OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You're the one that walked around with a purposeless mask for a couple years and willingly got jabbed several times (with more on the way) with an unproven vaccine and we're the gullible suckers? Lol. The jokes write themselves.
Once these "unproven vaccines" became available in December 2020, the number of ICU hospitalizations and deaths decreased 65.6% and 69.3%, respectively. That's a large number. How would you explain it?
Once these "unproven vaccines" became available in December 2020, the number of ICU hospitalizations and deaths decreased 65.6% and 69.3%, respectively. That's a large number. How would you explain it?

I wouldn’t explain it. And I wouldn’t worry about it either way. But please, don’t let me get in the way of your brainwashed anxiety.
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I wouldn’t explain it.
It isn't surprising that amid statistical facts you're unable to provide a prudent answer. Of course in Biology 101 at Trump University I'm pretty sure your nonanswer would still get you a passing grade. That is, if they taught science at Trump University.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Once these "unproven vaccines" became available in December 2020, the number of ICU hospitalizations and deaths decreased 65.6% and 69.3%, respectively. That's a large number. How would you explain it?
Prove it and do so with credible sources, not those proven to repeatedly lie because what you are saying is demonstrably false.

First, cherry-picking the height of the 1st wave is merely dissembling. Nonetheless, it's worth noting the peak of the 1st wave occurred a full month after the beginning of the vaccination campaign and considering the curve, the vaccines had nothing to do with the decline. That wave happened completely unaffected by the vaccines.
The real question is whether the vaccines prevented future waves, and they did not. Furthermore, those waves added more deaths than deaths prior to the vaccines.

In other words, more people died from Covid after vaccination than prior to it. That is doubly so since those keeping the stats did a bait and switch where prior to vaccination, deaths WITH Covid were counted as Covid deaths. Even people dying during auto accidents were counted as Covid deaths.

However, there began to be a process of just counting deaths FROM Covid, and they still excelled the numbers counted before under lax standards.
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Once these "unproven vaccines" became available in December 2020, the number of ICU hospitalizations and deaths decreased 65.6% and 69.3%, respectively. That's a large number. How would you explain it?
Wrong. See my last post but here is a good source if you want more exact numbers.

December 15, 2020: 328,739 total deaths from Covid.
January 22, 2023: 1,128,897 total deaths from Covid.

How do you explain that? Specifically, that much more Covid deaths occurred AFTER vaccination?

Look at the numbers for yourself. What you claimed is demonstrably false.

It isn't surprising that amid statistical facts you're unable to provide a prudent answer. Of course in Biology 101 at Trump University I'm pretty sure your nonanswer would still get you a passing grade. That is, if they taught science at Trump University.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Except it's not a statistical face but quite the opposite. Covid deaths exploded after rolling out the vax. Now we are seeing SADS, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome as well, likely going to kill many more than Covid itself.
Once these "unproven vaccines" became available in December 2020, the number of ICU hospitalizations and deaths decreased 65.6% and 69.3%, respectively. That's a large number. How would you explain it?
Decreased? Really?

Ok, let's give you a little time rather than counting from December.

January 1, 2021: 379,327 deaths
January 1, 2022: 855,818 deaths

How is more than doubling in 12 months a decrease of 65.6% (LOL)?
It isn't surprising that amid statistical facts you're unable to provide a prudent answer. Of course in Biology 101 at Trump University I'm pretty sure your nonanswer would still get you a passing grade. That is, if they taught science at Trump University.

Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Nothing in the world is more dangerous than an irrational fear of living because you were brainwashed by daddy government.
- me
Decreased? Really?

Ok, let's give you a little time rather than counting from December.

January 1, 2021: 379,327 deaths
January 1, 2022: 855,818 deaths

How is more than doubling in 12 months a decrease of 65.6% (LOL)?
Lying Season 4 GIF by Curb Your Enthusiasm
Nothing in the world is more dangerous than an irrational fear of living because you were brainwashed by daddy government.
- me
Brainwashed by the government? I made my decision to get vaccinated based on the advice of medical professionals. You're the one brainwashed by the government, listening to that idiot Donald Trump and the most misguided administration we've seen in a long time.

You may to loosen your red MAGA ball cap. I think it's cutting off the oxygen to your brain.
Brainwashed by the government? I made my decision to get vaccinated based on the advice of medical professionals. You're the one brainwashed by the government, listening to that idiot Donald Trump and the most misguided administration we've seen in a long time.

You may to loosen your red MAGA ball cap. I think it's cutting off the oxygen to your brain.

I listened to Trump who told me to get the vax? Weird. Because I didn’t get the vax.

I listened to medical professionals that told me that younger and healthy people didn’t really need to other than to “do my part to protect others”. Well, I’m younger and healthy and felt no obligation to do anything for anyone else, let alone stick myself with an unproven vaccine.

