OOTB's Political Thread . ..

As for the other lie the Dems have sold you on regarding Trump calling American soldiers losers...

"However, there appeared to be no evidence of an audio or video recording of the remarks in question, nor was there any documentation, such as transcripts or presidential notes, to independently confirm or deny the alleged quotes' authenticity."

It's Snopes. You guys love Snopes, right?
Kelly was there. And says:

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.
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Kelly was there. And says:

“What can I add that has not already been said?” Kelly said, when asked if he wanted to weigh in on his former boss in light of recent comments made by other former Trump officials. “A person that thinks those who defend their country in uniform, or are shot down or seriously wounded in combat, or spend years being tortured as POWs are all ‘suckers’ because ‘there is nothing in it for them.’ A person that did not want to be seen in the presence of military amputees because ‘it doesn’t look good for me.’ A person who demonstrated open contempt for a Gold Star family – for all Gold Star families – on TV during the 2016 campaign, and rants that our most precious heroes who gave their lives in America’s defense are ‘losers’ and wouldn’t visit their graves in France.

Kelly was there? Kelly? Well, why didn't you say so?


He's not a Christian. He's an ally of Christians. If LGBTQs can have non-participating allies, can't Christians?
i know what he is and who he’s using and how he’s being used, but i’m interested in the answer to the question…i’m probably the only one interested in how the christians reacted as well lol.
i know what he is and who he’s using and how he’s being used, but i’m interested in the answer to the question…i’m probably the only one interested in how the christians reacted as well lol.

I’m not sure what you mean here. But to explain my poast more thoroughly, people who are not LGBTQ support the LGBTQ “movement”. Those folks are referred to as allies. Same with Black Lives Matter. Biden is neither LGBTQ nor black, but he has publicly declared himself an ally of those religions. So why does non-Christian Trump take heat for being an ally to the Christian movement?
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What could have caused Biden to get ushered out of there before actually meeting with the WWII vets as intended? He has to have shit his pants in the first one, right?
Joe Biden did meet with veterans today at Normandy. Quite a few of them.

You're a dumbass and you just got played. That top video is from the RNC's Twitter account and they manipulated the footage and posted it, knowing that 3 million of their sheeple, including you, would lap it up. Congratulations.

@3:35 of this video you will see what actually took place:
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As if shitting his pants is the only issue. Lemme guess…the RNC manipulated footage to make him look confused and walk like a robot too?

Clown world.
The real clown world is the political party that has to lie and manipulate video clips in order to give their sycophants a hard-on. I suppose you're just mad because you fell for it, too.

So you’re going with “The RNC is making Biden confused and walk like that”?

Tough sell but ok.
I’m not sure what you mean here. But to explain my poast more thoroughly, people who are not LGBTQ support the LGBTQ “movement”. Those folks are referred to as allies. Same with Black Lives Matter. Biden is neither LGBTQ nor black, but he has publicly declared himself an ally of those religions. So why does non-Christian Trump take heat for being an ally to the Christian movement?
the questions he never answered were “what’s your relationship with god “ and “how do you pray?…he didn’t answer…again, it could be enlightening to some or maybe it doesn’t matter…maybe evangelicals are so blinded by politics now that he could say he’s an atheist and it wouldn’t matter.

instead he answered how evangelicals see him for which you and i agree, he’s adopted their support just like anyone would garnering votes…yes, anyone and everyone because he’s no outsider.
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So you’re going with “The RNC is making Biden confused and walk like that”?
Not at all. It's obvious to everyone that the man is aging. That's about all you hear anymore. But the right is so scared of Trump losing and Joe Biden being reelected that they have to negatively influence the facts to ensure that the cult members keep guzzling the Kool-Aid.
Not at all. It's obvious to everyone that the man is aging. That's about all you hear anymore. But the right is so scared of Trump losing and Joe Biden being reelected that they have to negatively influence the facts to ensure that the cult members keep guzzling the Kool-Aid.

What’s good for the goose…
This is part of the equation that I think all the haters tend to simply ignore and fail to ask the appropriate question. When they say anybody but trump, they really should be asking 8 years of Kamala instead of 4 years of Trump? Some who are not so deeply infected would likely change their outlooks.
this is what I keep trying to include in many of my posts, especially the recent ones with @strummingram. Rebooting Biden with an even more senile version is bad enough, given the completely unmistakable disaster that his presidency has been. But you'd have to be an absolute fool to not be even more leery of his passing the reins to that giggling moron who would build a superhighway to Guatemala with free bus service and institute a national minimum wage of 25 dollars an hour, among all manor of other ultralib absurdities.

Hate as they will on Trump, they willfully completely forget to discuss the alternative WHEN THAT IS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. It isn't about Trump, it's about Trump or Biden. We aren't in some cult, we are desperately hoping enough Americans will come to their senses and help avoid the greater disaster we have in store.

I will give @blazers credit for being the ONE trying to defend Biden, as biased and one-sided as his excuses have been. At least he acknowledges that the coin has two sides.
I really don't go out of my way.

