I have stayed out of the civil war debate that exists herein every few months because I saw it as a bit of chicken/egg at best and also, like so many topics of today, a bit of revisionism/activism thrown in for good measure. The statement above, however, is what I see as a problematic part of a current reframing of things that actually took place. It's the use of the word "created" that is troubling.
There is no doubt that America came into existence where it was ruled by and guided by white, land-owning men, many of which were protestant, some that were catholic, some were Quaker, etc. But, and this is a big but that cannot be ignored, that's how it was at the time in England, France and other parts of Europe from which colonists came. That was the culture at the time and how things were viewed. When's the last time England or France had a black King or Queen? No amount of retrospective viewing can change the reality of the time regardless of how abhorrent we feel about such things today. Without ever getting to the topic of slavery, think about how woman were treated if they weren't royalty. It's just crazy to imagine that those times ever actually existed. Had American been colonized by nations from Africa, it would likely have a much different look and history to it. However, considering that slavery was widely in use on that continent, I'd have to speculate that it would still have been a part of America's past.
So, I have a hard time believing that there exists actual documentation that America was "created" as some sort of utopia for white men to have slave ownership that they couldn't have elsewhere since it was practiced throughout many parts of the world. Rather, it was created as almost all things are: by self-motivated, self-interested individuals, corporations, and governments. Very, very, sadly, slavery was part of those times, but hardly the focus or reason. To buy into this creation position is to buy into the entire revisionist movement that anything and everything associated with America was and is only about slavery and race.