I really don't understand why these politicians are endorsing the green new deal. Maybe it's because there isn't a lot of details out, so they think they can fool voters. If Pelosi thinks your plan is too far left, that's not a good thing.
AOC has received such a vast following on the left, with progressives, democrat base (online / social media anyway)- that every other Democratic or Dem Socialist politician is
afraid to death of her and of offending her following within the base of the party.
These of Democratic politicians are much more experienced and knowledgeable, practical, economics literate than AOC. They'd like to raise some lesser, more realistic, feasible, doable initiatives and discuss compromise with AOC.
But anytime someone even from her own party even raises an eyebrow or dares raise legit question something like "how do we afford actually rebuilding every building in US? How do we get rid of almost all air travel? How do we get rid of usage of fossil fuels, combustion engines? How do we finance a decent living for those unwilling to work? Are these things possible without destroying our economy?"
....AOC flies into some petulant entitled 4 year old temper tantrum, like she has never had to face facts or real world intelligent economic discussions and principles, and her followers crucify the Democratic person raising the legitimate questions.
So yeah, its her party for now, and its going to be very precarious for Democrats to maneuver and navigate how to question her, ask for compromise, get in touch with practical, doable reality....without getting politically destroyed.