OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Was there attempt to conceal the docs by Trump? Yup. Was he cooperative? Nope

Was there attempt to conceal by Biden? So far his personal attorneys did the initial contact to wh counsel's office who then contacted nara and he's been fully cooperative.
NARA knew Trump had the docs. They were there 3 months earlier and required him to padlock the room where they were stored.
NARA knew Trump had the docs. They were there 3 months earlier and required him to padlock the room where they were stored.
Well, we don't know squat. We think we know stuff because the unnamed/inside sources (which always tend to lean a certain way) have allegedly leaked certain things to drive a narrative. From that, the bullet point list of things is oft repeated to further drive the message.

The one thing that we know for certain is this: in one case, a former president was entitled to not only have classified doc's in his possession after leaving office, but he could have potentially made them not classified; on the other hand, a former vice-president had absolutely no entitlement to such documents and had no powers over them whatsoever. The other thing we know is that the former president had been in some level of tug of war with the bureaucrats over said documents for a period of months going back and forth. The vp has had these doc's for six years without anyone uttering a peep. Those are all pretty big differences regardless of the spin that some on here will attempt because of what they think they know.

In the end, nothing will happen to either and the recent revelations has to take the wind out of the sails for the group who thought they finally had orange.
Well, we don't know squat. We think we know stuff because the unnamed/inside sources (which always tend to lean a certain way) have allegedly leaked certain things to drive a narrative. From that, the bullet point list of things is oft repeated to further drive the message.

The one thing that we know for certain is this: in one case, a former president was entitled to not only have classified doc's in his possession after leaving office, but he could have potentially made them not classified; on the other hand, a former vice-president had absolutely no entitlement to such documents and had no powers over them whatsoever. The other thing we know is that the former president had been in some level of tug of war with the bureaucrats over said documents for a period of months going back and forth. The vp has had these doc's for six years without anyone uttering a peep. Those are all pretty big differences regardless of the spin that some on here will attempt because of what they think they know.

In the end, nothing will happen to either and the recent revelations has to take the wind out of the sails for the group who thought they finally had orange.
and as I pointed out, all of a sudden the emphasis has shifted from improper possession of these documents to how the involved parties reacted to the recovery. of them comparatively. Biden could fellate the Pope on the WH lawn in broad daylight, and the story would somehow become about Trump and Stormy Daniels.
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I always had you pegged as a dookie.

that's funny, I had you pegged as a dookie as well...

Learn the difference between wack and whack, Fredo.

I'm pretty sure no one knows the difference between whacking and wacking like you do.
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and as I pointed out, all of a sudden the emphasis has shifted from improper possession of these documents to how the involved parties reacted to the recovery. of them comparatively. Biden could fellate the Pope on the WH lawn in broad daylight, and the story would somehow become about Trump and Stormy Daniels.

Boom. Accurate.
and as I pointed out, all of a sudden the emphasis has shifted from improper possession of these documents to how the involved parties reacted to the recovery. of them comparatively. Biden could fellate the Pope on the WH lawn in broad daylight, and the story would somehow become about Trump and Stormy Daniels.
One seems forthcoming, the other evasive. When it comes to legal matters the perception changes if you're evasive.
One seems forthcoming, the other evasive. When it comes to legal matters the perception changes if you're evasive.
when it comes to politics, the discussion leans toward making the other guy the villain. It could be pointed out that even while Biden was commenting on Trump's possession of classified docs, he himself had the same in his freaking garage FOR SIX YEARS where he shouldn't have had any sort of possession of them at all as VP. Perceive that in a blameless way.

I can safely say without prejudice that the hypocrisy is practically oozing out of democrat pores. You of course are going to play the game exactly as I indicated.
More Dem hypocrisy. It’s horrible if Pubs do it but okay if Dems do.
There's a whole lot more hypocrisy from the right than the left, Arch.