I’m still here. How did I make it through?
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Prove it and do so with credible sources, not those proven to repeatedly lie because what you are saying is demonstrably false.
You're correct, randman, for likely the first time in your life. The figures of 65.6% and 69.3% reduction in COVID-19 cases that I provided are false. I was referring to a preprint on the National Library of Medicine's website which was prior to peer review and very conservative in their numbers.

I just did a search and found the updated figures after the peer review and here are the findings:
Vaccination reduced the overall attack rate to 1.6% (95% CI: 1.3% – 1.8%) from 7.1% (95% CI: 6.3% – 7.9%) across the same period without vaccination. The highest relative reduction (83–90%) was observed among individuals aged 65 and older. Vaccination markedly reduced adverse outcomes, with non-ICU, ICU hospitalizations, and deaths decreasing by 85.2% (95% CI: 82.3% – 87.6%), 85.3% (95% CI: 82.3% – 87.8%), and 87.8% (95% CI: 85.1% – 90.1%), respectively.
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Dumb luck?
I bet that's what it was that allowed him to be excluded from the 1/3 of one percent of our population who have died from Covid, according to very possibly inflated Covid death statistics. Just pure dumb luck. And he doesn't seem to understand what a close call it was for him. He was hanging by a thread and didn't even know it. Just think, WHAT IF IT HAD BEEN 1/2 OF ONE PERCENT. Only 99.5% of us would have been lucky enough to have survived. Oh, the humanity. I get chills just thinking about it....that is, thinking about how incredibly stupid and hysterical some of us are to continue to push the narrative.
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You're correct, randman, for likely the first time in your life. The figures of 65.6% and 69.3% reduction in COVID-19 cases that I provided are false. I was referring to a preprint on the National Library of Medicine's website which was prior to peer review and very conservative in their numbers.

I just did a search and found the updated figures after the peer review and here are the findings:
Vaccination reduced the overall attack rate to 1.6% (95% CI: 1.3% – 1.8%) from 7.1% (95% CI: 6.3% – 7.9%) across the same period without vaccination. The highest relative reduction (83–90%) was observed among individuals aged 65 and older. Vaccination markedly reduced adverse outcomes, with non-ICU, ICU hospitalizations, and deaths decreasing by 85.2% (95% CI: 82.3% – 87.6%), 85.3% (95% CI: 82.3% – 87.8%), and 87.8% (95% CI: 85.1% – 90.1%), respectively.
Those numbers, peer-reviewed or not, are still false.

These days perhaps peer-reviewed just means we'll say anything to keep the money flowing because those numbers are pure bullshit.
Unless it's horseshit propaganda like thegatewaypundit, or the epoch times, it's a lie. Correct?

You being an epidemiologist yourself makes you even more of an expert, I know.
You can view the raw data and numbers for yourself. Instead you prefer to swallow government propaganda.
Don't call the number, then. Keep working your nonsensical, self-flattery angle instead, schizzo.
if they are why you are what you are, I'll refer to these paraphrased words from Steppenwolf (the music group, not the book you can't read)...

Well, now if I were the president of this land
you know, I'd declare total war on your headshrinker man.
I'd cut him if he stands, and I'd shoot him if he'd run.
Yes I'd kill him with my Bible, and my razor, and my gun.
Brainwashed by the government? I made my decision to get vaccinated based on the advice of medical professionals. You're the one brainwashed by the government, listening to that idiot Donald Trump and the most misguided administration we've seen in a long time.

You may to loosen your red MAGA ball cap. I think it's cutting off the oxygen to your brain.
lol, what unadulterated crapola. You got vaccinated because that's what the herd you were in did, and they did that because the bilge-pumpers in government had you shitting your pants; and then they herded you and those other unquestioning sheep into your familiar corral to submissively get the needle.

Of course you can prove me wrong by telling us just who the medical experts were that advised you so expertly.
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You can view the raw data and numbers for yourself. Instead you prefer to swallow government propaganda.
I can "view the "raw data?" And, do what with it??? Just like you, I don't know shit from shinola about it. Unlike you, I don't drown these threads with page-after-page of bullshit propaganda. I'm not pimping the CDC or NIH or any other government source to push a bunch of paranoia.
Sedition = guilty

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I can "view the "raw data?" And, do what with it??? Just like you, I don't know shit from shinola about it. Unlike you, I don't drown these threads with page-after-page of bullshit propaganda. I'm not pimping the CDC or NIH or any other government source to push a bunch of paranoia.
So you are too stupid to do basic arithmetic? Why am I not surprised?
Those numbers, peer-reviewed or not, are still false.

