OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You old mf'ers bitch about everything.

Talk about virtue-signaling... "how thankful I feel for those opportunities and the ability to have them because of what we have as a country." What a load.
and there he goes as he always does, off to see the wizard because he is running thin on nonsense to whimper about.

Being thankful is not virtue-signaling,'s just being thankful. To bad you have no idea what that means. Too bad all you can do is try to blame the ills of the world, real and imagined, on 'old white men'. Too bad you are pretty much useless.
Well, that would be a pretty insensitive thing to tell them. But, it is the truth, regardless. On the two continents, however, roughly 55 million indigenous people were killed. That's not going to bring him back, and it won't change the reality of what happened when our European ancestors... foreigners... came here and wiped-out total civilizations.

I'm not condoning what happened to Riley. I just think it's funny when white people call brown people "foreign invaders." The people in Mexico descend from people who were on this part of the earth a long time before white Europeans showed-up.
I suggest you move back to Europe, give your belongings and money to the Cherokee, and repent.
Your homophobia is unmatched. Congratulations.

I guess that's what you were referring to when you were pissing and moaning about how Thanksgiving is not celebrated properly by your standards. Old white men with grievances, nail everything down.
There it is! I knew it wouldn't take long.
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Nice try, he said "The Democrats say please don't call them animals" and the dems were referring to ALL immigrants/illegal aliens, not specific groups.

BAH, who are we kidding, i'm sure Trump loves all mexicans despite them poisoning our blood.

Who cares if Trump loves Mexicans. They’re starting to love him and isn’t that all that matters?
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Well, the invaders we descended from were pretty fvcking aggressive compared to those today.

I prefer the term “conquerors” when speaking of America’s earliest “immigrants”.

If you want to call this generation of immigrants conquerors, then that’s fine. But unlike the Natives, I think we’re better prepared to defend our land.
Distinctly american? What exactly would that be?

While many of you will not like the publisher of this short opinion (laced with facts) piece, you do seem to champion Ann Coulter when she is busy pumping out dislike for orangeman always is bad. Here is some interesting reading about the real mass shootings problem that places like the New York Times fail to cover because they have another agenda to push as opposed to the simple truth. Enjoy.
While many of you will not like the publisher of this short opinion (laced with facts) piece, you do seem to champion Ann Coulter when she is busy pumping out dislike for orangeman always is bad. Here is some interesting reading about the real mass shootings problem that places like the New York Times fail to cover because they have another agenda to push as opposed to the simple truth. Enjoy.
Why should she expect NYT to report on every mass shooting? Why would she expect any newspaper to cover every mass shooting. The Sat/Sun she's referring to there were ELEVEN shootings across the nation hitting 4 or more people.

CNN covered it, but they are larger and cover a much larger array.

Nobody died, it wasn't a crime involving randomness (like a psycho or hate crime). Domestic disputes, crime-o-passion, bar fights, gang violence, etc aren't going to make the same headlines as ones involving high casualties or "random targets" that come from hate or psychos.
While many of you will not like the publisher of this short opinion (laced with facts) piece, you do seem to champion Ann Coulter when she is busy pumping out dislike for orangeman always is bad. Here is some interesting reading about the real mass shootings problem that places like the New York Times fail to cover because they have another agenda to push as opposed to the simple truth. Enjoy.

Why should she expect NYT to report on every mass shooting? Why would she expect any newspaper to cover every mass shooting. The Sat/Sun she's referring to there were ELEVEN shootings across the nation hitting 4 or more people.

CNN covered it, but they are larger and cover a much larger array.

Nobody died, it wasn't a crime involving randomness (like a psycho or hate crime). Domestic disputes, crime-o-passion, bar fights, gang violence, etc aren't going to make the same headlines as ones involving high casualties or "random targets" that come from hate or psychos.
yep. The NYT is just a local rag. Hardly anybody reads it. They should probably consider doing some online thing.

But you're right, only crazy people are responsible for their random gun violence. No, wait. ONLY seven casualties, one of them critical. Meh. No, wait. Sheer malevolence behind mass shootings is hardly newsworthy., especially if the victims are just children. No, wait.

No, wait...LMAO
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Well, the invaders we descended from were pretty fvcking aggressive compared to those today.
oh I see, they were more aggressive...and and and they were white, not brown or red or yellow. But wait, what color were the Spaniards whose blood runs through most Mexicans today? Well, but Spaniards had that Moorish tint I guess, and Mexicans have Indian blood as well. This is so hard. How do I decide what's right and what's wrong. Wait, I know...

That was THEN. This is NOW.

I'm sorry, for a moment I thought common sense should apply. I forgot who we were dealing with.
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That was, at least, a direct approach. I've even seen where some "African Americans" just want to be called Americans. Makes sense. But, his summation is antiquated. Things have changed and not likely going backwards. For better or worse, it's not 1900 anymore.

If it's just a reference, or distinction, to where your body permanently, physically resides, geographically, that makes perfect sense. But, that's also about all it can be. This idea that it's some kind of unique magical, spiritual presence of mind, where everyone all acts, thinks, and wants for identical things... that's not American... that's wishful thinking. In a sense... Being American is wishful thinking! Just enough people that believe a fantasy coming true will bring you happiness and everything will be great.
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I prefer the term “conquerors” when speaking of America’s earliest “immigrants”.

If you want to call this generation of immigrants conquerors, then that’s fine. But unlike the Natives, I think we’re better prepared to defend our land.
I'm not a murderer... I'm an ethnic cleanser.