I'm with strum on this. Joe Biden needs to be investigated and held accountable for his actions. No one, not even the president, is above the law. How many Trumpers have we heard say that?
There's a whole lot more hypocrisy from the right than the left, Arch.

I'm with strum on this. Joe Biden needs to be investigated and held accountable for his actions. No one, not even the president, is above the law. How many Trumpers have we heard say that?
You are delusional if you think there is more hypocrisy on the right. The Left is completely and totally hypocritical on everything across the board.
DeSantis getting it done on Florida's environmental needs. Dems didn't do it. A conservative has and now makes historic moves and investment to fix a number of issues critical to the state and that have lingered for far too long.

when it comes to politics, the discussion leans toward making the other guy the villain. It could be pointed out that even while Biden was commenting on Trump's possession of classified docs, he himself had the same in his freaking garage FOR SIX YEARS where he shouldn't have had any sort of possession of them at all as VP. Perceive that in a blameless way.

I can safely say without prejudice that the hypocrisy is practically oozing out of democrat pores. You of course are going to play the game exactly as I indicated.
If either or both broke the law charge them and put them in jail.
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If either or both broke the law charge them and put them in jail.
Convenient stance since you know Biden cannot be removed from office unless the corrupt democrats in the senate agree to it.

Obviously, Biden did break the law. That's 100% certain just based on the facts. However, he did not break these laws as much as Hillary or Obama, albeit as an ex-president is in a different category with superseding statutes.

So the question is if enforcement of law creates a norm of ignoring the law, is it acceptable to selectively apply it to others like Biden?

Think of it this way. What is a police officer singled you out every day and gave you a ticket for going even one mile over the speed limit while everyone else is whizzing by and passing you are much greater speeds.

Would that be correct, or an abuse of power?

As far as Trump, there is no evidence he broke any laws to date.
DeSantis getting it done on Florida's environmental needs. Dems didn't do it. A conservative has and now makes historic moves and investment to fix a number of issues critical to the state and that have lingered for far too long.

Looks great, especially the conservation. Kudos.

It would be nice if he did something to address climate change, but this much better than nothing.

Nature IS THE ECONOMY in florida, so this type of thing is mandatory to keep the economy moving.
if the criminal laws around this stuff are dumb then it is theater, otherwise someone might be crimin'
I don't know the laws. I'd wager that most of us have no idea of the laws about "classified documents" being withheld by former Ps and VPs. I'm kind of surprised that these guys even have anything. I'm just naive to the complexities of the office and what it entails. I mean, I would think maybe the different institutions put together something like a high school yearbook and you get it when you leave office.

I guess it's a good idea to take any incriminating evidence of potentially sensitive materials that might raise eyebrows. Who would have thought that powerful people would do anything questionable while they're in powerful positions.
Harari, professor at Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a top adviser to Klaus Schwab, owner and chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF) states in the video below:

“By hacking organisms, elites may gain the power to reengineer the future of life itself because once you can hack something, you can usually also engineer it.”4 Soon, he says, some corporations and governments will be able to “systematically hack all the people.” And, if they succeed in hacking life, he describes it as the “greatest revolution in biology since the beginning of life 4 billion years ago.”
This absolute control will involve the selective breeding of physical bodies using artificial wombs rather than human beings. The first gene-edited babies were born in 2018,5 the result of a Chinese scientist’s use of CRISPR technology. Scientists have also developed an AI nanny robot to care for the embryos growing inside an artificial womb.6

To normal people, a future of transhumanist babies grown in artificial wombs with cloud-to-brain connectivity sounds more like a purposeless nightmare than the utopia that transhumanists attempt to portray it as. Schwab talks as though humanity has no choice in the matter.7

“Let us also be clear. The future is not something that just happens. The future is built by us, by a powerful community like you in this room.”"

