OOTB's Political Thread . ..

In the covid thread I had asked some basic ??? that @blazers had answered part of, but no one seemed to readily know the rest of the answers. The issue was whether or not the vax/boosters were still being administered under emergency use authorization. Blaze responded about who had been approved fully or not, but did not answer the question of whether the actual needle one gets at their local pharmacy is administered under the EMU or fully approved umbrella? And then, secondly, if it is fully approved and therefore considered completely safe, does Pfizer/Moderna still enjoy legal immunity and, if so, why?

My point is pretty simple. They've moved some of these from EMU to fully approved. That would seem to imply they've had enough time and data to fully study them and prove them safe. If that's the case, why would they get immunity from liability to which every other prescription/controlled drug is exposed? I hate to be cynical about both parties and all of politics, but I fear that a big chunk of this comes back to the same controlling factor: $$$$.
I hate to be cynical about both parties and all of politics, but I fear that a big chunk of this comes back to the same controlling factor: $$$$.

then can I safely assume that the next biggest chunk is political influence, resulting in a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' situation?
Seth Rich gave wikileaks the DNC emails, not the Russians, and he was murdered over it.

Assange said, unprompted, “Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. There’s a twenty-seven-year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.”

The show host tried to head off Assange, saying, “That was just a robbery, I believe. Wasn’t it?” Said Assange “No. There’s no finding.” After the host intervened again, Assange responded, “I’m suggesting that our sources take risks.” Although Assange evaded the question of whether Rich was a source, his offer of a $20,000 reward to find Rich’s killer suggested as much."

then can I safely assume that the next biggest chunk is political influence, resulting in a 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours' situation?
That's it, the money in vaccine sales and power in politics was great enough to buy-off the THOUSANDS of people involved in drug safety so they'd look the other way on something destined for over 5 billion people.
Over one a day sounds bad. Is that bad?
With yesterday's shootings in Half Moon Bay and today's shooting in Oakland, there have now been THREE mass shootings in California in as many days. Somewhat lost in all the confusion, two students were also shot and killed yesterday at a Des Moines, Iowa, high school.

According to this website Background Check Laws, 93 percent of American voters support requiring background checks on all gun sales, including 89 percent of Republicans and 89 percent of gun owners.

Yet, here we are facing these mass shootings on a daily basis. Joe Biden's gun safety bill which became law back in June was the first major gun safety legislation to be passed by Congress in nearly 30 years, but it only offers incentives for states to pass red flag laws. Not surprisingly, the National Rifle Association opposes the new law. This country still needs stricter guns laws to end the senseless violence.

This isn't a gun-ownership problem or about efforts to take away anyone's Second Amendment right. It is about eliminating loop holes in background checks which allow the wrong people the ability to legally buy and own guns. 29 states have background check loopholes.

Americans are 25 times more likely to die from gun violence than residents of peer nations.

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With yesterday's shootings in Half Moon Bay and today's shooting in Oakland, there have now been THREE mass shootings in California in as many days. Somewhat lost in all the confusion, two students were also shot and killed yesterday at a Des Moines, Iowa, high school.

According to this website Background Check Laws, 93 percent of American voters support requiring background checks on all gun sales, including 89 percent of Republicans and 89 percent of gun owners.

Yet, here we are facing these mass shootings on a daily basis. Joe Biden's gun safety bill which became law back in June was the first major gun safety legislation to be passed by Congress in nearly 30 years, but it only offers incentives for states to pass red flag laws. Not surprisingly, the National Rifle Association opposes the new law. This country still needs stricter guns laws to end the senseless violence.

This isn't a gun-ownership problem or about efforts to take away anyone's Second Amendment right. It is about eliminating loop holes in background checks which allow the wrong people the ability to legally buy and own guns. 29 states have background check loopholes.

Americans are 25 times more likely to die from gun violence than residents of peer nations.

i'll take my chances of being shot over living in any of those countries. but by all means, if you fear for your life, feel free to buy a one way ticket. lord knows we need less Sheeple here!!
finishing up my 2nd positive-tested round of the China flu ... was basically a bad cold this time. bring on those God made, injection and myocarditis free antibodies! 🤘 and as always, keep on sheepin!
God made the injections, too.
What do you mean "actual needle", do you mean the injection? If the vaccine has been fully approved then the injection is no longer EUA.
At some point in the other thread, I remember someone asserting that while the shot had been fully approved, the ones actually being administered from Pfizer were still being done under the EUA if one looked at the actual literature or something. I don't know as I haven't gone down the wormhole that far and rely on people like you who have taken an interest to educate themselves accordingly.