Euphemist language... now, that's American. When Americans try to destroy a race of people... it's conquest... Manifest Destiny. When Germans do it, it's a Holocaust, or genocide.
I believe your interpretation of reality is extremely dimwitted.
there is no 'interpretation' of reality, dimwitted or otherwise. Dimwitted would be thinking, as you do, that reality is open to interpretation. Reality is what's real, and there is only one reality. You either see it or you don't. You don't, obviously..

Reality talks, your silly bullshit walks.
That was, at least, a direct approach. I've even seen where some "African Americans" just want to be called Americans. Makes sense. But, his summation is antiquated. Things have changed and not likely going backwards. For better or worse, it's not 1900 anymore.

If it's just a reference, or distinction, to where your body permanently, physically resides, geographically, that makes perfect sense. But, that's also about all it can be. This idea that it's some kind of unique magical, spiritual presence of mind, where everyone all acts, thinks, and wants for identical things... that's not American... that's wishful thinking. In a sense... Being American is wishful thinking! Just enough people that believe a fantasy coming true will bring you happiness and everything will be great.

Gobbledygook. Meaningless drivel is all this is.

Joining anything - a club, a place of employment, a country, etc. means you come in and assimilate to what is already working. If you don't think it's already working as it were, then why would you desire to join it? So I have to assume those coming want what America offers. To get what America offers, there is an end of the deal that those wanting in on have to uphold. Their end of the deal is to come in, don't rock the boat, provide for the greater good, take less than you provide, and otherwise be an attribute to the club you're joining. If not, why would those already in the club want or need your service?
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I'm not a murderer... I'm an ethnic cleanser.

Euphemist language... now, that's American. When Americans try to destroy a race of people... it's conquest... Manifest Destiny. When Germans do it, it's a Holocaust, or genocide.

In this life, there are winners and there are losers. People who think like you usually end up on the wrong end.
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That was, at least, a direct approach. I've even seen where some "African Americans" just want to be called Americans. Makes sense. But, his summation is antiquated. Things have changed and not likely going backwards. For better or worse, it's not 1900 anymore.
hilarious that you should try to make a point that is completely lost on you. And that in general, not just regarding the current topic.
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Gobbledygook. Meaningless drivel is all this is.

Joining anything - a club, a place of employment, a country, etc. means you come in and assimilate to what is already working. If you don't think it's already working as it were, then why would you desire to join it? So I have to assume those coming want what America offers. To get what America offers, there is an end of the deal that those wanting in on have to uphold. Their end of the deal is to come in, don't rock the boat, provide for the greater good, take less than you provide, and otherwise be an attribute to the club you're joining. If not, why would those already in the club want or need your service?
he's entered the Twilight Zone, as he always does. Let him go, he needs to get some fresh ideas from Rod Serling.
In this life, there are winners and there are losers. People who think like you usually end up on the wrong end.
Whatever 'wrong end' even means. And, usually is not always. Your gobbledygook is just gobbledygook... probably because you have a habit where you 'don't get' most things. It's like a handicap. At least you provide comments for NCtransplant to click "like" under.
Whatever 'wrong end' even means. And, usually is not always. Your gobbledygook is just gobbledygook... probably because you have a habit where you 'don't get' most things. It's like a handicap. At least you provide comments for NCtransplant to click "like" under.

Wrong end means “loser”. Most reading the poast you’re citing would have made the connection. I suspect you did too and you’re just being obtuse in an effort to deflect. It’s what you do.

But to clarify for the dum-dums, when I said people who think like you end up on the wrong end, that meant people that think like you end up losing. I hope this helps.
Not exact but maybe/sort of. What's your point? Are you going to try and change the direction of the point we're debating because you're losing?
Losing what? There's no finish line. There's no touchdown. There's just your fragile ego that desperately needs one.
Losing what? There's no finish line. There's no touchdown. There's just your fragile ego that desperately needs one.

Losing our country? Losing our culture? Losing our values? Look, I get you don’t really have values but most of us do. We developed them through our faith and through generally agreed upon rules and laws that successful civilizations subscribe to. If you don’t want to be a part of it, fine. No one cares. But don’t f*ck it up for the rest of us.
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Not exact but maybe/sort of. What's your point? Are you going to try and change the direction of the point we're debating because you're losing?
don't bother pointing out to him that many if not most institutions and organizations are socialistic in nature. It's our government that we would prefer to not be some form of socialism, because that imposes on our freedom to choose, and on our individualism.

NCtransplant likes this... It must be a good one
LOL... Yeah... I'm jealous of your popularity! (Kicks a rock)

I don't 'poast' anything.

Maybe you’re not jealous. Seems weird you continuously cite the likes I’m getting and who’s liking what. If it didn’t mean anything to you, you wouldn’t address it.
Losing our country? Losing our culture? Losing our values? Look, I get you don’t really have values but most of us do. We developed them through our faith and through generally agreed upon rules and laws that successful civilizations subscribe to. If you don’t want to be a part of it, fine. No one cares. But don’t f*ck it up for the rest of us.

Us? You and that mouse in your pocket.
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Maybe you’re not jealous. Seems weird you continuously cite the likes I’m getting and who’s liking what. If it didn’t mean anything to you, you wouldn’t address it.
I continuously do that? It's a poke at nctransplant. I can see how it would make you feel great that I was jealous of you... please, continue.