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Wait, do you actually believe this? You really think Biden is just some puppet for Obama who's really pulling the strings? And that the DOJ is going to dig up enough dirt on Biden to remove him from power or prevent him from running again?
Yes on sht for brains Joe as Barry’s puppet
No on SFB Joe being removed before 2024
Yes on SFB Joe not winning the ‘24 Dem primary if he even runs. I think there’s about a 50% chance at most that SFB Joe runs - and every day including the docs issue - and the media /left co-op turning on him and letting him get humiliated every day now in public only lessens his chances

I sense some people in the Dem party next year will say “we’ve done the polls. You’re not our best option. It’s best for you to not run again”. Or he’ll run in the primary and get beat by someone like Newsome

So no Barry HO isn’t literally going to take SFB Joe out. But if you think the SFB Joe that can’t read a prompter or printed notes, can’t remember what his wife looks like, can’t remember what friends and family are alive or dead and if dead, how they died- and who can’t find his way off of a 10 x 10 stage - if you think this empty cipher is actually running the show - you haven’t been paying attention and / or are fantasyland delusional.

It is very clear that what is reported and what is buried about Pres DJT and Pres SFB Joe is clearly and uniformly coordinated in the media - exact precise same talking points and phrases thru ALL media sources. NFW is that coincidence. Pure talking points from the dnc machine. Can’t be from SFB Joe. He and Kamala can’t form two coherent consecutive sentences on their own.

What I am saying Barry HO and his holdovers I’m DOJ AND FBI AND NSA and IRS etc largely influence and direct who these agencies go after vs who they protect and what they hide. Remember Merrick Garland is a bff of Barry and does Barry’s bidding on who he does / doesn’t go after

The Dem machine led by Barry were full fledged protection mode for Joe and Hunter when they were useful to them in 2020 through 2022. They along with tech and media censorship and coverup hid joes incompetence and Joe and hunters corruption, addictions, perversions. Buried the laptop, all the corruption $ from China, Ukraine, etc. Hiding the truth / not releasing tapes and docs on Jan 6.

Now it’s 2023, 2024 around the corner - and Barry and the media and tech companies know there’s no way Joe gives them best chance to win in 2024.

So yes I think Barry and the Dem machine have put the call out to the fbi cia media - they don’t need to protect and cover for Joe anymore. The Dem machine is fine with Joe getting exposed now in media, knives out, where Joe will be shamed embarrassed, and unpopular to point of him being forced to remove his name from 2024 run.
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Looks great, especially the conservation. Kudos.

It would be nice if he did something to address climate change, but this much better than nothing.
“Did something to address climate change”. Is this what your science-free ilk used to call global warming until science showed that there is negligible if any global warming and to extent it’s warmer, it can’t be tied directly to human causes - and isn’t out of line with global and cooling trends over 10s of thousands of years?

If it were global warming - news flash. Are you talking about what Florida is doing causing LOCAL warming? What actually is the governor of a small state in a small land mass relative to the entire planet supposed to do, to “deal with climate change” for the entire planet? There is nothing a state or even the entire US could do to make an impact on climate especially given that the greenies hammer and demand change from US while turning a blind eye to climate / air rapist abuser countries China and India. Thinking desantis can / should do anything about climate is insane level delusional/ stupid.

Climates warming some wound make the planet better anyway. Read Alex Epsteins book fossil future. What greens are really against is flourishing of humans. So many people on the globe would live longer better lives, would flourish with more fossil fuel usage.

Way more people die from cold, starvation due to lack of growing climates etc every year than ever die from heat, warming, flooding etc.

Few if any people care about the climate change issue anyway. It doesn’t take long to realize that alternative fuels - wind and solar - after decades are f subsidies and development- are just not viable or reliable as primary energy source. All this promotion and tipping the scale in “green energy” and it is <3% of world energy. Even electric is mostly generated from burning coal fossil fuel. A complete sham built on lies and fantasy - out of touch with reality, facts, science.
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the real insanity is that these scenarios are taking place because of the relatively tiny presence of transgenders coupled with liberal herd nonthinking. There is no reason when the libs are set on exhibiting what they (non)think is fairness. In other words, it makes sense to libs to make it 'fair' for one by making it unfair to 1000.

