With yesterday's shootings in Half Moon Bay and today's shooting in Oakland, there have now been THREE mass shootings in California in as many days. Somewhat lost in all the confusion, two students were also shot and killed yesterday at a Des Moines, Iowa, high school.
According to this website
Background Check Laws,
93 percent of American voters support requiring background checks on all gun sales, including 89 percent of Republicans and 89 percent of gun owners.
Yet, here we are facing these mass shootings on a daily basis. Joe Biden's gun safety bill which became law back in June was the first major gun safety legislation to be passed by Congress in nearly 30 years, but it only offers
incentives for states to pass red flag laws. Not surprisingly, the National Rifle Association opposes the new law. This country still needs stricter guns laws to end the senseless violence.
This isn't a gun-ownership problem or about efforts to take away anyone's Second Amendment right. It is about eliminating loop holes in background checks which allow the wrong people the ability to legally buy and own guns. 29 states have background check loopholes.
Americans are 25 times more likely to die from gun violence than residents of peer nations.