OOTB's Political Thread . ..

nice post, complete with your completely predictable refusal to compare the sins of the one you happen to favor to the less egregious sin of the other. But I'm the one excusing someone, right? LOL.

I don't think anyone is unclear about your ability to make excuses for things that Donald Trump has been accused of doing most of his life.

To me, that has been one of the most enjoyable things about the man's entire political career. It's been interesting watching the lengths that so-called moral conservatives will go to deflect and defend what they would otherwise condemn. They're not really "conservative... all the time.
is your aforementioned refusal a length you've gone to blah blah blah? Hypocrite.

Do I feel what way? And, which women are we talking about? Do some women exploit their sexual prowess to gain influence and pay-offs from powerful men? Absolutely, they do! That doesn't mean they all do that. And, it certainly doesn't allow me to give a pass to the men that are actually violating women.
umm, excuse me but I think your pass is clearly showing. Hypocrite.

As soon as DJT is accused of doing anything inappropriate, the instinctive response is for Republicans to go and find any example of it happening elsewhere in order to defend and downplay it.
as soon as a hypocrite displays hypocrisy, I respond to it almost instinctively. As in this case. You may have forgotten, the subject wasn't Donald Trump but the following that I originally responded to.
I dunno... I'm not someone who finds it favorable to look for excuses to violate women, and/or defend those who do just because they pretend to have similar political views. Is it?
I gave an example of someone (who happened to be other than a conservative, and that I know personally) defending someone they 'pretend to have similar views with', just as you specified and only as you specified. Funny you somehow failed to agree with me...because I was agreeing with you.

I bet average rapists an murderers wish that worked in common-people court! "Your honor, my client may have been guilty of the crime, but a lot of men do it and a lot of women are asking for it!"
I imagine the average rapist and murderer would lie and deny having committed the crime. But some who have not committed anything nearly as serious do honestly own up to it. Others...wink wink you know who...don't. I'm going with the honest one. You can worship the liar.
Ask, @bleeduncblue that one. All laws are going to be broken, so we shouldn't have laws, in his mind.

They can also get arrested and convicted and serve time for it, too. Except the stars who get a pass for just being stars.
so dumb, and so asinine. Of course we should have laws. But anyone off his rocker enough to commit unspeakable mayhem isn't going to be slowed down by any law or any punishment, or by taking a certain weapon away..
LOL, I wasn't going to bother with this, but I can never pass up an opportunity to show what a butthurt numbskull you are.

What's the the old saying, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? Once again you use my rarefied words and terminology because you wish to stand out but aren't creative enough to come up with your own way of doing it.
panache is probably a word I won't be using, because it sounds a little faggy. Suits you though.
Whatever you say, miss sissy britches
Whatever you say, princess

and on and on.

LMAO at the toadstool who admonishes me for emulating him, and then emulates me. Could you be more oblivious?

And you can deny it all you want to, but you have constantly regurgitated insults like the ones I've dished out to you since I've been here. Over and over, you reference something I've burned you with. And I don't say 'burned' because they were so intrinsically hurtful, I say burned only because you are so easily burnt.

So imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? LOL, I guess I should be flattered to the max.
nice post, complete with your completely predictable refusal to compare the sins of the one you happen to favor to the less egregious sin of the other. But I'm the one excusing someone, right? LOL.

is your aforementioned refusal a length you've gone to blah blah blah? Hypocrite.

umm, excuse me but I think your pass is clearly showing. Hypocrite.

as soon as a hypocrite displays hypocrisy, I respond to it almost instinctively. As in this case. You may have forgotten, the subject wasn't Donald Trump but the following that I originally responded to.

I gave an example of someone (who happened to be other than a conservative, and that I know personally) defending someone they 'pretend to have similar views with', just as you specified and only as you specified. Funny you somehow failed to agree with me...because I was agreeing with you.

