place in the next 48 hours.
Bubba, your choice is clear...

This is going to be like if Saban retired and Alabama hired the linebackers coach who has been on staff a few years after working at South Mobile Junior High School to replace Saban.
This is going to be like if Saban retired and Alabama hired the linebackers coach who has been on staff a few years after working at South Mobile Junior High School to replace Saban.

relax, no one has been hired yet. Holtman is being interviewed and Few has yet to have a detailed conversation with Bubba. be patient.
I’ll be a believer this was the right hire when Hubert calls a TO during an opponent’s first half run.
I'll be a believe when I see Black on the bench to start the first game.

The two things I want Hubert to do differently than Roy:

2. Play the better player. No favoritism to upperclassmen when it is clear there are better options (i.e. Leaky getting 30 minutes a game this past season).
This is the darkest day in the history of UNC basketball. The powers that be have hired someone who is even less qualified than Matt Doherty was. They could have hired coaches with far greater resumes, but no, they had to go with a feel good hire just because he is an alum, combined with a dose of desiring to make a social statement. There is no logical reason to go with Hubert over Wes Miller. I am disappointed that Bubba chose not to be an adult and say no, we will not hire someone with no head coaching experience. Unfortunately, these days emotion too often trumps logic. I hope we have more level headed people making the next basketball hire in the next 5 years, because we will have another coaching search soon enough.
Bleed, your sources were way off on this one. We didn’t interview a single person outside the family.