You're the one that lives on here, writing novellas and cashing in on every 50 cent word you can find. Acting like the four horsemen are galloping around.
I'm surprised you get internet in the cave you live in.
You wouldn't have cleaner water if it wasn't for "libs" and you would be breathing heavily polluted air...
I'm going to give you this one, even with the hyperbole. I just wish it wasn't that we could breathe somewhat cleaner air and drink somewhat cleaner water as the country itself chokes to death while it goes down the drain.
and what a surprise, he glibly avoids any real answer to anything ever..

BTW, what is it with you and 'big words'? If you have such good internet service, use it to improve your vocabulary and while you're at it, become more aware of the outside world. Sorry, but maybe you should try to lessen your limitations, because I'm not going to accommodate(oops) them.
8 years of Kamala Harris??? No way, no day. She could never win as the primary candidate.
she would succeed to the first 3 1/2 years. After that, if voters are stupid enough to re-elect Biden, they're stupid enough to re-elect that idiot.
Kamala (who support environment, education, strong economy, and healthcare) OR autocrat dictator who surrounds himself with cons & grifters, who thinks he is the expert on everything but is influenced by Fox & Friends and any grifter that panders to him...
Kamala, the moronic gigglepuss who talks like she's teaching kindergarten; or Trump, whose term in office bears little resemblance to the picture you draw and was all-in-all actually a very good job for us. Yeah that there's a tough one.
He's not a Christian. He's an ally of Christians. If LGBTQs can have non-participating allies, can't Christians?
excellent point and post. I'm not religious but I fully support those who are as long as they don't try to turn the government into the Church of Christ or whatever.. If I'm conversing with a customer and the customer says 'I'll pray for you' just because I said I have a hangnail, I just say 'thank you'. I don't laugh and say 'save your breath, I don't think God cares about my hangnail'. That doesn't make me a pusher of religion or a panderer to it..

The lefties hate religion, so they do what they always do....characterize a private practice they don't care for as something being imposed on them. Of course, someone will pipe up and say 'oh you mean like you do with LGBQT?'. I say LGBQT is fine with me as long as it's kept private (see above) and they aren't trying to turn the government into an advocate (see above).
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There isn't much to spin. Trump and the pubs want to LIMIT access to contraception. Well, Trump just wants to appease anyone that licks his boot, which includes anti-contraception useful idiots.

And they did it in the past also
^^^^ liblies, as usual...

"Republicans dismissed the legislation as a political ploy by Democrats and opposed what they saw as overly broad language that could be interpreted to include some abortion-related medications.

"It's not a serious attempt to legislate this is just a show vote in anticipation of the election," said Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican who is running to become the Senate Republican leader this fall. "Democrats think they can win this case, this election based on reproductive rights and somehow they're suggesting that contraception is in jeopardy, which is just blatantly false." "
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I hate to spoil your fun, but most Americans the past few decades are voting AGAINST someone rather than for someone. Trump only won his first round cuz he was AGAINST Clinton.
there is much truth in that, but as I have posted before, I actually voted FOR Trump after initially calling his candidacy a clown show. I believe that that was a fairly general feeling among those who voted for him.
So, other than you falsely claiming they "want to LIMIT access to contraception", where is the beef? Instead of an article from a lib msm network featuring election year quotes from Dbag Schumer, show us where this has actually happened. People have access and that hasn't changed. This is an election year ploy and nothing else. They are solving a non-existent problem with this proposed legislation and backdooring abortion drug access under the pretense of "contraception". And, you are doing a Kamala, swallowing it down to the last drop.
it's a typical dem endeavor, wasting their time and our money to create politically compelling 'show' bills designed to make republicans look bad for calling bullshit and displaying plain common sense.
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Well, that's batting .500 I guess. You had it going on in the first sentence, went down looking at a called third strike with the second. Sadly, this isn't baseball.
I'm going to have to look up the meaning of 'vast', right after I look up 'majority'.
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They said the same thing about abortion. Virginia passed a bill to ensure access to contraception but the VA's gov Youngkin veto'd it. The gop maga is moved by extremists, and right-wing extremists want limits on contraception... no spin. Bonus - they want to make all porn illegal too! Big Government in bedrooms!
porn has gotten out of hand
and what a surprise, he glibly avoids any real answer to anything ever..

BTW, what is it with you and 'big words'? If you have such good internet service, use it to improve your vocabulary and while you're at it, become more aware of the outside world. Sorry, but maybe you should try to lessen your limitations, because I'm not going to accommodate(oops) them.
Wtf kind of "real" answer were you expecting to this lame-ass shit?
I'm surprised you get internet in the cave you live in.
Would the EPA be a thing if Nixon had his way? Look at the record of current and past repubs. Keowee river would be sludge if repubs had been the ruling party long-term. Bonus: you probably wouldn't have access to contraception :)
I think Nixon was responsible for creating the EPA, dude. In fact, I'm sure it was him. So, it is a thing because Nixon got his way. It's even been used as a criticism because Republicans are not supposed to grow government.
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Have you visited that site?
This is Heritage's project. The same ones flying the American Flag upside down... and the same ones who are influencing the sycophants and grifters who will fill Trump's cabinet.

Fortunately, Trump ruins everything, so he won't be able to execute that plan fully even if he was able to eek out a win.
How do you know it's not just some kind of leftwing propaganda created just to scare people?