I imagine the average rapist and murderer would lie and deny having committed the crime. But some who have not committed anything nearly as serious do honestly own up to it. Others...wink wink you know who...don't. I'm going with the honest one. You can worship the liar.
If your wife is accused of murder... ya think it's possible you might defend her? Should I hold you accountable for her murder, if she's found guilty?

Bill Clinton is a rapist just like Donny. They've been seeing how far they can go probably since they could crawl. Bill Clinton was just as sleazy as they come. I never voted for that jagoff, either.
If your wife is accused of murder... ya think it's possible you might defend her? Should I hold you accountable for her murder, if she's found guilty?

Bill Clinton is a rapist just like Donny. They've been seeing how far they can go probably since they could crawl. Bill Clinton was just as sleazy as they come. I never voted for that jagoff, either.
probably not, if it was me she was trying to murder. Try to remember it was her he was cheating on. And she could have just kept her mouth shut, but instead she more or less validated his womanizing by slandering his accusers. Voting for her was like voting for the sliminess of her husband. But just as you said, that's what we do...

And you're a little late to chime in about what you think of Clinton. You had an earlier opportunity that you passed on, as I already pointed out. Still, I appreciate your opinion of Clinton, although I'm pretty sure we all know about your wasted above-it-all vote.
I've learned my lesson about putting people in charge around here. The last guy still hasn't delivered my hookers and blow like he said he would.
when I'm king, everyone gets his share of hookers and blow....after I get the king's share of course.
Ain’t that the truth. I’ve said the same. I’d kill to have a Democrat like Bill right now. While he was clearly a piece of shit, he was politically reasonable.
as much as I despise that fvcker, I'd bring him Lewinskys by the truckload to get him to come back and enact these propositions.

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Thoughts and prayers for Allen, Texas
man forced to stab his victims to death.


A homicidal maniac, lacking the AR-15 rifle normally used to slaughter people, was forced to use a knife to stab his two victims to death and blind another when they tried to interrupt his harassment of a woman in a bar.

'Yeah, normally I use the AR-15 to create homicidal mayhem', said the assailant. 'But I forgot and left it at home. Luckily I had my k-bar with me. It did the job just fine.'.

'They should have had bigger knives than the perpetrator', a police spokesman joked. 'You just don't confront a maniac unless you're properly armed. He got the better of them this time.'.
man forced to stab his victims to death.


A homicidal maniac, lacking the AR-15 rifle normally used to slaughter people, was forced to use a knife to stab his two victims to death and blind another when they tried to interrupt his harassment of a woman in a bar.

'Yeah, normally I use the AR-15 to create homicidal mayhem', said the assailant. 'But I forgot and left it at home. Luckily I had my k-bar with me. It did the job just fine.'.

'They should have had bigger knives than the perpetrator', a police spokesman joked. 'You just don't confront a maniac unless you're properly armed. He got the better of them this time.'.
Fortunately, he only killed two victims. Had he remembered to bring his AR-15, he could have wiped out half the patrons at the bar. It's interesting that you appear to be cheerleading for this punk.

It's also interesting that his next-to-last action was making passes at a girl. Now he gets to spend the rest of his life fighting off horny men twice his size.
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Self-serving politician (rhetorical, i know) works with opposite party to gerrymander his way into retaining his seat.

Ooooh, let me try:

Black politician that claims to care about black people, screws over black people so he can remain part of elite (mostly white) cabal.
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Fortunately, he only killed two victims. Had he remembered to bring his AR-15, he could have wiped out half the patrons at the bar. It's interesting that you appear to be cheerleading for this punk.

It's also interesting that his next-to-last action was making passes at a girl. Now he gets to spend the rest of his life fighting off horny men twice his size.
it's not surprising that you believe I'm cheerleading the guy when most reasonably intelligent people recognize the satirical nature of my post, intended as a foil to other poster's posts and doing anything BUT cheerleading this particular maniac or homicidal maniacs in general.