And I'll take the opportunity to pound home that this is why I completely oppose the promotion, in any form, of transgenderism and any other sexual oddity.

How can a race of beings that have come to dominate the world on the strength of their intelligence be this fvcking stupid? Speaking of which, I can't wait for the local presence to chime in with their usual 'what's the big deal?' snark.
the real insanity is that these scenarios are taking place because of the relatively tiny presence of transgenders coupled with liberal herd nonthinking. There is no reason when the libs are set on exhibiting what they (non)think is fairness. In other words, it makes sense to libs to make it 'fair' for one by making it unfair to 1000.

And I'll take the opportunity to pound home that this is why I completely oppose the promotion, in any form, of transgenderism and any other sexual oddity.

How can a race of beings that have come to dominate the world on the strength of their intelligence be this fvcking stupid? Speaking of which, I can't wait for the local presence to chime in with their usual 'what's the big deal?' snark.
I love how this terrifies people. You're a sexual oddity... who the hell wants to fvck you?
the real insanity is that these scenarios are taking place because of the relatively tiny presence of transgenders coupled with liberal herd nonthinking. There is no reason when the libs are set on exhibiting what they (non)think is fairness. In other words, it makes sense to libs to make it 'fair' for one by making it unfair to 1000.

And I'll take the opportunity to pound home that this is why I completely oppose the promotion, in any form, of transgenderism and any other sexual oddity.

How can a race of beings that have come to dominate the world on the strength of their intelligence be this fvcking stupid? Speaking of which, I can't wait for the local presence to chime in with their usual 'what's the big deal?' snark.

Really? You're going to listen to this guy and his crazy ass links?

So I'm not going to defend a guy using the women's room but this article lacks a huge amount of context. The guy wasn't even confirmed to be transgender first of all. Second, this is yet another attempt to demonize us as crazy or part of a so called 'decline' in the west.

Come on, man. Maybe do a little critical thinking before jumping to conclusions? Especially when the poaster in question has a vicious agenda.
Really? You're going to listen to this guy and his crazy ass links?

So I'm not going to defend a guy using the women's room but this article lacks a huge amount of context. The guy wasn't even confirmed to be transgender first of all. Second, this is yet another attempt to demonize us as crazy or part of a so called 'decline' in the west.

Come on, man. Maybe do a little critical thinking before jumping to conclusions? Especially when the poaster in question has a vicious agenda.
the sky is blue, unless @randman1 says so. That about it? Of course, there's always the possibility that the young woman hired a bunch of actors and staged her complaint.

"The guy wasn't even confirmed to be transgender"

I'm going to take her word though that whatever he was, he had a dick and she saw it in her locker room and the Y people said deal with it. Good enough for me, not sure what would be good enough for you. Obviously, it isn't good enough to not judge you for being transgender, because no one here did that.

And no one demonized being transgender either. What was being pointed out was the idiocy of allowing a person with a dick to be in the women's locker room. You might be the only one who doesn't recognize that it's YOU who really needs to do a little critical thinking and less 'what about me?'.
the sky is blue, unless @randman1 says so. That about it? Of course, there's always the possibility that the young woman hired a bunch of actors and staged her complaint.

"The guy wasn't even confirmed to be transgender"

I'm going to take her word though that whatever he was, he had a dick and she saw it in her locker room and the Y people said deal with it. Good enough for me, not sure what would be good enough for you. Obviously, it isn't good enough to not judge you for being transgender, because no one here did that.

And no one demonized being transgender either. What was being pointed out was the idiocy of allowing a person with a dick to be in the women's locker room. You might be the only one who doesn't recognize that it's YOU who really needs to do a little critical thinking and less 'what about me?'.
I don’t have a problem with criticizing a Y for letting a guy use the women’s room. Especially if he was naked.

But you used this incident as an example of why ‘transgenderism’ should never be promoted. You made that connection not me.

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