As said in the other thread, they're fully approved, so what immunity from liability are you talking about?
Immunity comes from the HSS Secretary invoking the PREP Act to cover them. See link you'll approve:
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With yesterday's shootings in Half Moon Bay and today's shooting in Oakland, there have now been THREE mass shootings in California in as many days. Somewhat lost in all the confusion, two students were also shot and killed yesterday at a Des Moines, Iowa, high school.

According to this website Background Check Laws, 93 percent of American voters support requiring background checks on all gun sales, including 89 percent of Republicans and 89 percent of gun owners.

Yet, here we are facing these mass shootings on a daily basis. Joe Biden's gun safety bill which became law back in June was the first major gun safety legislation to be passed by Congress in nearly 30 years, but it only offers incentives for states to pass red flag laws. Not surprisingly, the National Rifle Association opposes the new law. This country still needs stricter guns laws to end the senseless violence.

This isn't a gun-ownership problem or about efforts to take away anyone's Second Amendment right. It is about eliminating loop holes in background checks which allow the wrong people the ability to legally buy and own guns. 29 states have background check loopholes.

Americans are 25 times more likely to die from gun violence than residents of peer nations.

Instead of just throwing darts out there at an issue because you've been told to support something, how about some "common sense" being applied? That is, if you are proposing a solution to something, how about it having an actual causal relationship to the thing you are attempting to solve?

So, of the three shootings you reference, how many of the shooters identified utilized firearms obtained without going through a background check? (I don't know the answer to this question and don't even know if this info has been released.) How many would have failed to have passed such a check? (Again, I don't know the answer due to the first question, but they may have been able to pass.) How many of those who couldn't pass a background check would have been otherwise able to obtain firearms for committing their crimes? (That answer is easy - all of them.).

In other words, you're pissing upwind with a solution that doesn't impact the problem. Don't be a parrot and think for yourself. Btw, if I recall correctly, California already requires that all transfers of firearms go through a background check. In fact, they require it for even ammo now, but I think that may be held up in litigation. So, how does that help in any respect?

Remember, these are all people who were intent on committing mass murder, so it is a fantasy to think that waving your Harry Potter wand and saying it's illegal for them to have a firearm because they couldn't pass a background check would have stopped anything
How about just saying we either roll back spending in a major way, including reorganizing and/or dissolving the FBI among other things, or we're not going to ever raise the debt ceiling, and the federal government will have to rely on current revenues.

End of story.

Wish the House GOP would do that and make it plain we are happy with either outcome. Negotiate or don't. If spending isn't cut, the debt ceiling will not be raised.

Sorry but Burden of proof is on the accuser. You got nothing don’t ya.

It's not a court of law or even a classroom where I'm trying to get a good grade. I don't need to prove anything to believe what I believe. I'll continue to call into question the validity of what I believe are partisan sheep. And I'll continue to promote others doing the same.
but God didnt test them for 6 to 8 years to make sure they're safe for human use. i might be a dummy but i'm no test dummy.
Well... who knew God was not infallible! We got Trump Vaccines... and everything with Trump's name always succeeds, tremendously!
Instead of just throwing darts out there at an issue because you've been told to support something, how about some "common sense" being applied? That is, if you are proposing a solution to something, how about it having an actual causal relationship to the thing you are attempting to solve?
Maybe I am throwing darts but I'm not necessarily proposing solutions. That's not my job. I'm simply bringing into the conversation those whose job it is. I believe there is a likely balance between legal gun ownership and legislation (beyond what was recently passed) that could make firearms a tad more unavailable to those who shouldn't have them in the first place. I have no idea what that balance is, or specifically what the best solution is, but again it's not my job to know it.

Maybe I am just pissing in the wind but maybe that's better than doing nothing, or telling people if you don't like it, move to another country.

Remember, these are all people who were intent on committing mass murder, so it is a fantasy to think that waving your Harry Potter wand and saying it's illegal for them to have a firearm because they couldn't pass a background check would have stopped anything
How do you know what these people were committed to or even thinking? Perhaps some of these people had no such intention but had ready access to the weapon itself through some type of loophole.

Maybe the real sheeples are those willing to accept the status quo no matter how broken the system is.
Maybe I am throwing darts but I'm not necessarily proposing solutions. That's not my job. I'm simply bringing into the conversation those whose job it is. I believe there is a likely balance between legal gun ownership and legislation (beyond what was recently passed) that could make firearms a tad more unavailable to those who shouldn't have them in the first place. I have no idea what that balance is, or specifically what the best solution is, but again it's not my job to know it.

Maybe I am just pissing in the wind but maybe that's better than doing nothing, or telling people if you don't like it, move to another country.