For you and any other dullards, the point is that you don't need an AR-15 to slaughter someone. Those capable of snuffing out another human life at the drop of a hat have many weapons to choose from. The Allen shooter, for example, was carrying a handgun with which he could have carried out exactly the same act of carnage.

But you go ahead and demonize an inanimate object, an AR-15 type rifle. BAD weapon. BAD, evil weapon.
it's not surprising that you believe I'm cheerleading the guy when most reasonably intelligent people recognize the satirical nature of my post, intended as a foil to other poster's posts and doing anything BUT cheerleading this particular maniac or homicidal maniacs in general.

For you and any other dullards, the point is that you don't need an AR-15 to slaughter someone. Those capable of snuffing out another human life at the drop of a hat have many weapons to choose from. The Allen shooter, for example, was carrying a handgun with which he could have carried out exactly the same act of carnage.

But you go ahead and demonize an inanimate object, an AR-15 type rifle. BAD weapon. BAD, evil weapon.

The day restrictions are put on firearms, Google's most searched question becomes "how to make a homemade pipe bomb".
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I don't want the problem to have a gun. But I don't want to take everyone's guns away because a vanishly small percentage of gun owners are nuts. Weed out the nuts that have guns, not the guns that a nut case and everyone else might happen to have.
uh oh. Won't be long she'll be dead, maybe accidentally from having tried to swim across the river carrying too many chains. Or in spite of her denial, it could be a suicide...three shots to the back of the head and one in the heart because she really wanted to not be alive anymore..

It might never come out but I think it will, that the Bidens are rotten to the core. As per usual with dem darlings though, that will never happen until they are safe from any political repercussions.
But you go ahead and demonize an inanimate object, an AR-15 type rifle.
It's not much different than you "satirically" endorsing an alternative inanimate object such as a military-style KA-BAR knife.
a vanishly small percentage of gun owners are nuts.
I have no idea what the hell vanishly means, but I get the gist of your garbled idiot-speak. Now I would like you to explain where you got your information that the number of nuts with guns in this country is diminishing.
She sounds like a genuinely crazy chick.

"Wrye and her husband knew Reade as Tara McCabe, the woman who had rented a yurt on their 12-acre California property and tended to the couple’s horses — and her own — for about 10 months beginning in 2017. They were well-acquainted with their former tenant, who frequently knocked on the door of their home seeking emotional support, asking for financial help or forgiveness for late rent payments, which they granted."
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She sounds like a genuinely crazy chick.

"Wrye and her husband knew Reade as Tara McCabe, the woman who had rented a yurt on their 12-acre California property and tended to the couple’s horses — and her own — for about 10 months beginning in 2017. They were well-acquainted with their former tenant, who frequently knocked on the door of their home seeking emotional support, asking for financial help or forgiveness for late rent payments, which they granted."

She sounds crazy because she had money troubles and emotional issues from being sexually assaulted? Geeze, not very sensitive of you. Did you go to the Hillary Clinton School of Public Relations?
It's not much different than you "satirically" endorsing an alternative inanimate object such as a military-style KA-BAR knife.

I have no idea what the hell vanishly means, but I get the gist of your garbled idiot-speak. Now I would like you to explain where you got your information that the number of nuts with guns in this country is diminishing.
good job catching that spelling error, your purpose in life has been served on this day. Woo hoo. Sorry you couldn't figure out the actual word though, I know you have some limitations with your vocabulary. I feel bad that it flummoxed you.

I didn't say that the number of nuts with guns is diminishing, I said the percentage of gun owners who are nut cases is vanishingly small. That means there aren't many of them.

And your first posit is just your usual idiocy, but I'll address it anyway. There was no endorsement of a knife or any other weapon, either intended or actual, and my wording doesn't imply any 'endorsement'. I simply referred to what the article said was used. The only problem is the usual one, your inability to understand the completely obvious.
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