These days perhaps peer-reviewed just means we'll say anything to keep the money flowing because those numbers are pure bullshit.
Hahaha so you just dismiss peer reviewed medical scientific research as “duhhhh….must be false…duhhhhhh”. You challenged him to prove it and he did you fuking simpleton. You got owned…..AGAIN. Don’t you ever get tired of looking like a fool? I never tire of laughing at you that’s for sure. You’re nothing but a deluded science denying conspiracy hack and liar. Your credibility in here hovers between reading tea leaves and tarot cards. Actually not near as accurate as either. More like throwing darts blindfolded.
Hahaha so you just dismiss peer reviewed medical scientific research as “duhhhh….must be false…duhhhhhh”. You challenged him to prove it and he did you fuking simpleton. You got owned…..AGAIN. Don’t you ever get tired of looking like a fool? I never tire of laughing at you that’s for sure. You’re nothing but a deluded science denying conspiracy hack and liar. Your credibility in here hovers between reading tea leaves and tarot cards. Actually not near as accurate as either. More like throwing darts blindfolded.
Um, I actually 100% proved it with actual data and numbers. You did nothing and perhaps you are just incapable of looking at basic data and thinking.

You are like someone if an expert told you 2 plus 2 equals 5. you'd insist everyone was "owned" and an idiot if they said it actually equals 4 and even a 3rd grader can do the math on that.
Um, I actually 100% proved it with actual data and numbers. You did nothing and perhaps you are just incapable of looking at basic data and thinking.

You are like someone if an expert told you 2 plus 2 equals 5. you'd insist everyone was "owned" and an idiot if they said it actually equals 4 and even a 3rd grader can do the math on that.
We’re talking peer reviewed medical science research you fuking dumbass, Not 3rd grade math. And yea it owned your stupid ass and lame as shit “data” derived from who knows what Qanon web site. Lol. The only thing you’ve “proven” is your capability to believe mind numbingly idiotic conspiracy theories. Maybe you should get those dems you claim are hacking thermostats to hack your brain and give you some common sense.
Lesson of the day:

If one partisan sheep researcher signs off on another partisan sheep researcher’s work, it gets the programmed drones aroused.
Okay how about you share your evidence for claiming the scientific researchers in question are partisan sheep. Sorry but I just don’t take your word for it.

if you know what i mean lorinska GIF by Channel 7
In the covid thread I had asked some basic ??? that @blazers had answered part of, but no one seemed to readily know the rest of the answers. The issue was whether or not the vax/boosters were still being administered under emergency use authorization. Blaze responded about who had been approved fully or not, but did not answer the question of whether the actual needle one gets at their local pharmacy is administered under the EMU or fully approved umbrella? And then, secondly, if it is fully approved and therefore considered completely safe, does Pfizer/Moderna still enjoy legal immunity and, if so, why?

My point is pretty simple. They've moved some of these from EMU to fully approved. That would seem to imply they've had enough time and data to fully study them and prove them safe. If that's the case, why would they get immunity from liability to which every other prescription/controlled drug is exposed? I hate to be cynical about both parties and all of politics, but I fear that a big chunk of this comes back to the same controlling factor: $$$$.
In the covid thread I had asked some basic ??? that @blazers had answered part of, but no one seemed to readily know the rest of the answers. The issue was whether or not the vax/boosters were still being administered under emergency use authorization. Blaze responded about who had been approved fully or not, but did not answer the question of whether the actual needle one gets at their local pharmacy is administered under the EMU or fully approved umbrella? And then, secondly, if it is fully approved and therefore considered completely safe, does Pfizer/Moderna still enjoy legal immunity and, if so, why?

My point is pretty simple. They've moved some of these from EMU to fully approved. That would seem to imply they've had enough time and data to fully study them and prove them safe. If that's the case, why would they get immunity from liability to which every other prescription/controlled drug is exposed? I hate to be cynical about both parties and all of politics, but I fear that a big chunk of this comes back to the same controlling factor: $$$$.
You can’t sue any pharma over any vaccines, covid or otherwise barring willful neglect. If you could there would be no vaccines for anything as the liability risk would be too big.

And @randman1 sorry but Qanon conspiracy accusations does not entail willful neglect.
Blaze responded about who had been approved fully or not, but did not answer the question of whether the actual needle one gets at their local pharmacy is administered under the EMU or fully approved umbrella?
What do you mean "actual needle", do you mean the injection? If the vaccine has been fully approved then the injection is no longer EUA.
And then, secondly, if it is fully approved and therefore considered completely safe, does Pfizer/Moderna still enjoy legal immunity and, if so, why?

My point is pretty simple. They've moved some of these from EMU to fully approved. That would seem to imply they've had enough time and data to fully study them and prove them safe. If that's the case, why would they get immunity from liability to which every other prescription/controlled drug is exposed? I hate to be cynical about both parties and all of politics, but I fear that a big chunk of this comes back to the same controlling factor: $$$$.
As said in the other thread, they're fully approved, so what immunity from liability are you talking about?

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