How do you know what these people were committed to or even thinking? Perhaps some of these people had no such intention but had ready access to the weapon itself through some type of loophole.

Maybe the real sheeples are those willing to accept the status quo no matter how broken the system is.
The system isn't broken. What's broken is today's society and the family unit. Wonder why we didn't have these kinds of issues in the 50"s for example? 2 parent homes and discipline.
off to a great start for the new year:

This is just your preferred news source pearl clutching and brainwashing its subjects into believing it’s worse than previous years. Like crime itself, shootings haven’t increased. It’s just more reporting on it.

Am I doing this right?
Maybe I am throwing darts but I'm not necessarily proposing solutions. That's not my job. I'm simply bringing into the conversation those whose job it is. I believe there is a likely balance between legal gun ownership and legislation (beyond what was recently passed) that could make firearms a tad more unavailable to those who shouldn't have them in the first place. I have no idea what that balance is, or specifically what the best solution is, but again it's not my job to know it.

Maybe I am just pissing in the wind but maybe that's better than doing nothing, or telling people if you don't like it, move to another country.

How do you know what these people were committed to or even thinking? Perhaps some of these people had no such intention but had ready access to the weapon itself through some type of loophole.

Maybe the real sheeples are those willing to accept the status quo no matter how broken the system is.
Let's just make it illegal like drugs are. That'll work. No way the bad guys or crazies can get a gun then.
So crime and shootings hasn't gone up under Biden? Some people here say otherwise.

I'm twisting @blazers into a pretzel. He's repeatedly told me that crime has not increased over the past few years (since the summer of George) and that it's Fox News simply reporting more on it and making it look like crime has increased. So I'm just seeing if the same logic extends to mass shootings.
I'm twisting @blazers into a pretzel. He's repeatedly told me that crime has not increased over the past few years (since the summer of George) and that it's Fox News simply reporting more on it and making it look like crime has increased. So I'm just seeing if the same logic extends to mass shootings.
I'll let you have that one since I was trying to do the same to you.
That's it, the money in vaccine sales and power in politics was great enough to buy-off the THOUSANDS of people involved in drug safety so they'd look the other way on something destined for over 5 billion people.
I guess you don't know how the real world works. You don't have to buy off thousands because those thousands are employed by someone who signs their paychecks. And they are just as self-interested as anyone else, like, oh I don't know...YOU for instance. We are all interested in maintaining a livelihood, and that natural and normal self-interest causes us to mostly keep our mouths shut as we perform our specific tasks and see our paychecks deposited.

Additionally, we are encouraged to keep our mouths shut, not so much by verbal command but simply by knowing that someone higher up is responsible and that if the shit hits the fan, we won't likely get much if any on us. Ultimately, at the top of the heap, the end result is just unresolved back-and-forth finger-pointing. Examples of this abound, even as we post.

That being said, I'm not pointing to some conspiracy as I'm sure you're on the verge of suggesting outright....I just know how the real world works. Generally speaking, those ideas are communicated and understood without the need for much verbalization. You don't have to be told who's buttering your bread, but those buttering your bread are likely going to make sure that the memo has been received and understood...

You may have forgotten to point out that these vaccines never were put through the usual trials before being put into use. What did those thousands have to say about that? Can you hear them protesting? I can't.
Well... who knew God was not infallible! We got Trump Vaccines... and everything with Trump's name always succeeds, tremendously!
the fact that Trump took the vaxx made it even less likely that many of us with a brain would take it 🤪
The system isn't broken. What's broken is today's society and the family unit. Wonder why we didn't have these kinds of issues in the 50"s for example? 2 parent homes and discipline.
and liberals then were more like conservatives today in that they displayed a good ration of common sense, as they sought to have their ideas become mainstream. Now they have gotten into the cultural mainstream in a big way and their notions have migrated to the largely nonsensical....and that's what we are dancing to.
I'll let you have that one since I was trying to do the same to you.

No, I fully recognize that shootings and crime in general have risen. But it’s not a gun legislation matter. It’s about not handcuffing LEOs so they’re not scared to do their job. It’s about lowering the boom on criminals instead of slapping them on the wrist.
Like crime itself, shootings haven’t increased.
False, so far mass shootings are up this yr compared to prior... and they've been hitting highs prior yrs too.

Regarding crime, which crime and where? Define crime?

You realize not all crime incidences move in tandem? Murder is up while violent crime has been decreasing every year.

Am I doing this right?
If your intent is to sound ignorant, yup, A+
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crime in general have risen.
which crime? You're always talking generically about crime except for location, in which you say crime is booming in blue states only.

You're FOS as usual.

In addition to the flak do you wear a helmet that is a little too tight?

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